Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 2-Aug-1999

Posting date: Mon, 02-Aug-99 5:57:26 PM PDT

Hi fellow PC fans:

I wasn't going to write this update but I changed my mind.

On today's show: Frank, MWD, Neil,
Scott, Lucy, Chris, Rachel, and the
return of Greg Cooper. YES!!! Most
importantly: NO KEVIN AND EVE TODAY!

Lucy learns that Mr. Blakewell is going to be at some charity fashion show giving by someone name Amanda Barrington. (I think I heard that name at the Nurses' Ball). Anyway, Lucy is determine to get a dress from the Serena line on that jerk's list. (Sorry, doesn't this guy have a real job? Who is he to judge what someone wears)? Lucy then learns that DV is going to preview his line and it's going to be modeled by Katherine Bell.

Chris and Rachel goes to visit Greg Cooper, determine to get him to admit that he committed the murders.

Courtney tells Frank that Neil is his son. Frank of course thinks she's lying. (Gee, it wouldn't be the first time. This girl seems to like playing musical dads. Perfect Ricki Lake guest). Frank likes the idea that he's Neil father. He wants to be the one to tell Mumbles. (Oh, love the fire in his eyes. I may have to rethink my stand about joining DOF). Of course, MWD doesn't want Frank to say anything. She offers him the money that Chris let her keep when the Chris learned that they took Julie's money. She wants him to give blood so she can switch it with Mumbles. Frank is determine to tell Neil the truth.

Scott and Lucy are determine to beat DV to the punch.

Finally we get the see the man I've been waiting for. (No, not Matt this time. That's asking too much). Greg Cooper. Rachel wants Greg to say that he committed the murders. Rachel is being her persuasive self. Chris is trying too. Greg isn't buying it. (Greg definitely has Chris' number).

Courtney is trying to convince Frank not to say anything to Neil. It would hurt him if he knew the truth. (Gee, Courtney, don't you mean that it would hurt you)? Neil comes downstairs to the kitchen with a neat little model plane. He says hi to his uncle Frank. Frank goes over to him and hugs him. (Ah, nice father/son moment). Neil then asks when his dad was coming home. Frank is visibly hurt. (I hurt for him. I wanted to give him a hug). Neil wants to show uncle Mumbles that he finished the plane and asked Frank not to say a word to him about it. Frank wants to tell Neil the truth so badly, but he tells him that it would be their little secret. He hugs Neil again.

Lucy plots revenge on Kathy Bell. She enlists Scott's help.

Courtney thanked Frank for not saying anything to Neil. Frank didn't want to see Neil hurt. But it doesn't mean he won't say anything to his brother. (Please let Frank tell Mumbles. I'll join DOF if he does). Frank decided to take the money Courtney offered him. She still wants his blood sample so she can switch it with Mumbles'.

Scott and Lucy plot to get Kathy Bell on Mr. Blackwell's worst dress list and make DV look like a complete fool. They are still trying to get close again. They feel they are ready and run upstairs to make whoopie.

Rachel still thinks she was successful with Cooper.

The End.

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