Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 31-May-1999

Author: key_north
Posting date: Mon, 31-May-99 12:00:22 PM PDT

At the beginning of today's show, Kev & Eve were sitting at a bar. I assume it was at the club where they held Lee & Gail's anniversary party, because Kev & Eve were discussing the fact that DV had Scott arrested right in the middle of the party. Then, DV came up to them & made some snide comment. After he walked off, Eve decided to go to the ladies' room & splash some water on her face. But, she met up with her Guardian Angel; Ernie, who used fairy tales to show Eve's past, present, & future.
The 1st fairy tale (actually, I think it's a nursery rhyme) was "Humpt-Eve Dumpty." Eve complained, because she wanted to be Sleeping Beauty, not an egg. But, alas, Eve *was* an egg, sitting on a wall, talking to Victor, who was dressed as a....Well, I think he was some sort of tree, but I'm not sure. In any event, he was a welcome addition to the story. DV, the dark cloud, struck Humpt-Eve Dumpty with lightning & she fell off the wall. Three kings, Kevin ("King Shrink"), Scott ("S.B., King of the Road") & Chris ("El-Chris", a great Elvis impersonation, btw!) came along, but they were unable to put Humpt-Eve Dumpty together again. Kevin ("King Shrink") handed her a mirror, & she realized that she had put her life back together in the past, & she could again.
The 2nd fairy tale was "The Emperor's New Clothes." Victor was the court jester. Emperor DV, of the land of I-Am-the-Boss-of-You was looking for someone to make a suit out of beautiful fabric. Eve & Kevin were townspeople. Kevin had designed some lovely fabric, which the emperor rejected. But, Eve got an idea. She told DV that she had created a suit out of magical fabric, which would appear to be invisible by someone who was ignorant. Of course, Emperor DV, wanting everyone to think him brilliant, said the "fabric" was magnificent & wonderful. But, when he came out wearing only his underwear, the townspeople laughed & made fun of him, & he ran away in shame. From this, Eve learned that even though DV may try to intimidate her, she shouldn't sell herself short.
The 3rd fairy tale, DVStiltskin, took place in "The Fairy Tale Zone," (Nolan North/Chris did a Fabulous Rod Serling impression as the narrator!) Eve's father had boasted that she could spin straw into gold, which was false. She would be killed if she didn't spin the straw into gold, so DV was doing it for her. In exchange for doing this, he wanted her 1st born child, to which she agreed. Meanwhile, Prince Kevin asked her to marry him. Time passed, & Eve & Prince Kevin had a child. When DV came to take the child, Eve protested, & DV told her he'd give her 3 days to guess what his name was. If she could guess his name, she could keep her child. For 2 days, she tried to discover his name. Finally, 1 of the servants, Frank, (looking more handsome than I have EVER seen him!!!) came & told Eve that he had seen DV dancing by the fire, & had heard his name. He whispered it in Eve's ear. When DV came to get the baby, Eve said his name was "Ribbledith." DV told her that he only let Frank think that was his name, because he knew that if Eve thought she had the answer, she'd quit searching. So, since she didn't guess his name, the baby was his. At this point, Eve stopped Ernie, & said that was an awful ending. Ernie tore out the page, handed Eve the book, & told her that if she didn't like the ending, she should write a new one. At this, Kevin asked Eve if she still wanted to go splash some water on her face, & Eve snapped back to reality. She told Kevin that she knows that whatever comes along, she can handle it.

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