Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 24-Nov-1999

Author: MontanaKC
Posting date: Wed, 24-Nov-1999 8:24:23 PM PST

Wednesday, November 24th, 1999

The show opens at the Firehouse with Scott, Lucy & Lee.

Scott: Impossible.

Lee: Forensics confirms the bullet came from your gun, Scott.

Scott: Well it’s impossible! I didn’t shoot the guy!

Lee: Look I couldn’t believe my eyes either when I read that report.

Lucy: Whoever tested the gun must have made a mistake.

Scott: Or this is exactly what Bordisso wants – I mean that’s why he told Taggert I shot him.

Lucy: Frame up.

Scott: Exactly – you know, somehow he’s made it look like the bullet that creased his head came from my gun.

Lee: He’s done a very convincing job of it, too. I hate to say this, but beating this rap is gonna be a lot harder than I thought.

Sixth Floor at GH

Kevin: (to a nurse at the station) Hi – is Dr. Lambert up here?

Rachel: You know, you might want to try ICU, I saw her there last.

Kevin: Great, thanks (he starts to leave)

Rachel: Uh Kevin, actually, do you have a minute?

Kevin: Actually no, I don’t.

Rachel: It’s just that I heard Scott Baldwin was charged with the attempted murder of David Bordisso.

Kevin: I’m sure he doesn’t need you to worry, that what he has Lucy for.

Rachel: I’m well aware that Scott and Lucy have gotten back together again. I’m very happy for them.

Kevin: Have a good evening.

ICU – Eve is standing next to an unconscious DV. We’re in flashback land again. Eve is remembering the conversation she had with right after the psychic projection of her son disappeared. DV is berating Eve for running off pregnant and not telling him about the baby.

Eve is in tears when Kevin enters the room. They embrace.

Eve: I killed him.

Opening credits.

Kevin: Eve? What are you saying?

Eve: DV said I killed my son.

Kevin: Eve, for a moment I thought you meant that you….

Eve: That I shot DV? No, no, but I wanted him dead. I wanted to kill him for lying to me. For making me believe my son was alive. But as I stood here watching him just now, I realized that he’s not to blame. I am. I’m responsible for my son’s death.

Kevin: Eve, you were a kid. You were terrified that DV would take your baby away!

Eve: But I didn’t take care of myself. I had this innocent life growing inside of me and I didn’t take care of it.

Kevin: But you didn’t have the money, or the know-how to get the right care.

Eve: But DV did. HE did. And if I had been honest with him from the beginning, from the get-go, my son might be alive today.

Kevin: Are you still on duty?

Eve: No, I’ve been off for about 10 minutes.

Kevin: Come with me.

Back to the Firehouse

Scott: So Bordisso has got one of those idiot cops down at PCPD in his pocket and he set me up!

Lucy: Wait, wait, wait, wait – how could he be sure that you would show up at Meg’s crypt?

Scott: Well after what he did to you he knew that I would snap at anything! Especially the idea that he was down at my mother’s grave.

Lee: He figured you’d be too smart not to bring a gun.

Scott: So I get there, somebody starts shooting and me, I start shooting back, and I’ve got powder burns on my hand.

Lucy: And evidence against you.

Scott: Exactly.

Lee: And further, they doctor the forensic report.

Scott: So no matter where I was, the evidence would point at me. No alibi.

Lucy: Wait, wait, wait – Kevin, Eve and I all got messages to show up at that crypt. Well, what if we had run into you first? Before DV was shot? That would give you an alibi!

Scott: Yeah, well maybe he wanted it to look like it was some kind of conspiracy – there would be other suspects.

Lucy: Oh but Scott, think about it. This man took a bullet to the head normally that kills people. He survived, but would he be willing to almost die just to get back at you?

Scott: Well he’s pretty sick – he may have shot himself to put me in jail.

Lucy: I don’t know. I don’t know.

