Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Friday, 21-May-1999

Author: RamseyFan
Posting date: Fri, 21-May-99 3:14:20 PM PDT

Today on Port Charles, it was a BEAUTIFUL day in the neighborhood! Chris was on, Victor was on, and we had fantasies and SHIRT-FREE FRIDAY!!!!!!!!! Of course, there were some nasty things too, like that icky Wonder Twins scene, but since I'm doing the update never fear, that will be all but ignored!

The show begins with everybody's hero, Victor Collins, calling his wife-to-be, Mary the psycho-b*tch from hell who doesn't deserve Victor and I really feel sorry for him but oh well, I'm not writing this stuff, to say good morning. Victor's such a sweetie! Kevin comes downstairs and Victor says he has to go somewhere. And that's the last we see of him for this episode.

Courtney is in the kitchen rushing around trying to organize things, and Frank comes downstairs. His shirt is WIDE OPEN!!!!!!!! Excuse me while I DROOL for a moment or two. Okay, done drooling. Usual Frank and Courtney banter occurs --- I LOVE these two together!

At the firehouse, we see Lucy and Scott. Scott tells Lucy that THEY should be the ones walking down the aisle. Lucy goes to get ready for the wedding, and we see Scott pull out a box, inside of which is an engagement ring.

And now, the moment we've all been waiting for . . . . drumroll, please . . . . . the arrival of one Dr. Chris Ramsey!!!!!!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!! Yes, seeing Chris ALWAYS makes my day! He's walking down the stairs at GH, looking SO HOT, and he's being paged. He goes to the phone, and it's Julie. These two are a riot, calling each other names like "poopsie" and "lovebug". Julie has a plan to get Chris to be allowed to see her again. She wants Chris to plant drugs in the car of an orderly that works at Ferncliffe, and he'll get caught with them, she'll say he was stealing them from her drug supply (which she hasn't been taking due to the baby), and that he's the one who gave Julie the scissors and Chris will be cleared. Chris is afraid -- too risky, he could go to jail. Julie says he's smart and he won't get caught.

Okay, and as if it wasn't enough for us to be treated to Chris Ramsey on our screen, we're now back to the Scanlon house, where Frank is FULLY SHIRTLESS now!!!!!!!!!! What a BEAUTIFUL man he is, too!!!!!!!!!!!! Once again, excuse me while I DROOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, where was I? Whaddya mean there was DIALOGUE in this scene? Funny -- all I noticed was Frank SHIRTLESS!!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine that! Just kidding -- I did get the dialogue. But trust me, it was a struggle! Mary called, and asked Frank to find some handkerchief or something for her to carry. The details are kind of fuzzy, seeing as how Frank was SHIRTLESS and all and I was distracted. Frank and Courtney begin to talk about marriage. If I were Courtney, I'd be ripping Frank's clothes off by now, and with him being SHIRTLESS and all that wouldn't take very long. But I never said Courtney was a very bright woman or anything. Although she HAS had sex with the two hottest men on the show so far! Some girls have all the luck! Well, Frank and Courtney start to fantasize about what it would be like married to each other. This is a SCREAM -- Courtney fantasizes about being in a prison outfit, with a ball and chain wrapped around her ankle, cooking Frank dinner and him yelling at her like a neanderthal. Frank fantasizes about coming home and finding Courtney draped in a fur coat, the house FILLED with department store packages, asking for more money. You know, these two are just AMAZING together -- why oh why can't TIIC let them be paired up! I miss their hot love scenes and I LOVE watching them spar -- sounds like true love to me, folks!

At the firehouse, Lucy comes downstairs carrying Sigmund. Serena says that while she was gone he would only eat Froot Loops. Lucy's not too happy about that. They go into the kitchen. Scott privately takes out the engagement ring and hides it in a rose.

Back at GH, Chris has his own fantasy -- this woman comes into his apartment, she's about 5'6", medium build, shoulder length brown hair, and she just proceeds to rip his clothes off and make mad, passionate love to him, and --- oh wait, that's MY fantasy. Sorry. Anyway, Chris' real fantasy, or should I say nightmare -- this is TOO funny! Chris imagines himself in jail, begging to be let out. Julie comes by, dressed like Elvira (LMAO!) and pushing a baby carriage that's black and has a carousel of knives dangling above it! Julie taunts him, then pulls her baby out of the carriage to talk to it -- it's just a pillow! She then offers him a bag that has his lunch -- she says it's body parts from Eve, Joe and Lucy -- then she says she's just kidding! Chris doesn't want it -- Julie says "Don't you trust me?" I was in HYSTERICS over this! Too freaking funny!

At Mary's apartment, she and Audrey are talking about the wedding. Frank comes in, and gives Mary a gift -- a locket with pictures of him and Joe. Very sweet.

And now we interrupt this program to bring you the following information -- where this paragraph is, if this update had been done by someone who gives a rat's patootie and isn't nauseated by this, you would have found a mini K'Eve'in moment. But, since I'm doing the update, we're gonna skip past that, and save our lunches. We now return you to your regularly scheduled update.

At the firehouse, Karen comes over. She tries to avoid the topic of Joe around Serena. Scott comes downstairs and they find Sigmund eating the rose that Scott put the ring in. OH NO!

At GH, Chris calls Julie. He refuses to plant the drugs (good boy, Chris!). Julie is LIVID -- she threatens Chris and says that if she gets out of Ferncliffe she'll come after him. He's not afraid, and hangs up on her. Which can only mean that Julie will PROBABLY escape from Ferncliffe now -- run for your life, Chris!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I mean that!!!!!!!!!

At the wedding site, Victor is nowhere to be found. Kevin goes off to try and find him.

Scott is on the phone with someone, trying to figure out how to get a ring out of a duck, LOL! He looks at Siggy and says "You're in big trouble!" Lucy is trying to find Serena's shoe. She looks under the couch, and finds the ring instead! She tells Scott it looks like an engagement ring. Scott says that's what it is.

And the show is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading -- I have the update Monday too, so I get to continue the wedding festivities!


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