Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 1-Nov-1999

Author: MontanaKC
Posting date: Mon, 01-Nov-1999 5:53:57 PM PST

Monday, November 1, 1999

DV’s hotel room – he is on the phone.

DV: Yes, Yes I know I said I’d have Prof. Collins’ letters by now but Dr. Lambert didn’t show up. No, I don’t want that formula in the wrong hands anymore than you do. Listen, I’m telling you there’s nothing to worry about. I will find out and I will get those letters.

Basement of the Lighthouse – Eve is trying to break through a large padlock with a broken piece of cement.

Eve: OK c’mon – c’mon you can do it Eve. You’ve already missed David’s deadline but maybe if get the letters to him anyway, he’ll find a way to let you see your son.

Upstairs in the Lighthouse – Lucy and Kevin hear the thumping.

Lucy: Hey Doc what, you going somewhere? You can’t take the heat so you’re getting out of the kitchen, huh?

Kevin: Like you know what it’s like in a kitchen.

Lucy: Very funny.

Kevin: I think our mysterious visitor is back.

Lucy: What, you mean that noise? You heard it again?

Kevin: Yeah, listen.

Lucy: What do you think, it’s a big scary ghost, or a big fat raccoon?

Kevin: I think it’s a tree branch hitting the house – look.

Lucy: What? You think that was our noise we heard?

Kevin: Yep – problem solved.

Lucy: OK

Kevin: I’ll have to trim that.

Back in the ‘dungeon’ – Eve finally breaks the old lock.

Eve: Oh God, oh finally. (she opens the door). OK , OK all you cockroaches, you rats you varmints watch out ‘cause I’m coming thru – get outta my way. Please God – please let this be a way out.

The Firehouse – Scott is trying to find the prize in a box of cereal.

Scott: Where the hell is the prize? Don’t tell me I got a box without one – Serena’s gonna kill me – unless she already took it.

Serena: Hey Daddy.

Scott: Don’t “Hey Daddy” me – I know what you did.

Serena: What do you mean?

Scott: Don’t play innocent, I know your secret.

Serena: What secret?

Scott: C’mon, c’mon fess up – I might go easy on you.

Serena: Eve told you I took the letters from the Lighthouse, didn’t she?

Opening credits

Scott: I was talking about the prize that you get in the cereal box there wasn’t one there and I thought maybe you beat me to it.

Serena: Oh you know what? Yes - you’re right, I did. It’s really cool I have it upstairs OK (she turns to leave.

Scott: Wait -Whoa, whoa just a second there young lady come back here. You said something about hiding some letters at the Lighthouse? Serena?

Serena: A long time ago when I was living with Lucy at the Lighthouse – I was making this collage for Eve. You know how I really like to make art projects.

Scott: Yes, yes…

Serena: I looked in this closet and there were some really cool stamps on these letters.

Scott: So? So what?

Serena: Well, all I wanted was the stamps, so I took the stamps off the envelopes and I hid the envelopes.

Scott: Whose letters were these?

Serena: They were Kevin’s – but they were just a bunch of weird weird weird math problems.

Scott: And you told Eve about this?

Serena: Yes. Just the other day when she asked me if I still had the letters the stamps came off.

Scott: Do you remember where you hid them? Can you show me at the Lighthouse where they are?

Serena: Yes.

Scott: Go get your coat – we gotta go.

The Scanlon house – Frank is just coming home.

Courtney: Working the late shift again? Of course, I guess if you’re fencing stolen property you can’t exactly do it in broad daylight, can you?

Frank: I see those pregnancy hormones are raging today.

Courtney: This has nothing to do with me being pregnant.

Frank: So what? Am I supposed to guess why you’re mad at me?

Courtney: I’m surprised you even care.

Frank: You’re right, I don’t. I’m gonna go get some sleep.

Courtney: Frank – You should’ve been here you know, for Neil. Unless you were just so busy taking care of business you didn’t even remember what yesterday was.

Frank: Let’s see, October 31st, Halloween! And – the first anniversary of John Kanelos’ death.

Courtney: So you didn’t forget it – you just decided to ignore it.

Frank: I decided to keep my promise to Neil. I gave him my word I wouldn’t fight with Joe anymore. And I know if I would have hung around here Joe and I were bound to disagree on how to handle Kanelos’ death with Neil.

Courtney: So – you stayed away, for our son?

Frank: Amazing huh? I actually did something selfless.

Courtney: You have been making a habit of that lately. What’s gotten into you Frank huh?

Frank: Finding out you have a kid does funny things to you.

Courtney: It’s done some pretty wonderful things if you ask me. In fact you’re actually turning into somebody that I could really start to like.

Frank: Yeah well, I’ll try not to let that go to my head. Don’t get used to this ‘new and improved’ Frank.

Courtney: I don’t think he’s going away so fast.

Frank: What makes you so sure?

