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Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 4-Aug-1999

Author: flapwoman
Posting date: Wed, 11-Aug-99 3:28:41 PM PDT

Frank plays with a model plane that Neil made. He tells Courtney that he could teach Neil better than Joe could. Courtney tells him to teach Neil about building models. Frank says it's not the same learning from an uncle as it is learning from a father. Courtney points out that he can be a father by taking the bone marrow tests. Neil comes into the kitchen. He is all itchy from the chemo treatments. Joe comes home and does a lot of physical teasing and playing with Neil. Frank watches with a jealous look on his face. Frank found a website he wants to show Neil, but Neil and Joe go online together. Every time someone mentions the word "father," there is a close-up of Frank reacting. Frank and Joe start to fight and "the truth" is mentioned. Courtney is afraid of what Frank might say and separates them. When Joe tells her about the blood work missing, Courtney tells Frank to go to the hospital and give his blood. First, he wants Courtney to give him Julie's money. Courtney is furious that he would ask at a time like this. He insists she misunderstood. He isn't putting a price on their son's health. He'll go tomorrow to give his blood. But how will Courtney switch the samples? He knows she can't get into the lab. Courtney says she has someone who will help - Chris Ramsey. Frank is afraid Chris might betray them. Courtney says Chris doesn't know Frank is the father. She knows Chris won't betray her because, if he does, she will tell Julie about the money. When Neil witnesses Frank and Courtney quarrelling, he asks Frank and Joe if everyone has been arguing because he is sick. Frank and Joe ban together and tell Neil that it has nothing to do with him and they declare a partial truce, saying the house is a "cease fire zone." Courtney and Neil go to wait outside for Joe before they go to a movie. Joe tells Frank he wants him to move out. Frank says he wouldn't do anything to hurt Neil.

On a plane home, Kevin tells Eve he can't believe that they came to Rome to find Victor but they're bringing him home in an urn. He hears Victor's voice calling "Monk" and looks all around for Victor. Realizing that Victor is not there, he goes into a daze. Eve tries to chat with him but he is unreachable. Finally he tells her he's thinking about Mary. She doesn't know Victor is gone. Eve says Victor and Mary were lucky to have each other even if it was only for a short while. Kevin looks out the window. When he looks back at Eve, he sees Victor instead. The image disappears and he sees Eve again. Eve asks what just happened. Kevin says he doesn't understand. They start to discuss the book that Eve is reading. Kevin gets a severe headache. He has flashbacks of his times with Victor over the last week. Eve wants him to get checked out as soon as they are back in Port Charles. Eve leaves her seat for a moment and Kevin envisions Victor sitting there, talking to him this time. When Eve returns, Kevin tells her about his visions of Victor.

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