Scott: Or maybe he got one of his goons, if they’re as stupid as my goons, maybe it was an accident. Maybe he just accidentally creased his head when he wasn’t supposed to.

Lucy: Yeah, the only answer we have right now is that you’re being framed.

Scott: Yeah, and it’ll be tough to get out of it.

Lee: I’ll check deeper into that forensic report.

Scott: No you’re not gonna go to work now – you were hit over the head, you were kicked in the ribs, you take it easy for awhile.

Lee: Listen, I came through it alright thanks to you, I knew you’d find me.

Scott: Sometimes they underestimate us Baldwin boys, don’t they?

Lee: You’re my son, and I’ll do whatever is necessary to get you out of this mess.

Scott: Thanks

Lee: Yeah, all right I gotta run. I’ll call you as soon as I get anything. (Lee leaves)

Scott: Sick, twisted Bordisso. He’ll do anything to set me up. What’s the matter with you Lucy? Why are you so quiet?

Lucy: Under the circumstances, I have a lot on my mind.

Scott: What’s on your mind?

Lucy: I’m a little worried.

Scott: You think I shot Bordisso.

ICU – Rachel is talking to DV.

Rachel: Well, well, well, the mighty David Bordisso - helpless. You’re not in charge anymore, are you? How’s that feel? You see what happens when you get careless? When you become so obsessed with revenge for Scott Baldwin that you, you make stupid mistakes? Oh well, I guess it’s best anyway ‘cause I have my own ideas for Scott Baldwin and you with your macho games would have messed everything up. So, now we do things my way. Just the way it always should have been. (Rachel starts to turn a knob on equipment next to DV – adjusting his oxygen supply – when Chris Ramsey enters the room).


Back in ICU w/ Chris, Rachel and DV

Chris: Contemplating pulling the plug?

Rachel: Merely checking the oxygen flow.

Chris: Levels don’t seem to need adjustment. Even if they did, shouldn’t you call a nurse, or a doctor?

Rachel: You know, last time I checked I was a doctor.

Chris: I meant the kind with a little more hands-on experience.

Rachel: Well I might be a psychiatrist, but I still give a pretty mean exam.

The two of them go out into the hall.

Chris: You think it’s wise to be seen lurking around DV’s hospital room?

Rachel: I was just checking on patient.

Chris: I thought you didn’t want to be connected to Bordisso. Unless you’re here just to keep an eye on him. You’re here to make sure whoever tried to waste him doesn’t get a second opportunity! It’s great thinking.

Rachel: Since when are you so protective?

Chris: DV promised to buy Julie’s jury. I’d guard the guy with my life if it means Julie’s released.

Rachel: You know DV is in no position to make good on any promises but trust me – I will get Julie acquitted.

Chris: Well, I’ll take my wife’s freedom any way I can get it. Speaking of Julie, have you made any progress on getting me in to see her?

Rachel: It looks like I’m going to have to call in a couple of favors but I’m working on it. Promise.

Chris: Well you know the old saying – actions speak louder than words. Or in this case: promises.

(Chris leaves and Mary comes to speak with Rachel)

Mary: Oh Dr. Locke!

Rachel: Mary, hi! How’s Victor?

Mary: Oh he couldn’t be better. His illness is back under control, thank God.

Rachel: Oh I’m glad to hear that – he’s such a lovely man.

Mary: I’m so grateful for all your help when he was hospitalized.

Rachel: Oh….

Mary: What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Do you have relatives nearby, or a dinner with friends?

Rachel: I think I’m going to catch up on some work.

Mary: You most certainly are NOT! You’re going to have dinner with us.

Rachel: No, I wouldn’t intrude that way.

Mary: Nonsense – you’re new in town and I wouldn’t think of knowing you were alone on Thanksgiving! And that’s the end of the discussion.

Rachel: Oh, you’re very generous, thank you.

Mary: Now we’ll be at Kevin and Eve’s and you can come around 3 o’clock, OK?

