Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 19-May-1999

Posting date: Wed, 19-May-99 10:01:40 AM PDT

Hi fellow PC fans,

Let me get this mini rant out first. There was no Matt today. I don't like being Matt free. I know he's going to be on tomorrow, only I don't have the update. At least I get to watch in real time. Thank you for letting me get that out.

Here's today's update:

Victor is looking for some good words to say at his upcoming wedding to Mary. Courtney tells Frank that she has some dirt to destroy Chris and Eve's friendship. Karen tells Eve that she's not going to be a bridesmaid. She also told Eve that she and Joe broke up. Eve tells Karen to let Mary decide. (Karen, stay as far away from the Scanlons as possible). Kevin and Victor are still looking for wedding vows. (I love mangos). Joe and Neil show up for their fitting. They're wearing matching jackets and ties. (Neil's look too small to me). Eve and Karen show up. Mary doesn't look thrill to see Karen. Karen asks Mary if she would be comfortable if she wasn't in the wedding party. Mary tells her that it would be best. (Why don't you just shout what you really mean, Mary). Mary tells Karen that she's sorry that her and Joe's relationship ended. (Please, she's trying her best not to do a happy dance). Mary informs Courtney that Karen has dropped out of the wedding party.

Kevin and Victor are still searching for wedding vows. (Gee, you think that maybe Victor don't want to marry Mary?) Run Victor!!! Victor is still reeling from the breakup of his first marriage. Kevin offers some words of wisdom to Victor. (What a nice son). Frank shows up for his fitting. Mary asks Courtney to take Karen's place in the wedding party. She accepts. (Love the looks on Frank and Karen's faces. Especially Frank's. It was priceless).
Courtney tells Joe that Karen dropped out of the wedding party and that she's taking her place. Frank shows up at the hospital with ice cream for Karen. Eve looks on suspiciously at Frank. Victor finally finds the wedding vows he wants. He's happy. Mary shows up at the lighthouse and tells Victor to return his tux and that the wedding is off.

The End.

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