Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Thursday, 24-Jun-1999

Author: Beth-Anne
Posting date: Fri, 25-Jun-99 3:38:04 PM PDT

This update is my third and it might be opinionated. But I mean no offence to anyone.


Lucy & Christina's GH Adventure!
It might help if you plug it in!
Neil's sad news!



As Eve and Kevin were headed into the elevator..

(insert Twilight Zone music here)

...they run into Lucy who has Baby Christina in the ever present carrier. Kevin asks Lucy what she is doing with Christina. Lucy said that she was the *abandoned* baby at the Nurses Ball. Lucy said they were just at GH for a little check up. Kevin told Lucy that "Christina could not be in better hands."

(Gee, Doc saying that in front of your current galpal takes guts. But I am glad you and Lucy are on speaking terms again!)

Then when Lucy was asking a nurse to page Alan Q. to tell him that mommy and child are here for their check up, Chris notices the carrier and as subtly as he could asks who she was babysitting for? Lucy said she did not know and that she does not want to know. She goes on to tell him that Scott and her are filing for temporary custody of the sweet child.

Then Alan comes and they go have the tests. After the tests Lucy and Alan and Chrissy are entering the lobby on what I believe is the 6th floor. Alan tells her [Lucy] that she is a "Godsend to her." Lucy is touched.

Later Scott comes and tells her they have been granted temporary custody of Chrissy.



Eve is trying to make copies and cannot get the machine to work. Up walks Kevin and says in a way that only he can.."It might help if it was plugged in!"

(Gosh he is cute when he is being sarcastic!!)

Eve turns and asked why he was there. He said to get some more information for his new book.

(TammyR does not that sound like flirting to you?)

He asks her to lunch.At lunch she is thinking about the baby she had who died.

She is still badmouthing Lucy who (IMO) did not think and innocently blurted it out.

Kevin agreed she should not have said it. Then he tells her he wants to move it to the next level.


Eve asked if the level meant kids, a cottage and a picket fence? Kevin said yes.

(Okay is it me or is this the woman who oh about two months ago said she did NOT want children? Eve, make up your mind girl!)

But the question he asked her was. If she would go on a vacation with him. She said yes.

Later Kevin shows up with the tickets. Eve is oh so proud of herself for getting the machine working.

Kevin describes what they can do on the island. Let's just say that there will be a lot of horizontal dancing going on!
If you know what I mean!

(Think of the dance on the race car bed! *disappointed sigh*)



The tests came back and said that Neil is in remission. (Poor little guy!)

Neil is completely unnerved by this news. He is upset because he cannot go to school.

(There is DEFINATELY something wrong with this kid. Most kids would want to SKIP school.)

Neil asks Joe if Karen can treat him. Karen tells him yes. Later Neil is discharged and Courtney falls apart at the seams.

That is it.

See ya


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