Courtney: Because I can see through that tough guy act of yours to the gentle, caring, sensitive guy underneath. (They kiss and Lark walks in on them)

Lark: Oh.

Back to the dungeon

Eve: Ok – this is where I find a big, beautiful door with an EXIT sign on it. (She comes upon a bricked up wall). No – oh no God – now what? What? Are you trying to teach me a lesson, huh? Is this one of those life lessons that tough, independent chicks like me need to learn, God? Fine. You need me to ask you for your help I’ll do it. I have no problem asking for your help. Please help me, please. You want me to be more specific – I’ll be more specific. I have three wishes. Don’t get me wrong; I know you’re not a genie. But I figure while I’m down here I might as well ask for the whole enchilada, right? Number one – help me get out of here – this rotten cellar alive. Number two – please let me know my son, please. I want to see him grow up. I want to give him the love that he never had from me. Please God – please. Ok – number three – after this is all over please let me be with Kevin still, OK? I know it’s a lot to ask but I really really need you right now God. Please help me.

Upstairs at the Lighthouse – Scott & Serena are with Lucy and Kevin.

Lucy: (hugging Serena) Oooh I am SO happy to see you punkinhead, and my favorite pal. Listen is this something just to brighten my day, I sure needed this pick-me-up.

Scott: No, actually Serena has something to tell you.

Kevin: Well I’ll just leave you folks alone for a while.

Scott: No Kevin – I think you need to hear this.

Lucy: Oh, oh, OK – Hey – what is it? Is something wrong?

Serena: I did something bad and Daddy says I have to apologize.

Scott: Serena you know why you have to do that, right?

Serena: Because I have to take responsibility for my own actions.

Scott: Exactly – so go ahead.

Serena: I’m sorry Kevin.

Kevin: For what, honey?

Serena: Remember when I used to live here? Well, I was making this collage and one day I was just kinda looking around and I found this really pretty box and there were these really weird letters in there with all these really pretty stamps on them from France.

Lucy: Wait, wait wait wait! You took the letters?

Serena: Yeah. All I wanted was the stamps so I took the stamps off and then I hid the letters.

Lucy: Sweet pea do you realize what this means?

Serena: No allowance for a week.

Lucy: (laughing & hugging her) No, no c’mere you – it means, it means you saved the day my slippery fingered friend. (she gets a dirty look from Scott) Well, I mean not that we, of course, your Dad and me condone stealing of course, taking that sort of thing. No, no but this is great!

Scott: Lucy you might be interested in who the collage was made for.

Lucy: Right now? No I don’t think so I think we need to just get those letters, this is fantastic.

Scott: No, I think you need to know about this – right Serena?
Serena: It was a present for Eve.

Scott: And Eve was asking what happened to the letters the stamps were attached to, the other day.

Serena: And I told her.

Lucy: Why then, didn’t Eve mention this to any of us?

Scott: I was kind of wondering that myself.

Kevin: What a second, we can speculate on this all we want, I’m sure Eve had a good reason for keeping it quiet.

Serena: I made her promise not to tell anyone. Eve’s not in trouble, is she?

Kevin: No, no of course she isn’t. What are we waiting for; let’s go get those letters.

Serena: Ok – they’re in the closet right over here.

Lucy: The closet? The closet? Didn’t we go through this closet?

Kevin: Top to bottom.

Serena: You guys know nothing about the secret hiding place.

(Serena shows them how the back panel pushes out.)

Serena: The letters are gone. The letters are gone.

The Scanlon house.

Lark: So? You gonna tell me about the lip action going on with you and Courtney when I walked in?

Frank: Don’t you recognize a kiss when you see one?

Lark: Yeah -there’s lots of different kinds of kisses - yours looked like the “you’ve guys got a thing going” type.

Frank: For argument’s sake – let’s say you’re right. What would you think about Courtney and me being together?

Lark: Courtney’s a decent Mom – I mean she’s hung close with Neil during this whole leukemia thing – you gotta give her credit for that. That’s more than my Mom ever did for me.

Frank: She definitely gets high marks in the parent department.

Lark: Yeah, but she gets like a C minus in the girlfriend area.

Frank: Whoa – I’d hate to see how you rate me!

Lark: You’re an A plus Frank and you deserve…. (Glitch in my tape, sorry!)

Frank: Whoa, not the pedestal! Anything but the pedestal!

Lark: Sorry, I’ve already stuck you there with super glue.

Frank: I can think of a few people who would find it very easy to knock me off.

Lark: Like Joe and Karen? I know what’s going on around here. I see you and Joe fighting all the time – I hear him and Karen say that you set Joe up, but I don’t believe it. You’d never do anything to hurt your own brother.

Frank: Lark, I’m not perfect.

Lark: You’re the closest thing to it I’ve ever know. I wasn’t kidding about that pedestal thing, Frank. Where would I be without you?

Frank: You would have been fine, you’re a survivor.

Lark: Because you taught me how to be! You get embarrassed when I say this but you’re a great guy and I really want you to be happy. That’s why I hate to see you get involved with Courtney.

