Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 12-Jul-1999

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Mon, 12-Jul-99 6:03:45 PM PDT

Fathers And Sons

If you missed today's episode, you missed some great acting and some powerful moments. Oh - and a special thanks to TPTB for finally addressing the issue of DV raping Lucy. Now there are one or two other things I would like you to fix

Our episode begins with DV and Scott still facing off. DV taunts Scott about sleeping with Lucy. Scott doesn't have time for DV and his nonsense, all his attention right now is focused on Lee. DV doesn't take the hint and leave though, he continues on and offers to take Lucy off Scott's hands (gee we don't think of women as objects do we DV?) Scott points out in no uncertain terms that DV, being the lowlife form that he is, forced himself on Lucy. Lucy overhears.

Meanwhile, Kevin's day isn't going any better. In fact, it is far far worse. Zorin removes the sheets, and lying there - deathlike pale - is Victor. Kevin tears up, looking at his father behind the glass.

DV still won't leave, continuing to attempt to torment Scott and Lucy. DV insists that Lucy did indeed consent - with her body and with her soul. Scott, quickly losing control over his temper, points out that Lucy was helpless. Face it, says a very delusional and/or desperate DV, Lucy and I are in love. Scott totally loses it when DV starts in on Lee - grabbing him and ready to inflict grievous bodily harm (go Scott go!). Lucy however, realizes Scott has much to lose if he follows his instincts and steps between them, reminding Scott of what is important - Lee, Gail, Serena, Christina, Karen - her. Scott releases DV and shouts at him that he never had Lucy and he never will. DV leaves.

Scott reassures Lucy that sleeping with DV wasn't her fault and that she did nothing wrong. Karen, Gail and Serena arrive - it's time to take Lee to surgery. Amy is watching Christina (and probably questioning her for any gossip the baby can coo out). Lee is wheeled out. You look terrible, Lee tells his family. Scott tells Lee that he gets to be the hero. Serena says that she is stubborn, she gets it from Scott and Scott gets it from Lee. Be stubborn, Scott advises Lee. Gail tells Lee that she loves him and will see him soon.

Gail is on the verge of breaking down, Scott hugs her and she goes to take Serena to buy Lee a present. Zorin informs a stunned Kevin and Eve that Victor died of a massive stroke and that since neither of the doctors are licensed to practice medicine there they cannot examine the body until it gets back to the US. Victor died all alone, in a dark alley, and it was a long time before he was found. He also had apparently been robbed - no passport, no ID, nothing was found on him.

Kevin begins to lose his temper when no answers are forthcoming. Eve convinces him to go back to the hotel where they can discuss things. Kevin does, but not before he gives Zorin a hard, cold angry look (Wow! Kevy all dark!) Excuse me while I pause that frame and drool a bit -

Okay, I'm back. Joe and Karen discuss the surgery and discuss the old days - way back when they were interns together just starting out. Karen is glad that Joe is assisting with Lee's operation. You're awfully quiet, Scott tells Lucy, want chocolate? Lucy, clearly not herself, declines. She is worried that the actions of "Eve White" were partly her fault. Scott advises her to press charges against DV but Lucy is worried about all the publicity and Serena finding out. Do what is right for you, Scott urges. He points out again that nothing that happened was Lucy's fault. He wants Lucy to be happy about herself. Lucy promises to make the right choice for herself.

Kevin searches the hotel room for a phone book so he can call Mary. Eve is more worried about Kevin and his lack of emotion. Kevin reminds Eve that he is a Collins - stiff upper lip and all that jazz. Eve urges Kevin not to stifle his emotions the way that Victor did. Kevin crumbles. He cries that he just got used to having Victor - and his accordion - in his life. Kevin is determined to find out what really happened. Someone murdered Victor and he's going to find out who did it and why.

Gail, Scott, Lucy and Serena wait for news and desperately try to make small talk. Scott almost loses his temper with Serena and has to walk away. Lucy tries to tell him how important it is that he carry on but all Scott can focus on his Lee being cut open in the operation room. Eve points out to Kevin that a stroke is a very hard thing to miss. Kevin isn't convinced an autopsy was even done. He has a kazillion questions about the mysterious Mr. Zorin. Eve agrees to break in the morgue with Kevin.

Kevin warns Eve that he may end their partnership soon - if trouble seems likely. He wants to make sure that his father did not die in vain.

That's it folks! Is Victor really dead? I hope not - but I guess we'll have to stay tuned to find out -


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