Rachel: Um, yes, but under one circumstance – you let me bring something.

Mary: Not necessary.

Rachel: Yes, I insist. How about my specialty? Sweet potato pie.

Mary: Sounds heavenly. Great – see you at three.

Back to the Firehouse

Lucy: Do I actually think you shot David Bordisso? I know you’d love to. I know you tried to once before.

Scott: I failed and I’m glad I did otherwise I’d be in jail and I’d be away from you and the kids.

Lucy: I know that, but things have just gotten so nuts lately – but things have gotten so nuts lately – we were so enthusiastic and excited, we beat Bordisso and we defeated the COBRA project. And then what happens? He pulled us back in away because he kidnaps Lee, he lured you to Meg’s crypt. Things are really nutty ‘cause he knows he’s trying to drive you crazy.

Scott: So you think he drove me crazy? I drove over there and shot him? In the head?

Lucy: No, I know that things happen when people are provoked. He called me on the telephone and he told me he knew where Christina’s mother was it put me into such a rage….

Scott: But you didn’t shoot him. And you wouldn’t shoot him ‘cause you wouldn’t hurt anybody.

Lucy: I don’t know! I would go over there with no intention of shooting him but maybe if he provoked me just right things could happen. Maybe he provoked you just right and things just got a little crazy.

Scott: It didn’t happen!

Lucy: I’m not trying to make you angry. It’s just, I need to know what really happened, so I know what we’re up against together – what we’re up against.

Scott: I didn’t shoot the guy.

Lucy: Are you sure?

Scott: I had two choices – jail, or you and the kids. Now what do you think I would choose?

Lucy: I’m sorry for doubting you, you know, it’s just that everything is going so fast right now.

Scott: I know, I know, we’re just back on track here and now we’ve got this whopper of a frame-up on our hands.

Lucy: Ok, which we will stop and we will defeat together, we can do this.

Scott: You’re damn right.

The Bordisso family plot in the cemetery

Eve: It’s peaceful, huh?

Kevin: Yes, it is.

Eve: Thank you, Kevin.

Kevin: I know you came here the other night – but you didn’t get the closure you needed, that your anger at DV got in the way.

Eve: Yes it did.

Kevin: We can’t bring your baby back but at least you can say goodbye. I’ll give you some privacy.

Eve: No Kevin. There’s nothing that I don’t want you to hear – ever again.

Kevin: Being alone with your thoughts – isn’t keeping a secret from me.

Eve: How can you forgive me for what I did to you? For taking Victor’s letters?

Kevin: I wish you hadn’t lied to me.

Eve: I was so afraid, and confused.

Kevin: Blackmail tends to do that to a person.

Eve: I still shouldn’t have given in to DV. I should have just come to you, right from the beginning.

Kevin: I can’t disagree with you, Eve. But I think you should start with forgiving yourself. (Kevin backs off as Eve talks to her son’s grave)

Eve: (putting daisies on the grave) Hi. I brought these for you. They were my grandfather’s favorite flowers. My grandpa was a great man – you would have really liked him. He would tell me that when he was little he would lie in a field of daisies and look up into the sky and dream of where life would take him. He wanted to be a pilot and fly around the world like Lindberg did. He never made it. He wound up in his hometown selling floor tiles. But I think about him a lot and I look up into Heaven and I know that he’s up there finally, flying his plane waving his wings at me. And I know that you’re up there with him now, in the seat right next to him. And I know that he’s watching over you, until I can join you guys up there. In the meantime, I want you to know that you’re in my heart. And when I look up to Heaven, I’ll see you soaring with the angels. I love you, my boy. (Eve reaches out to touch the angel on the tombstone). Goodbye.

Kevin: You OK?

Eve: Yes. Yes. I finally feel that things are going to get better.

Kevin: Hopefully they will.

Eve: Not just with accepting my baby’s death, but with us. If you weren’t you, I think things could have turned out very differently.

