Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 21-Jul-1999

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Wed, 21-Jul-99 4:06:09 PM PDT

Neil is suffering from pains in his back and wants to shave off his hair - ala Obi Wan - before losing it all. Courtney advises him to wait. As Mary leads Neil off to his latest round of chemo, Courtney compliments Neil's bravery as Joe compliments Courtney's. Karen witnesses Courtney's touching request to Joe to make Neil better. Julie tells Chris she is delighted about the guardianship hearing and the overthrowing of Lee. Scott presents Lee with a copy of the pre-nup which he plans to use to prove Julie doesn't know what the heck she is doing.

Lee asks Scott about his anger re DV. Tammy (and I still want to thank tptb for naming a virgin hooker wise beyond her blondness after me ) pays a visit to Lucy to check up on Christina as she inadvertedly hooked them up. Lucy is taking calls from her employees at Deception (and gee I bet you thought that Don ran the whole company). Tammy has brought a dress that Christina can wear next year. Lucy wonders if Christina will still be there. More phone calls - busy, busy, Lucy has had no time to hire help. Karen asks Joe about not telling Mary about naughty Franky boy - he's waiting until she's had a chance to deal with the disappearing bridegroom.

Mary gives Karen the icy treatment - and Karen who apparently has never learned how to leave well enough alone - tells Mary she knows how hard Neil being sick must be on her. Mary is polite (for her - to Karen anyway) but unappreciative of Karen's concern. The who-will-take-care-of-Julie (gee I know I would be standing in line to take charge of her life) hearing begins. Julie questions Lee's competency and character, Scott questions Chris's ethics (what nerve LOL) and character and Julie's lack of mental health. Leopold accuses Lee of assault.

A stranger comes to visit Lucy - oops I forgot that's Lark silly me. Lark coos over little Christina (who is, no doubt, an adorable baby.) Lark knows cute little baby tricks which impresses Tammy (I would make a comment about how easy that must be - but I guess I'll let that one slide). Tammy suggests to Lucy that Lark was universe sent (really that's what she said - would I make this stuff up?). Gail and Karen discuss Lee, Neil and the lack of quality time with Joe.

Joe informs Karen the chemo isn't working. Karen - who still hasn't learned a thing - goes to be nice to Courtney who isn't in the mood to be nice back. Karen praises Courtney's Mom skills. Scott accuses Chris of the heinous crime of loving Julie's money (and it really is a moot point that he happens to be right ). Scott very smartly brings up the fact that Julie is trying to be declared competent and win a new trial. Leopold is awarded custody of Julie (congratulations! it's a girl). Scott calls Lucy to complain about justice. Lucy leaves Christina in Lark's hands. Julie has all the sympathy in the world - well maybe in her little finger - to ouchy Scott who lost the case and will lose her little girl when she gets out. Joe promises a very distraught Courtney that they will not lose Neil as Karen watches. Lucy and Scott tell Lee and Gail that he lost the case. Scott wishes he no longer played by the rules - but Lee likes the straight and narrow Scott.Lucy tells Scott that all his girls consider him a winner. Scott intends to beat all of them - including DV.

And so it goes -

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