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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 7-Sep-1999

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Tue, 07-Sep-99 4:17:38 PM PDT

Welcome to the wacky world of Port Charles. First of all, I missed the very beginning of PC due to the local news running over, so I begin not at the beginning but very close. Ms. Karen the nerdish housekeeper is still trying to divert DV's attention from herself. Just as DV is about to open the door -and gasp -discover Scott and Joe - he gets a ring ring ring on his cell phone. Phew that was close. It is from Scott curiously enough telling DV he is downstairs. DV snarls at our Ms. Karen and goes downstairs to look for Scott. Karen brings the cart into DV's room and orders the duo to hurry.

The wise old Judge (here comes the Judge, here comes the Judge) allows Kevin and Garcia to stay. Wow - talk about a dynamic duo don't they look good together? I will so miss my Garcia when he is gone. Rachel insists Kevin didn't treat the same Julie that is there now. Kevin declares - oh so psychiatrically - that Julie can't decide what is in her best interest. She has a history of abusive men in her life and has a fragile self-esteem. (Gee was it just me or did she not seem too fragile when she was bricking Lucy and Eve up in the wall?) Kevin then tells Chris that yes, he considers Chris abusive also. He is making Julie jump to any tune he whistles. Chris accuses Kevin of seeing Julie as a brain dead puppet.

Kevin continues, looking oh so good, by saying that Julie needs time to heal and that the marriage would be only victimizing her. Gracie brings up Julie's rampage and her momentous birth of a pillow. Rachel claims she is the first doctor to treat Julie that knows what Julie is all about and points out, and I hate to admit it but she does have a point, that Kevin can hardly be unbiased where the General Homicide murders are concerned. Kevin is being just as controlling as he claims all the people in Julie's life have been.

Kevin and Rachel - and let me tell you that they have great chemistry - I am not necessarily talking romantic but I love to hear them argue - debate influences and how Kevy just isn't being fair. Rachel goes on to say that Julie escaped only because she was unjustly imprisoned (only if you rewrite history). And then - okay try not to choke - she discusses the "innocent" love Chris and Julie share. I swear, she said that. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

She then concludes her great diatribe by saying that marriage would be the biggest step yet to Julie's full recovery. Kevin looks like he's stepped in something - oh say unpleasant.

Judge wants to know if Julie is Chris's project. No, all he wants to do is make her happy swears MY MAN Chris. Kevin thinks that all Chris wants to do is make Julie dependent. Garcia accuses Chris of being after Julie's money (how dare he! Hehehehehe).

Chris then gives a powerfully convincing speech about the connection he has felt for Julie from the first day they met - at the hostage ceremony conducted by Cooper. Chris is so very sincere. Julie smiles. Chris declares that he cares more about Julie than he has any other person in his life. (Excuse me while I wipe a tear away.) Julie can see right through him but still loves him, says Chris. He can handle anything as long as they are together and he will always love her.

Karen orders the Backstreet Boys - er Scott and Joe - into the cart. SuperKaren pushes the cart into the hallway and DV barks at her once more. Scott gleefully mentions the surprise he left for DV.

Julie can't understand how anyone else can presume to know what is in her heart. I have always known your strength assures Kevin. I have changed insists Julie. Kevin wants Julie to wait for the right man. Julie trusts what is in her heart. Julie points out there are lots of wealthy woman Chris could have (Hey Chris - I'll keep you up - I think I have 5 dollars in my purse ). Garcia - who is apparently uncrushed over Julie - points out the small detail that Julie is a serial killer. Chris believes in me, returns Julie. She remembers first meeting Chris and describes him as a smart alec (no! surely she jests) and a person who stood by what he believed in (that part is actually true.) He has been the one friend she could depend on and they have shared the best and worse moments of her life. Chris is her hero (cue the love song.)

Julie then makes the grand statement that if Chris wants her money; he can have it - even if they don't marry. As long as he is in her life forever, that is all that matters. She really wants to become Mrs. Chris Ramsey (I guess Dr. Julie Chris Ramsey is out of the question?) Scott thanks Joe and Zena-like Karen. He calls DV up and tells him to turn the TV on. DV is on TV! (I rhyme!!! I am a poet!). Scott is watching him on this little gizmo thingy that is far too technical for me. How do you like not having any privacy, smirks Scott. I own you and I will be watching you, Scott declares.

Chris and Julie awkwardly discuss their declarations of love, and very uncomfortable (oh gee - could they be falling in love?). Chris declares he was describing the girl of his dreams. Oh well.

Aren't they sweet? Rachel asks Kevin. Oh yeah, my Doc replies, I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. Rachel then informs him that she never loses.

The judge has reached a decision -

And -

I can't believe you kept scrolling! You didn't expect to find out today did you? Catch you in the funny papers!


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