Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 2-Nov-1999

Author: kaeli
Posting date: Wed, 03-Nov-1999 5:54:58 PM PST

Hi Everyone! Today's show started off with Frank helping Neil with a report on Tanzania. They're bonding and working together--Frank tells Neil that his old partner when he was a paramedic was from Tanzania, which really impresses the kid. Then Joe and Karen barge in loaded with books, videos, and such. Frank sulks, he and Joe compete to be cooler, finding more stuff on the 'net, etc.

Neil notices Karen's wearing a ring and asks if he got one for Courtney too. Joe looks awkward while Karen somewhat tactlessly explains that the ring means that they're closer to each other than just boyfriend and girlfriend now. Joe and Karen go to make popcorn, while Courtney tries to comfort Neil. She tells him that they are still a family, it's just different….he doesn't look too thrilled…he wants his mom and dad back together, especially if they're going to have another baby. Courtney says it's not likely. Courtney gets Neil to leave the room as Joe and Karen come back with the popcorn…she asks them to cool things off around Neil…Karen thinks she's being manipulative, Joe defends her. Karen accuses Courtney of pumping ideas into Neil's head….Courtney storms off, running into Frank in the hallway. He's off to the movies and she invites herself along. He warns her that she's going to be forced to decide soon about which Scanlon brother she wants.

Meanwhile Karen lays into Joe for defending Courtney…and Joe tries to reassure her.

Scott and Lucy try to confront Eve about not telling them about the letters. Eve claims she was protecting Serena, which Kevin buys, but not the others. Lucy wants to discuss all big decisions as a group before making them.…Eve points out that she wasn't consulted in Lucy's decision to move in with Kevin. Later Lucy points out that Eve has been sneaking around the lighthouse before…remember her search in Kevin's closed for "medical journals"?

Kevin tries to call Victor to tell him the letters have been found…but they can't track him down. Eve is looking antsy, Scott notices this. Kevin tells Scott to back off. The phone rings, it's the "hospital" calling for Eve…really, it's DV telling her the deal is off, she missed the deadline. She tries to tell him (in code) that she found the letters. He says not to bother showing up without them. Eve leaves the lighthouse empty-handed.

Back to Courtney and Frank. Courtney has a flashback of a conversation she had with Frank that they feel too strongly about each other to stop now. Back to reality, she assures him she'd rather be alone in the dark with him than watch Joe and Karen.

Lucy still isn't buying Eve's story…Kevin reminds Lucy that Eve is dealing with a lot, she doesn't even know if her son is dead or alive. (Can you BELIEVE that he hasn't put two and two together yet! Sheesh! This guy is supposed to be smart!) Scott tries to remind Lucy what happened last time she pressed Eve too hard (Eve ended up spilling the painful story about her son). Scott convinces Kevin that he and Lucy are backing off and will take the letters with them, so they can give them to Victor.

Eve goes to DV, he continues to threaten that she won't see her son. He knows where the letters are, so he doesn't need her anymore. She pathetically tries to convince him that he still needs her, but he isn't buying it.

That's it for today!

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