Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Thursday, 20-May-1999

Author: laura
Posting date: Sat, 22-May-99 6:20:41 AM PDT

Sorry for not doing the update sooner,I've been really busy.
So here it is.

The show opens with Mary the b**ch telling Victor that the wedding is off because of some kind of argument between him and the priest.Kevin is also there.They talk about it and mary the b**ch insists that the wedding is off.

Matt goes to see Ellen.She gets a phone call from the airline which Sebastian was using.Sehe goes in the other room.

Chris,at the hospital,gets a call from psycho Julie,She says
"Hi honey,miss me?"

Opening sequence

They talk about this and that.They talk about who will take care of the baby.

At the lighthouse,Eve arrives saying"I'm free!"while everyone else there
fells miserable.They think of places to get married but miss Mary the
B**CH doesn't want it any other way than in a church.She finally leaves to the hospital.Victor blaims himself for the B**CH being mad.Kevin and Eve say they will find a way for them to be married.

Ellen gets off the phone and says she has to go to the airline for a frate because of Sebastians body.Matt and Ellen talk about why they broke up.Sghe says that she never wanted to hurt him.Matt goes with her to the airline.

A girl(maybe Jynelle)asks Christo check her up because she doesn't want to go to the ER.

Victor,Kevin and Eve talk about where to have the wedding,Kevin suggests outside.Victor loves the idea and leaves right away.

Matt and Ellen are back from the airport.She thanks him for coming.
they talk again.They tell each other other they love each other.

Eve has her bridesmaid dress,she trips in the coffee table and they find
(K&E)old surveillance photos.

Victor brings Mary the B**CH at the place he wants to be married.She loves it.

Chris calls Julie and tells her he found a nanny(Jynelle).

The show ends here.
See you guys later


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