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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 27-Jul-1999

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Tue, 27-Jul-99 2:16:11 PM PDT

The episode starts with my guy Frank who I have promised to defend (hey don't make that face - you would too if you ever looked into those beyond gorgeous eyes - oh baby!) working really really hard at the Recovery Room. Well he was playing around with glasses. The Recovery Room is all remodelled - and I'm guessing without Mike's help since I haven't seen him on PC in a long, long time. Mary, Lark and Neil are duly impressed. Joe and Courtney are not so impressed. (The way the others were oohing and ahhing you would think Frank personally built the tables - oops I forgot I am supposed to defend him - yup Frankie boy deserved ALL the credit for the renovation.) Lucy is trying hard not to be devastated by the news that Christina's mother has stepped forward and is attempting to hold on to every bit of hope she can find.

Julie - big surprise here - is snarky toward Rachel. Rachel talks psycho babble very well but Julie ain't a-biting. Lucy and Scott discuss the possibility that the woman is and isn't Christina's mother and whether or not they might lose her. Courtney tries to cozy up to Joe but is displaced by Karen. Karen and Joe step outside where the atmosphere is friendlier. Karen and Joe discuss his not-so-brotherly feelings for Frank. Rachel appreciates how candid Julie is and Julie appreciates her other therapist Kevin ( as do I LOL). Rachel brings up Julie's witnessing of her brother's suicide. Lucy tearfully insists Christina is her daughter - hers and Scott's. Mac (who must have moved to PC 'cause that's where I see him all the time now) calls Scott and says the mystery woman is checking out. Scott decides to do some checking of his own. Julie discusses how traumatic it was to give up her pacifier with an unimpressed Rachel. Rachel comes back with the brilliant observation that Julie has a chip on her shoulder (not to mention several screws in dire need of tightening) and that Julie's mama hasn't come by Ferncliff for a visit. Julie discusses the oh so close bonds of motherhood. Rachel wants to bond with Julie - how kinky :). Rachel thinks Julie is innocent (and I have a few bridges I'd like to show her.) Rachel calls Chris! (Look my guy is on - and so wasted by waiting until the end of the show to show him - but he is looking fine as always). She agrees to help Julie and Chris sends her to PCPD where Julie's files await her. Julie tells Christina - I guess using the stars as her messenger - that she doesn't trust Rachel. Mary chides Karen for not being supportive of Frank. Joe sends Lark and Neil out of the room and then tells Mary the sad Frank saga (oops was that one of her sons taking a fall?) Joe tells Frank that he is nothing to him - and no longer his brother.

Courtney - very cowardlyish - stays out of the action as Joe lays out all the evidence against Frank. Mary begins to doubt Frank who begins to get all angryish. Frank makes the oh so smart move of quitting his job. Julie, on the phone that only exists for her benefit, tells Chris that Rachel has the eyes of a shark. Mac gives Rachel the files. Rachel bumps into Scott - and I am talking the literal sense here. He's in a hurry but she is smitten (uh - oh - can there be trouble coming in Firehouseville?) Mac tells the touching saga of how pseudo-Mommy has been looking for Christina. Mac tells Scott that it looks like they will have to give Christina up. Lucy tells Christina that it is time for them to go away.

And that's the way it was - honest!

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