Kevin: If you weren’t you, I never would have hung in there.

Eve: These last few months have been….

Kevin: I wouldn’t want to wish them on anyone….

Eve: Especially us. Kevin – do you think that maybe – we can move forward now?

Kevin: We can try. (They leave the cemetery holding each other)


The Lighthouse

Victor: Oh Monk! Thank goodness you’re back! Did you happen to pick up any rutabagas?

Kevin: How could I forget rutabagas?

Eve: What’s going on here?

Mary: It’s Thanksgiving!

Kevin: Oh my gosh – did we make plans to spend this together?

Victor: Well, who has time for any formalities?

Mary: Oh Victor, I told you to call Kevin!

Victor: I meant to, It just slipped my mind!

Mary: I’m so sorry. We were hoping we could have the dinner here, I mean there’s just no way we could fit everybody in our apartment.

Kevin: Who’s everybody?

Mary: Karen and Joe and Courtney and Neil and Frank – well what’s Thanksgiving without family?

Kevin: Pointless?

Mary: Thank you – thank you, so much! Where are the napkins?

Eve: They’re in the kitchen. Mary.

Kevin: Dinner with Frank- now there’s something to be thankful for!

Victor: He’s family, like it or not.

Kevin: Not!

Victor: Well, surely we can manage to get along for the occasional holiday….

Eve: You know what? Victor’s right.

Victor: Especially this one – we have decided to have a traditional Thanksgiving, just as the Pilgrims did. Mary hasn’t been too keen on the notion, but I think that she’s warming to the idea.

Kevin: I’m not too keen on any of this.

Eve: The Collins family is the only family that I have around right now. And I’m very thankful for that. I think that we can open our home for this very thankful occasion.


Kevin: Excuse me. Rachel!

Rachel: Hi ! One sweet potato pie, ready to put in the oven tomorrow.

Victor: I’m quite certain that the Pilgrims didn’t have marshmallows.

Mary: Thank so you much for dropping it by.

Victor: Come to think of it, they didn’t have sweet potatoes, yet, either.

Mary: (to Victor) Plates!

Victor: Plates! Pardon me.

Kevin: So let me understand this – you’re spending Thanksgiving here?

Rachel: Mary invited me.

Eve: Oh, well that was sweet.

Rachel: Look, I realize I’m not part of the family and I may not even be one of your favorite people. But I’ll be on my best behavior really – if you will.

Kevin: Why ruin it for everyone? I’ll try.

Rachel: All right. Well, I can’t ask for any more than that. I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Victor – goodnight.

Victor: Monk – do you have an extra shovel?

Kevin: Why?

Victor: I need some help digging the fire pit for roasting.

Mary: I found them.

Victor: No, no Mary, sweetheart, not white, we need mustard, russet, earth colors. Shovel?

Kevin: (to Eve) I have a feeling we might not even survive tomorrow.

Back to the Firehouse

Scott: I’ll talk to you later. See you tomorrow.

Lucy: What? What? What did Lee say?

Scott: They found another blood type at the crime scene other than Bordisso’s – they’re running and test.

Lucy: Well you cut your hand at the crime scene so the blood can easily be yours – no big deal.

Scott: Yeah, but they’re going over the test they have on file.

Lucy: Which will prove nothing –I mean it doesn’t tell them anything they don’t already know. So you were at the crime scene – it doesn’t mean that you shot DV.

Scott: I can’t believe how detailed his plot was – all I had to do was show up and I did! And now lookit - I’m screwed!

Lucy: No you’re not. No – you’re not. You’ll prove you’re innocent because you are. We’ll prove it.

Scott: Yeah, and you know what? We are not going to let us ruin our holidays.

Lucy: Good – because despite all of this insanity we actually do have a lot, a lot to be thankful for.

Scott: Those DNA test aren’t going to be back until Monday and you’re right. They’re not going to prove anything.

End of show.

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