Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Friday, 11-Jun-1999

Author: laura
Posting date: Sun, 27-Jun-99 8:03:58 AM PDT

Sorry posting this update so late.But here it is.

-Jynell gives chris Christina back as Eve looks on.
-Kevin asks Victor questions about his phony passeport as Bill Dyson.
-Scott asks DV questions about what hapened in Algeria.
-Chris doesn't want Christina back so he gives Jynell money for her to take care of the baby.
-Victor tells Kevin that is false indentifications is because he couldn't have any credit cards as Victor but Kevin is suspicious.
-Scott and Lucy still question DV about the Dress
line and what hapened in Algeria.
-Kevin has a flashback of when he and Eve found a book of codes.He calls Bill Dyson's number and Victor answers but then fakes his voice.
-Karen calls Frank for her pager.Jynell arrives and asks frank for money.
-Eve questions chris about the baby and Jynell.
-DV tells scott that he lost meg to lloyd so scott will pay for it.
-Jynell leaves and Karen arrives and questions frank about her.

That's all.

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