Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Thursday, 13-May-1999

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Thu, 13-May-99 1:25:06 PM PDT

Our story begins in the hospital where Chris is eavesdropping on Matt and Ellen. Matt reassures Ellen she was indeed a good friend to dear departed Seb (Tammy wipes away an EASY tear). Chris offers his condolences and as Matt and Ellen wander off, he flashesbackis (even my Chris has the flashback fever) to overhearing Seb and Ellen discuss making love. Chris wonders if Matt knows this bit of information (I wonder how he intends to use it).

Speaking of wondering, Kevin from Eve's hospital room is wondering where Lucy is - and Victor has no fast answer for him. Scott wonders how Eve is and Kevin assures Victor Eve is just fine - in fact she is so fine he decides to head to NY to join in the search for Lucy (yes yes yes!). Victor - and I - are thrilled.

Wondering about Lucy and DV? Well wonder no more, they are on the couch all cozy and touchy-feely. She wants to stay "home" with DV complete with slippers, tea, and snuggling. After a few moments of gooey talk, she decides to forego the slippers and the tea and they begin the sucking face part.

Kevin is wondering if Eve will be okay - she will be she insists - and Kevin leaves. Chris wonders where "Dudley Do Right" is off to and doesn't seem to be too upset he's going out of town. Eve wants to tell Ellen the latest Lucy news, but Chris has bad news for her. Eve is devastated about Sebby's death, her EASY dreams disappearing on a writer's whim. Sigh.

Karen wonders if there is anything she could do to help and Ellen repays her by telling her the nifty Seb advice about not wasting time with loved ones (gee I bet that's the first time Karen has heard that sentiment - oops it must be because she gets this stricken look on her face.) And look the gang is all here - Joe finds Janelle on a street corner (wow what an original place to find a hooker) and demands she be truthful about what happened. She oh so graciously agrees to tell Karen the truth - and Chris is not our only resident eavesdropper as Frank appears from the shadows (it was a class they both attended - Eavesdropping 101 - because all confidential things are always discussed out in the open)

Frank congratulates Janelle on a job well done. DV barks an order on the phone for another false passport for "Eve" after which Lucy wonders about part of a train set that DV claims is all that is left from a set his father gave him when he was five (what a touching story!). Lucy still feels a child connection. She knows having a child was important to her. DV has yet another gift - fuzzy slippers (pet rocks, fuzzy slippers - the men of PC really know how to romance a lady )

Lucy promises to put on the fuzzy slippers and nothing else when Scott and Victor barge in. DV scurries Lucy off while his goons do some roughhousing (where is Mr. big when you need him?) Victor and Scott are kicked out. Lucy thinks she has heard a familiar voice. Lucy has a flash of Scott. DV wants them to leave NY. Ellen pays a visit to Eve and discuss Eve's illness and Seb's death. Ellen thinks she may have broken Seb's heart. Eve is all kindness and good thoughts. Ellen has flashbackitis too - and we see her and Seb kissing again. She realizes how much she loves Matt.

Chris wonders how happy Matt is to "eliminate his competition." Matt thinks Chris has sunk to new lows and he points out Ellen and Seb were just friends. That misconception makes Chris a very happy boy. Joe informs Karen he has found his waytoofriendly prostitute who will tell her the truth. And Janelle - all noble - says though she is willing to sleep with men for money that lying is beneath her (hehehe) and that she and Joe only did it a couple of times - Karen is past upset - Joe is past upset - and Frank gleefully pays off the money for nothing Janelle.

Chris comes to tuck in Eve as Sir Kevy is looking for Lady Lucy (way to go Kevy if I haven't mentioned that before ) Since Kevin won't help Chris get into Ferncliff, Chris wonders if Ellen can. Eve wonders suspiciously why Ellen would ever want to help Chris out. Kevin is headed to the airport, Victor and Scott are watching the building, Kevin is gonna call Mac and get a rush on a search warrant (hey Eve- this is Norma calling) DV and Lucy are packing are ready to go.

As am I - I am outta here gang -


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