Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 22-Nov-1999

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Mon, 22-Nov-1999 4:47:03 PM PST

Courtney is outside in the dark and the cold when Frank arrives. Courtney has planned a picnic for the two of them but Frank is not in a picnic mood (gee I can’t envision why not – November is my fav time for picnics). He attempts to leave but the apparently way stronger than him Courtney easily takes his keys from him and then hides them in a – well for Courtney – fairly accessible place . Okay – it’s down her blouse. Someone is shining a flashlight over DV’s lifeless body – it’s Scott. He checks DV’s pulse and goes outside, but not before cutting his finger on the door. He also happens to be holding a gun. Lucy arrives and the two play “Why are you here?” Then Kevin and Eve arrive and the game is played all over again. Scott announces that DV has a bullet in his head.

Eve asks ever so hopefully if DV is dead but Scott says no dammit. Eve and Kevin go in to check on DV as Scott and Lucy retrieve Eve’s medical bag. Kevin and Eve tend to DV and then Taggert – as good looking as always - comes in with guns drawn (after all there are very dangerous people about.) Joe arrives with the ambulance – I guess he’s an ambulance chaser now. Tags gets the what’s what from Scott and Lucy and then orders the quad to the police station.

Frank wants his keys back because gosh darn it he’s cold. Courtney offers him the choice of hot chocolate or a fishing expedition for the keys. Frank – perhaps wisely – chooses the hot chocolate. He again demands she tell Joe the truth. She again evades him. I bet they have these lines down cold. Courtney doesn’t want their perfectly wonderful night ruined. Frustrated Courtney does her own fishing and then throws the keys into the pond.

Karen questions Joe about what happened. She’s worried about Scott’s possible involvement. Tags realizes that Scott indeed has a permit to carry a concealed weapon but demands the gun anyway. Scott admits the gun has been fired – someone shot at him and he shot back. (Gee is it just me or are things not looking good for our hero?). Then Scott tersely announces that if he had shot DV he’d have done a better job – DV would be dead (now that’s the way to endear yourself to the police.)

Tags takes the gun down to forensics. Scott is clearly worried. Smart man.

Now this is the very best part of the show (says the ever so unbiased updater) Kevin and Lucy have a moment together. The soap gods were smiling down on me. Kevin asks Lucy is she is worried about Scott. Lucy is upset that DV is still in the middle of their lives. Kevin says now they won’t have to pretend that their real relationships are in shambles but Lucy doesn’t seem very happy about that. Kevin goes on to say that Lucy can move out of the Lighthouse and in with Scott and Serena. Lucy asks if Kevin is kicking her out – not that she blames him because she did show up with quite a brood. Actually, admits Kevin, I will miss Christina and her 4 a.m. feedings. Come by the Firehouse anytime offers Lucy and Kevin replies he just might do that (Oh yes!) Lucy thanks Kevin for taking them in his home. Kevin is glad they had the opportunity to say things to each other that need to be said (Great interplay going on between Kevin and Lucy throughout the scene by the way.) Lucy is glad too as she touches his face (rather tenderly I might add). Kevin will be sorry to see Lucy go (awwww!)

Did you notice that the update got really specific during that scene? Wonder why that was? LOL. Okay back to the general.

Kevin gives Eve coffee. Eve tells Kevin she went to her son’s grave. Kevin knows, Victor told him. Eve had a lot of things to tell her son, but didn’t get everything said as anger over DV overtook her. Kevin wishes there were more he could do, in the meantime he satisfies the urge with a big hug.

Lucy tells Scott that DV called earlier and announced he did know who Christina’s birth mother is and is going to help her get Christina back. He even knew about Christina’s birthmark because the birth mother told him about it. Scott advises Lucy to keep the story to herself; it is a very good motive for murder. Lucy wishes that whoever shot DV had better aim.

Tag tells the little group that DV is now awake and Tags is leaving to take his statement. He orders the Snoopy (no that’s not a typo) gang to stay put. Scott worries that DV can point the finger at whomever he chooses.

Frank is unsuccessful at finding his keys. Gee. says almost purely innocent Courtney, I meant to throw them in a bush and somehow hit the pond. Frank’s more interested in Courtney’s swimming ability than her throwing ability cause he is about to dump her in the pond. Oh no you are not says Courtney. Oh yes I am replies Frank. Wanna bet asks Courtney. Frank does – and he chases her, easily catcher her (like catching Courtney has ever been hard) and is prepared to throw Courtney right into the pond over Courtney’s many protests until she points out that it could hurt the baby. That has the desired affect and Frank puts her down, but warns right after the baby’s birth she is going into the water. Courtney sheds big crocodile tears - why are you so mean to me she wails.

DV groans and Joe informs him that he has been shot in the head. DV literally demands to know the extent of his injuries. Joe informs him that Dr. Jones is looking at his chart. DV must have been at last year’s nurses’ ball because he requests a different doctor. How about me? asks Karen, who is about to prove she is indeed Scott’s daughter. DV doesn’t want Karen but Karen insists she can get the job done. Oh and by the way – her grandfather is recovering from his beating very nicely. DV insists he has no idea what she is talking about. Karen wonders if DV is feeling vulnerable – just like he made her family feel all this time. DV sneers the vulnerability is for the weak. Oh, says the good doctor, you don’t realize how weak you are. You might not make it through the night. She suggests he tell her the truth – who shot him. Tags enter, very unamused about Karen’s questioning techniques. He sends Joe and Karen out so he can question DV himself.

All poor Courtney wanted was some time together with Frank. Again Frank replies that what they have can’t be fixed until Courtney ‘fesses up. Frank decides to walk home but is stopped when Courtney yelps in pain. Frank – all concerned – sits Courtney down and begins feeling of her ankle. A little higher says Courtney. Still higher. She begins to giggle. Higher. Bright Frank realizes he has been had. Oh but you were worried points out Courtney. You haven’t given up on me. You make me crazy, is Frank’s reply, what am I going to do with you (I am sure Courtney can think of something – in the dark alone with Frankie I am pretty darn sure I could.)

Karen is upset Tags left without telling her anything. Joe’s answer is for Karen to think happy thoughts. A nurse announces that DV has lost consciousness. Karen is worried that should DV not recover, whomever he named could be in big trouble.

Lucy fusses over Scott’s finger cut. Both she and Scott and Kevin and Eve wishes they were at home. Eve tells Kevin he is the only person she believes in. Tags comes in – he has DV’s answer. He announces Scott is under arrest (surprise – surprise – not!). Despite Scott, Lucy and Kevin’s protests Tags reads Scott his rights.


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