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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 9-Nov-1999

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Tue, 09-Nov-1999 4:19:59 PM PST

Our episode begins with a very handsome guy working at the hospital. Oops – I gave it away didn’t I? If he’s at the hospital and he’s working – it can only be Matt! Well anyway, I for one am glad to see him grace my TV-screen. Karen questions Matt about working Chris’s shift. Apparently Matt has been working a lot of overtime lately (like he has a choice – when’s the last time Eve for instance has been at work?) Matt hopes he hasn’t been the topic of Karen and Joe’s pillow talk. Karen reveals there hasn’t been much of that – all the turmoil with Courtney’s baby etc etc etc. Mat points out that Joe is nuts – about Karen. Matt smiles! No idea what he was talking about but wow what a smile! He tells Karen that Joe is thrilled about seeing some baseball player named Martinez. I know I would be. I hope I got the name right LOL. Karen asks Matt for his help.

Chris and Julie meet Rachel outside the courtroom. Julie gleefully comments that Chris did incredible things for her (there’s an image). Rachel sends the guard and Chris away and questions Julie who tells her all about the detour. Rachel is very unhappy about Chris’s unpredictability. Rachel snaps at Chris “What the hell are you thinking?” Yeah, right. Like any PC character has been thinking lately.

Just kidding.


Joe is all happy but Karen has other plans. She tells Joe all about a touchy-feely beat up pillows workshop she wants them to go to. Joe – being the good guy that he is – just can’t say no. Karen thinks they need all the help they can get (I’ll agree with that one.)

Rachel coolly informs Chris she is not playing games and is very unamused with Chris’s antics. Chris and Rachel draw lines in the sand.

Joe tells Matt the sad story about not being able to see the Yankee and having to go beat up a pillow. Matt wisely points out that Joe is very lucky and reminds Joe not to make the same mistakes Matt made. Joe forlornly gives up the hope of baseball players as Matt and Karen congratulate each other. Joe sniffs a baseball.

Leopold asks for the charges to be dropped and for the now oh-so-innocent Julie to be bailed. Dara – not realizing she has wandered on the wrong side of town – believes that Julie is indeed guilty and should be denied bail. The judge – apparently in shock from seeing Dara on the wrong side of town – sides with Dara. Julie will stand trial for the murder of John Kanelos.

Rachel introduces herself to Dara, but Dara in a hurry to get right back where she belongs, is apparently not impressed with our Ms. Locke. Rachel orders Chris to kick Eve out of the apartment. Chris is not happy about being ordered but maintains he intends to kick Eve out. Looks like no more flirtathons for Rachel and Chris.

Karen meets Joe dressed like a baseball junkie and admits the workshop was a sham. Joe rewards Karen by kissing her.

Julie praises Chris while Rachel sulks. Rachel then gets her kicks by telling Julie that Chris is dragging his feet about dumping Eve – planting doubts in the serial killer’s (oops ex-serial killer I mean – no longer a serial killer – faux serial killer?) mind.


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