Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 13-Jul-1999

Author: RamseyFan
Posting date: Sat, 17-Jul-99 2:05:46 PM PDT

At GH, everyone is waiting for the outcome of Lee's surgery. Karen comes out, and says it'll be awhile longer, cause there were complications.

Julie calls Chris and leaves him a message -- she wants to oust Lee as her guardian ASAP.

Oh goody, the highlight of the day, a Kevin and Eve scene. (Note my sarcastic tone.) The dynamic duo break into the morgue, and have to pretend to be stiffs, since a couple of morgue attendees walk in. One of the morgue attendees looks at Eve's ‘corpse' and says, in Italian, how beautiful she is, as is required of every man in a scene with Eve Lambert, even when she's dead. Must be in her contract, I guess.

Julie and Chris are on the phone -- Julie asks Chris about Christina, and yaps about how she hopes Lee will keel over and all that nice stuff. Whatta gal!

The Baldwins are informed that Lee is out of surgery.

Jethro, er, I mean JOE and Karen talk to Scott -- Scott thanks him for saving Lee. He also apologizes for thinking that Joe was a sex pervert or something.

Chris and Julie are on the phone (does Julie EVER run out of phone change?) plotting their next step on how to get Julie out of the nuthouse.

The morgue men finally leave, and Kevin and Eve go to find Victor's body. But it's NOT Victor -- it's the pharmaceutical rep they met on the plane.

The Baldwins go in to see Lee.

Julie talks to Darren Leopold, and he says he'll do what she asks. Julie has a twisted fantasy about Lucy dying, and taking Christina.

Chris and Darren talk -- Darren wants Chris to go see Greg Cooper. Chris' jaw about drops to the floor.

K'Eve'in get caught in the morgue by the morgue guys.

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