Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 20-Dec-1999

Author: MontanaKC
Posting date: Mon, 20-Dec-1999 6:40:50 PM PST

Monday, December 20th, 1999

The show opens at the 6th floor Nurses station with Karen and Eve.

Eve: Karen, have you seen Courtney’s paperwork?

Karen: Yeah, it’s right here.

Eve: Thanks.

Karen: Am I the only one who thinks we’re releasing her a little too soon?

Eve: Well Joe said that she really wanted to be home with Neil for the holidays.

Karen: I understand, but she just had major surgery.

Eve: Well Dr. Neumann and Dr. Boardman both said that it was OK if she went home. Besides they thought it might help speed her recovery.

Karen: OK. Well seeing me won’t help – I’d better get going.

Too late Karen ‘cause entering are Joe pushing Courtney in a wheelchair. Uncomfortable looks all around. Courtney won’t even look at Karen.

Eve: Courtney – I just need you to sign this for me. (She does)

Frank gets out of the elevator.

Frank: Hey, sorry I’m late.

Joe: That’s OK – we’re just signing out.

Frank: (to Courtney) Do you have everything you came with?

Courtney: No – I don’t have my baby. (Joe & Karen’s eyes meet)

The courtroom during Julie’s trial. Julie is speaking with Chris.

Julie: Guess who’s in town?

Chris: I know - I ran into Nicole over at GH. She wasn’t very happy to see me. Especially since I married her daughter. Just to get my hands on your money, she said.

Julie: Yeah well, what other motive could anyone have? You don’t love people in her world – you use them. And that’s what Rachel is doing of course, trying to manipulate me. Although “Mommy Dearest” couldn’t say why.

Rachel enters – all cheerful.

Rachel: Hey! Good morning all.

Chris: Rachel.

Rachel: (to Julie) So – you nervous about today?

Julie: Aren’t you?

Rachel: No. No, I’m energized because Dr. Collins wants to lock you away, and I’m not gonna let it happen.

The hallway of the courthouse – Victor is speaking with Kevin.

Victor: So Matt is off to find out if the woman in the Florida clinic is Ellen Burgess.

Kevin: Rachel used to work at the same clinic and I’m sure that Ellen knew Rachel from before, and I think Rachel had something to do with the way Ellen left town so quickly.

Victor: Something in Dr. Locke’s past that Ellen could have exposed?

Kevin: That’s my guess.

Victor: Well if you find out Ellen is at the clinic, what?

Kevin: If I can talk to Ellen before I have to testify she might give me some ammunition that I can use to discredit Rachel.

Victor: But how will it serve us to discredit Julie’s doctor? That’s what I don’t understand.

Kevin: Rachel is the doctor who helped Julie remember that she didn’t commit the murders. Their entire defense is based on it.

Victor: Which we need to dismantle.

Kevin: If we don’t, the way this trial is going, Julie is going to be set free. And I can’t in good conscience let that happen.

Opening Credits

Back to the 6th floor Nurses Station. Eve is behind the desk, and approached by Karen.

Karen: Coast clear?

Eve: You mean Courtney? Yeah, I think she’s probably home by now – but not without a few parting shots at you, first.

Karen: Yeah, well I keep telling myself I CAN handle this.

Eve: Look, you may be Chief Resident, but you’re not Super Woman. Being in an accident is bad enough but having Courtney accuse you of causing her to lose her baby…. Well that’s not something that you can handle all by yourself.

Karen: I could use an objective opinion about all this.

Eve: Really? (Looking at her watch) You are lucky I just happen to be free at the moment. (They go over to the lounge)

Karen: When Courtney got pregnant, it was about saving Neil’s life. Then it became about something else – an opportunity for Joe to be a real father from the beginning.

Eve: Something that he didn’t get to do with Neil.

Karen: What if I was driving recklessly? I took that opportunity away from Joe, I cost the baby her life and I left Neil without the best possible chance of overcoming his leukemia? I robbed them all!

