Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 13-Sep-1999

Author: pusscat
Posting date: Mon, 13-Sep-99 11:08:03 AM PDT

Please excuse the editorial aspect of this. If I am going to sit through this, so are you.
Kevin and Eve discussed their upcoming trip to Philly. Eve was afraid to confront the doctor that delivered her baby because he might tell her that the baby did, indeed, not survive. Also the fact that if he lied to her before, he could lie to her again. (The same man who, on numerous occasions, told other people to keep their feet on the ground and not get their hopes up?)Kevin told Eve that if they are having these visions of this boy, there is no reason to not believe her child is not alive. Of course, this is what Eve wanted Kevin to tell her, so she rewarded him with a smile and a hug.
The bright spot of the scene was the knock on the door. Victor walks, rather almost does a jig, as he sings a tune with the words "I'm back!"
He told Kevin and Eve that he was recovered, and he admitted that he was involved in the psychic network--- ooops, the psychic espionage. Victor also admitted that DV was possibly COBRA. He tried to apologize to Kevin, but Kevin told him that he didn't want an apology, he wanted answers.
Victor told them that Eve was kidnapped by chance, that they would have rather had Kevin. They did it because of Victor, but Kevin made the link and suprised them because of 'how much he loves her'.
Victor agreed to cooperate, but he 'blocked' them, using their own techniques against them when they tried to brainwash him.
Kevin did ask one smart question. If DV knew about Eve's baby, could he be torturing her with these vision/baby crying?
Then Eve FINALLY asked the question that has been on all our minds. Could DV have their son?
Victor agreed either were possible. He told Kevin and Eve that he thought he saw a small boy when they were holding him captive. Eve is now convinced the child is hers. They won't go to Philly if it means that Eve can 'be with her son'.

On the Neil storyline, Joe told Courtney that the treatment didn't seem to be working, and that they should prepare to have another child together to save him. Then he told Karen, who took this a lot better than I would. She not only understood, she told Scott about it and defended Joe's decision to Scott, telling Scott that she would stand by Joe, but didn't like the fact that anything between them would have to be put on hold. She did, however voice fears about Joe not willing to be a part time Dad to Neil, let alone another child. Scott actually told her that it could be done, and supported Joe. He told Joe this.
Scott then remembered everything DV has done to everyone he cared about. And Victor's words that he had to be as ruthless as DV is, and forgetting the rules.
The last scene was Joe asking Scott what 'they' were going to do about DV. Scott replied, with the glint of the old Scotty I love in his eyes, 'It's not what we're gonna do. It's what I'M gonna do.' Revenge is on this boy's mind, and it does look good on him.

Then to Courtney and Frank in Neil's room. I was impressed with Frank. Courtney was having doubts to the whole thing- as far as Neil's prognosis. Frank told her that she would be having this baby to HELP Neil, not REPLACE him. It was a very human, caring statement from Frank. She voiced a fear that it might not work, and then what? Frank told her she had a lot of bad qualities, but she was a good mother. She patted him on the back for how good he was with Neil.
Once again they argued about telling everyone that Frank is the father. He told her he would gladly give her a child to save Neil, but ONLY if she told Joe the truth. If he was so good with Neil, and Neil loved him, why couldn't he be Neil's father? He accused Courtney (yet again) of using Neil to get to Joe.
Courtney searching then searched the storage room for the 'goods' on Frank. She found proof that Frank was ripping off an insurance company. The door shut and she was locked in. (Where is the lighhouse gang when you need them?)

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