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Port Charles Update for Monday, 25-Oct-1999

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Mon, 25-Oct-1999 5:23:28 PM PDT

Today’s episode starts with Joe and Karen all dressed up. Eve is at the Lighthouse searching the closet for letters when Lucy, Kevin, Aunt Charlene and Christina show up. Lucy wonders what Eve is doing there. Kevin is even surprised to see Eve who claims to be looking for medical journals (I guess her roomie Chris is fresh out). Christina needs a diaper change so Kevin leads Aunt Charlene to a spare room. Lucy wonders if Eve is nuts. She then announces she has moved back in with Kevin. This – not too surprisingly – doesn’t make Eve’s day. Eve is unhappy that no one discussed this with her. Eve suggests an apartment (like she has ever lived alone – oh I’m sorry was that snarky?). Eve accuses Lucy of rubbing the new living arrangements in but Lucy wants only Scott. Kevin comes in carrying Christina (and let me tell you it’s a lovely picture – freeze frame!) Kevin thinks Eve would have preferred hearing the news from him. Lucy agrees but Eve almost flies out the door. Kevin demands to know what Lucy said to her – Lucy admits she informed Eve of the new living arrangements. Kevin – unfairly I think because Lucy was trying to be nice to Eve – accuses Lucy of being the height of unsubtlty. But he is still darn cute with that baby!

Lucy doesn’t quite buy Eve’s story. Karen and Joe hold hands (and sadly folks this is the exciting part). Joe’s ready to dance but Karen replies not so fast – (yeah like this scene has really been moving along so far). They go outside where candles abound. Joe shows Karen his dance moves (on the edge of my seat now baby!). Karen wonders if Joe has been taking more dance lessons but Joe has been video watching – Tango Through The Night (oh sure – that’s about dancing – wink wink). Joe goes on to say that the tango is more than a dance – orders Karen to look into his eyes – can we get back to Lucy and Kevin yet?

Serena is worried about Christina and thinks she needs Dirty Kitty to make her less scared. Scott decides that it would be nice for Serena to draw a picture of Dirty Kitty – that way Christina can have the picture looking over her crib and Serena can have the real thing. Scott promises Serena that Lucy and Christina will be home soon. Eve knocks on the door demanding to know whose bright idea it was for Kevin and Lucy to move in together. (Mine! I’ll take the credit!)

Scott wonders if Eve is jealous. No, claims Eve, she just doesn’t like the idea (sounds suspiciously like jealousy to me). Eve and Scott rant about DV for a while. Scott then announces – hold on to your hats for this one – that the best thing is for Kevin and Lucy to live together (I would have bet money that I’d never hear those words from his mouth!). Serena is shocked so Scott explains it to her. Eve feels compelled to point out that Lucy and Kevin are just living together not LIVING together.

Oh – a scene that does my K/L Schmuck heart good – Kevin, Lucy and Christina sitting on the couch together. Lucy discusses how much she loves Christina and tells Kevin he will make an amazing Daddy someday. She has always imagined the Lighthouse full of kids. Kevin always knew that Lucy would make a wonderful mother. They discuss the strange twist of fate that made Lucy have her family with Scott, and Kevin with Eve. Kevin guesses things turned out the way they should have – but neither seems sure. (Which makes my Schmucked heart even happier!)

Oh goodie – more dancing by Joe and Karen. When the dance is finally over Karen and Joe indulge in some love talk. (Was it good for you??) Joe wants to travel the world with Karen by his side and promises more surprises. (I don’t think I can handle any more excitement). Eve questions Serena about the letters – deciding to turn the search into a treasure hunt. Scott tries to be reassuring to Eve and then quizzes Serena as to what the secret is about. Serena escapes upstairs without telling – for now. Joe romanticizes about a future with Karen and then gives her a very pretty heart necklace. They share more sweet talk and then kiss. Lucy has sung Christina to sleep (poor baby) and Kevin remarks about her two beautiful children. Kevin holds Lucy’s hand (!!!!!) when the talk turns to Serena. Kevin swears he will stand over the crib 24/7 if that what it takes to protect Christina (ahhhhhhh). Oh gee - did K/L go five minutes without discussing Eve? Well not to worry – problem solved as Kevin thinks Eve will make a terrific mother and Lucy thinks Kevin will be the perfect father to Eve’s kid. Lucy once again brings up Eve’s strange behavior but backs off when Doc gets snarky. He wonders why Eve is having such a problem with the faux breakup.

Eve leaves a message with DV that she is thisclose to finding the letters and wants to see her son.


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