Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 27-Sep-1999

Author: slsteel
Posting date: Wed, 29-Sep-1999 11:22:48 PM PDT

Hi everyone! This is my first try at writing an update. So here we go. Please bear with me.

Port Charles: Monday 9/27/99

We open with Kevin, Eve, Scott, and Lucy

Eve asks Kevin if his idea for Scott and Lucy to break up is one DV implanted into his
head because she "can't think of another explanation for such a crazy idea"
Kevin rationalizes his plan by saying that if Lucy and Scott break up, DV will think he
succeeded in hurting Scott, and would hopefully therefore back off enough that they could
find his weak spot and take him down.

Lucy is unsure (strange considering I can think of a time not in the too distant past when
she would have JUMPED at this chance!!) because she has had enough pain to deal with
being separated from the girls, she doesn’t want to voluntarily cause more.

For once, Eve agrees with Lucy!

Scott thinks Kevin has a point “IN THEORY” but he doesn’t see DV buying this. And
neither does Lucy.

But Kev says they can make it convincing. Which Eve doesn’t like the sound of AT ALL.

Scott says this will be hard all around. But Kev feels they have an “ace”. DV doesn’t
realize that they have all made the connection between what is happening with Kevin, Eve,
and the boy, and what’s happening with Lucy and Scott.

Eve is very upset about the fact that Kev wants to stage this breakup. (I can’t really blame
her considering Kev and Lucy’s history. Proximity is everything!) She says he may be
willing to do anything to stop DV but maybe SHE is NOT. Right now she isn’t liking this

Kev says consider what’s at stake.
1) Eve needs to know if her son is alive or dead.
2) Scott needs to know DV can’t hurt his family.
He says if anyone has a better plan to put it on the table.

Silence all around.
Now to the Recovery Room - Chris and Rachel

Chris says that he and Julie have a trust that’s getting stronger. Julie should hear that
Rachel knows about Christina from both of them. If Julie finds out Chris told Rachel she’ll
see it as a betrayal.
Rachel says this is why it would be better for Julie to tell her herself. It won’t do Chris any
good to come forward with this now. Julie will still have questions. How long has she
known? Why didn’t you say something sooner? etc...
Chris sees her point. Keep Julie happy and sane so she can be reunited with Christina.

The waiter brings champagne over.

Chris explains this is in celebration. He never had a bachelor party (poor guy!) Rachel asks
if she should be jumping out of a cake. Chris says that is something he would like to see.
She excuses herself saying she’s going to change into her bikini.

From across the room, Joe, Karen, and Matt all turn and stare at Chris. As Frank comes
through the door, Chris says to them that he is celebrating. Haven’t they heard? He’s a
married man now! Julie Devlin is now Julie Devlin-Ramsey.
Frank stares at Chris.
Frank goes and sits at the bar. Hands bartender a bunch of money I guess he owed him.
Chris saunters over and asks Frank- aren’t you going to buy me a beer?...Don’t tell me
you’re jealous I married Julie.
Frank: “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day. Here’s to hoping she stabs you in your
sleep on your honeymoon” (toasts Chris with his beer)

Rachel returns (no-not in a bikini) and says she sees convincing Julie’s former friends she
has changed may not be as easy as she thought. Chris introduces her to Frank. The “black
sheep of the Scanlon Family”

Frank basically tells Rachel not to bother trying to convince him about Julie.
Back to the Fab 4 (Kev, Eve, Lucy, Scott in case you didn’t guess)

They are still arguing over the break-up idea. Eve feels there is too much that can go
wrong. Lucy doesn’t want to break Serena’s heart. Kevin suggests leaving the girls
hidden. Lucy doesn’t want to prolong the separation. Scott says they can’t bring back the
kids if DV is still a threat. Lucy says then they have to come up with something else.

Lucy suddenly realizes that this whole charade could jeopardize Christina’s adoption. It
will never go through if the potential parents are no longer together!

Eve sees this as the best argument against this thing so far.

Considering this, Lucy is now adamantly AGAINST this whole plan. She will not do this.
She will not lose her baby over this.
Back to the Recovery Room

Fight # (I don’t know, I lost count a LONG time ago!) between the Scanlon bros. (I’m
sorry, this is getting really old!) Joe calls Frank selfish (again!) Frank pops off back,
basically same fight different day.