Frank: What makes you say that?

Lark: Girls kind of know what other girls are thinking.

Frank: And Dad’s know when kids are holding out something – so c’mon spill it!

Lark: I saw Courtney kiss Joe.

Frank: When?

Lark: A couple months ago, I guess.

Frank: A lot’s changed since then.

Lark: Has it? I see the way Courtney still looks at Joe. You must, too. I’m sorry Frank; I hate to see you get hurt.

Frank: Don’t worry about me, OK? Look, I know how to handle Courtney and I’m not the one who’s gonna end up getting hurt.

The dungeon

Eve: If Jacob can build a stairway to heaven, I can reach that door.

Meanwhile, upstairs….

Kevin: Eve never made it to the hospital – she never even called in!

Scott: Well isn’t that a bit of a coincidence? The letters missing, she’s missing…

Lucy: Uh, actually I find it very enlightening – Doc, I’m sorry I hate to say this but I think Eve was the one who took the letters. She had the opportunity, and she had the means…

Kevin: Enlightening? Well what about motive? Why would she steal Victor’s letters?

Scott: Well she’s been off doing something.

Kevin: All right let’s say for a moment that she did get her hands on those letters. What if she was kidnapped for them?

Scott: Well maybe she was kidnapped, but don’t you think it’s a little funny that she didn’t tell us about the letters when she knew about the letters?

(More thumping)

Scott: What the hell was that?

Lucy: Uh, we figured it might be a tree branch…

Kevin: No, no that sounded like it was coming from inside the house.

(They all look around)

Lucy: It is – the noise is coming from in there (in the closet). Doc, be careful. (They open the secret panel)

Eve: Kevin! I’m done here!

Kevin: Eve?

Eve: Kevin – hey!

Scanlon house

Courtney: Did Lark leave?

Frank: Yeah

Courtney: What did you tell her?

Frank: Take a sweater, it’s cold out.

Courtney: Oh c’mon Frank I meant about us – she must have asked you about what she saw…

Frank: She was curious about our lip action.

Courtney: You told her it was just a one-time thing, right?

Frank: Not all of us lie as easily as we breathe – especially not to people we care about.

Courtney: Ok – ok – at least tell me you convinced her not to say anything. She won’t say anything to Neil about the kiss, will she?

Frank: Is Neil the one you’re worried about, or is it Joe?

Courtney: Neil is my main concern; he could really get hurt in all this.

Frank: So you won’t care if Joe finds out?

Courtney: Of course I’ll care.

Frank: So let me get this straight – it’s OK for you to pretend that I’ve got the hots for you when it gets you out of a jam but God forbid Joe finds out that you have any feelings for me.

Courtney: I’m trying to protect my son, Frank. You understood that before Lark had to go and stick her nose into things.

Frank: Lark cares about me – how you feel is another matter. Courtney, what is going on between us? Where are we headed with this relationship or whatever you want to call it?

Courtney: Why do we have to go anywhere Frank? Why can’t we just enjoy where we are?

Frank: Because it’s not that simple.

Courtney: It can be.

Frank: Courtney, when are you going to stop living in this little dream world?

Courtney: It’s a good dream, Frank! What’s the problem?

Frank: It’s not real!

Courtney: I don’t care – it feels good. And I want to feel good, is that so terrible?

Frank: No, not at all. But sooner or later all dreams have to come to an end.

Courtney: Well, I’ll take later…

Frank: At this rate it’s gonna be sooner because if we keep seeing each other our chances of getting caught go up and up, and if people find out about us they’re bound to put the rest of it together and figure out that I am the father of your kids.

Courtney: I know that damnit!

Frank: Then why do you keep seeing me?

Courtney: Because I can’t stop! And I don’t think you can either.

The Lighthouse

Eve: (to Kevin) Oh, thank you for finding me. Scott, you too, thank you so much.

Scott: Yeah you look ok – you don’t have any scrapes or anything.

Lucy: No, you were very, very lucky. Doc, that must have been the noise we were hearing all night.

Eve: You heard me?

Kevin: I’m afraid we did we thought there were ghosts in the trees or something.

Eve: Well I probably would have ended up a ghost if you hadn’t come to my rescue. For a minute there, I thought I was….

Kevin: Now, now, now, I would let you get away that easily…

Scott: Eve, actually you have Serena to thank for this.

Eve: What does Serena have to do with this?

Scott: She told me a little story about how you were looking for Victor’s letters – she led you to them.

Lucy: Scott ran right over here to see if you had the letters or not.

Scott: Do you have the letters, Eve?

Eve: Yes I do! I found them! I found the letters, look! See? (She hands them to Kevin)

Scott: You beat us to the punch there.

Kevin: (to Scott & Lucy) Who’d have thought, huh?

Scott & Lucy exchange a suspicious look, while Kevin hugs Eve, and the show is OVER.

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