Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 16-Aug-1999

Author: mefan
Posting date: Mon, 16-Aug-99 5:15:50 PM PDT

Frank isn't sure taking Neil to Victor's wake is the right thing. Joe isn't appreciative of Frank's Dr. Spock-ness. Frank starts to insist that Joe doesn't know half as much ...

Mary - and it's all her fault - enters to break up the dueling Scanlons.

Kevin admits he half expects to wake up from a coma - with the last month never happening. Uh - Kevy, if you wouldn't mind - can we go back a bit farther than that? Kevin has flashes of seeing Victor's body and being reunited with him. He feels that Victor is alive.

THE VOICE urges Victor to cooperate - and he'll get his medication. Victor turns to see - "the boy".

Courtney dumps a bunch of napkins on Karen - requesting that she fold them. Since she's in the asking mood - she asks Super Babysitter Lark to get Neil a snack.

Karen asks Matt - yes Matt!!! - where Ellen is. He has no idea - they're not together anymore. He muses that it's funny how he was trying to advise her on trusting Joe, and it turns out Ellen is the one who can't be trusted. Matt insists on taking over "napkin folding duty". Ellen arrives, saying it's so rare to find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Matt pronounces that it's too late.

Karen is displeased to see Frank. He says he won't take it personally. She remarks that he should. Joe returns, bearing water. Frank questions if Joe is her bodyguard. Joe asserts that she needs one, when he is around.

Neil is happy to see "Uncle Frank". Frank shows off his "magic quarter" trick, which Neil unforunately labels lame. Joe hurries Neil off to the kitchen, assuring Frank that he could never come between Neil and himself.

Kevin thanks Lucy for coming, looking a bit uncomfortable and forlorn as Mary and Eve fuss over Baby Christina. Their efforts win a big smile from Christina. Super Babysitter Lark is back in action, eager to take Christina into Mike's office. Well, at least we have Mike's office - even if we have no Mike! Lucy comments that as painful this is for her, it must be infinitely so for Kevin. He remarks that she has no idea. Scott joins the happy group - he shares his house-wrecking news.

Ellen confides in Lucy that she asked Matt for another chance, and he turned her down. Lucy urges her not to give up. Ellen makes mention of the window in his heart closing to her.

Mary tearfully thanks everyone for coming, and vows her love for Victor. Kevin takes his turn - the only way he can deal with this, is to imagine that Victor is still there. Victor believed in the great power of love. Kevin's lovely little speech is interrupted by the Scanlon boy's bickering. Frank states that Joe wants to know what kind of father he is - and he's going to tell him! Courtney stops Frank - casting a glance Neil's way.

Scott notes that Victor always liked a good argument. The elves must be stuck up a tree - cuz in waltzes Mac! He has bad news - no proof that DV trashed the firehouse.

A mysterious figure slithers under Lucy's car - proudly displaying "Serena" license plates - ominously holding a pair of pliers.

Joe offers to walk Karen to the hospital, but Courtney informs him Neil is ready to go home.

Lucy drives away in her car - uh-oh.

Mac sends K'Eve into a land of confusion - talking about Victor's autopsy and Eve's kidnapping. Kevy seems to think things are really interesting now!

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