Meanwhile Rachel is talking to Karen and Matt about the competition for Chief Resident
between Karen, Joe, Matt, and Eve. She announces that Gail has asked her to replace her
on the review committee. Gail thought there may be a conflict of interest if Karen applied
for the position.
Rachel (leaving): “May the best resident win”

Joe comes back to the table and asked what Rachel wanted. They fill him in on what she
said. They all toast to the upcoming “race”

Rachel returns to Chris where he tells her that Eve has the award all locked up. Rachel
says her money is on Karen. Helping Scott Baldwin’s daughter get the job can only be
beneficial to them. Especially when Julie wants her baby back.
Chris: “You never quit do you?”

Rachel says the next step is getting in Frank’s good side so he isn’t an obstacle once he
realizes Julie really did have a baby. His baby. Although Rachel thinks being single he
wouldn’t want to be strapped down.

Chris disagrees. Tells her about Frank’s love of kids. Little League Coach, adopting Lark,
Rachel says this could be a problem then.
Back to the Fab 4

Lucy says its bad enough she wakes up every morning and wonders if this is the day
Christina’s real mother will show up. Now to think of intentionally jeopardizing the
adoption. Well... she doesn’t know.

Scott says when it comes to DV they have to consider all the options. Lucy sees what
Scott is saying is otherwise they could lose their whole family. Well she thinks all the
choices stink.

Kev asks what if they could be sure Christina’s adoption wasn’t at risk? If he could
convince Mac that they had a legitimate plan, maybe he could call Social Services.

Lucy says if Mac can do that, then she’s in.

Kev assures Eve he is sure that he can convince Mac to go along. DV will be the tough

Scott says it will be hard to convince DV that he and Lucy would ever break up. Lucy
feels a sudden change would make DV suspicious. Kev says that he never said this would
be easy. Scott agrees. But it sure may be satisfying.
Recovery Room- Karen and Joe

They are discussing Chief Resident. Joe sees how badly Karen wants the position. He
suggests he drop back. Karen is jokingly offended.
Karen: “You think you’d beat me?”
Joe: “Well word around the hospital is I have the inside track!”
Karen: (laughing) “Yeah, word you’ve been spreading!”

Joe gets more serious and says that Karen has been so supportive of him, and the situation
with Neil, he would drop out for her. She says she knows that. But it will be more fun to
beat him fair and square.

They place a wager. Loser has to render services to the winner. Karen says she already
has a list of stuff she can’t wait to make Joe do.
They shake on it.

Rachel goes over to Frank. Explains she’s new in town and doesn’t have much to do or
think about other than her job. She suggests that maybe they could get together and think
of a better way to spend some of that time. (gives Frank her card) He says he doesn’t need
his head shrunk and he doesn’t want to discuss Julie. Rachel says they’ll just have to find
something else to do then.
Frank looks intrigued.
Lighthouse- Kevin and Eve

Eve is staring at the picture Scott found of the boy. She says she was fully prepared to put
this behind her when Victor confirmed her son’s death. But now....
Kevin says DV sure has a talent for turning people inside out.
Eve says whether her son is alive and DV has kept him all these years, or this is all a mind
game, it still hurts. Kev promises they will figure it out.
Eve says she can’t believe she is going along with Kev’s crazy plan. Kev massages her
shoulders. She warns him he cannot do this with Lucy Coe. His hands have a way of doing
things to a woman. (I’ll bet!) He asks what. She says she’ll show him. They kiss.
Firehouse- Lucy and Scott

They’re on the phone with Serena. Lucy sounds frantic, telling Serena she loves her, kiss
Christina, etc... Scott gets her off the phone.

Lucy asks if they are doing to right thing. She is unsure if she can go through with it. She
misses Scott already. Scott says there are no kids in the house, and they still have tonight.
He kisses her and sees a projection of her and DV kissing. He pulls away. He tells Lucy
about the image. She says it’s like Kevin said. A Psychic Projection.

Scott says the whole thing is screwy! Lucy tries to calm him down. Scott says they can use
these images to break them up. Because of jealousy. Luck reluctantly says okay, at least
they know now how they will follow through with the plan. But this wasn’t how she
thought their last evening would end. Scott says that everything will end fine once they get
rid of DV. And that is about to happen....

And that is it for today! Hope this helps anyone who missed the show!


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