Eve: I could tell you what everyone else has told you: It’s not your fault, it was an accident, but that’s probably not gonna make you feel any better, is it?

Karen: I’m a doctor; my job is to save lives. I’m not sure how to deal with possibly ending one.

Eve: Karen – we’re just doctors, we’re not God. Sometimes we make mistakes that are way out of our control – here in the hospital and out there in the real world. Look, maybe you did misjudge the road. Maybe you hit a patch of hidden ice, who knows? Either way – you’re gonna feel bad. And it’s gonna take you a while to get over that lousy feeling.

Karen: Meanwhile, what do I do?

Eve: Stay strong. Forgive yourself for whatever part you had in all this. You have to help the survivors heal – especially Joe. Then you can share his grief and help him get on with his life.

Karen: Gee that sounds simple….

Eve: (laughing) I know it’s not – believe me. But, by helping Joe, somehow, you’ll be helping yourself, too.

Karen: Thanks. You’ve helped me remember what’s important: Joe.

Eve: You know Joe has been so busy worrying about Courtney that he hasn’t really had time to think about his loss yet.

Karen: And when he does, is he going to be able to forgive me?

Chez Scanlon w/ Courtney, Neil, Joe, Frank & Mary

Courtney: (with a bear hug on Neil) Oh, this is so much better than anything they could have done for me at the hospital!

Neil: Then you’re feeling better?

Courtney: Now that I see your smiling face, I am!

Mary: We got you a gallon of Rocky Road ice cream, your favorite right?

Courtney: Yeah.

Mary: Good - that’s just part of the TLC you’ll be getting from us.

Courtney: (quietly) Thank you.

Neil: There’s a ton of stuff under the tree for you, and something really cool for the baby. (More in the “uncomfortable looks department”) I forgot my present for you – I’ll get it. (Neil runs off upstairs)

Courtney: Honey! Don’t run on the …… stairs. Well, somebody’s got to tell him.

Joe: Well, I can go up and do it right now.

Courtney: No - I want to be there, too.

Frank: Alright Mom, why don’t we… why don’t we take a quick stroll around the block? (WAY TO TAKE THE HIGH ROAD, FRANK!)

Mary: I think that would be just lovely.

Courtney: (quietly to Frank) Thank you. (Frank smiles at her).

Joe: Hey, you OK?

Courtney: Uh huh.

Joe: You know Courtney, after losing our baby, I feel closer to Neil than ever. I don’t want to share him with anyone – even Frank.

Courtney: Well Frank knows how much Neil means to you.

Joe: Right now he’s everything. And you Courtney – right now you matter so much, for giving him to me. (Courtney smiles gamely; can you say “GUILT”?

Back to the Courthouse – Kevin is on the phone with Matt, who is in Florida searching for Ellen.

Kevin: Matt, any news?

Matt: Well I’m just heading over to the clinic right now. What’s happening on your end?

Kevin: Well Victor’s on the stand right now and I’m up next. Which means I need to know whatever it is Ellen knows about Rachel and I mean now.

Matt: Well I’ll call you as soon as I find anything out.

They hang up.

In the courtroom – Dara Jensen is questioning Victor. All the principals are present: Julie, Chris, Rachel, & Darren Leopold.

Dara: Tell us what happened next, Professor Collins. (Kevin enters the courtroom)

Victor: Julie pulled a gun on me.

Dara: Did she say anything to you?

Victor: Oh yes – she admitted killing John Kanelos.

Dara: What were you thinking as the defendant held that gun to your head?

Victor: (seems amused) I was thinking that she was telling the truth – that she deliberated stabbed John Kanelos to death.

Darren: Objection, your Honor!


Chez Scanlon. Courtney is trying to guess what is in one of the gifts.

Courtney: Oh, oh, I think this is just what I need. A brand new, high tech, state of the art, hand held video game?

Neil: No – that’s what you’re getting me!

Courtney: And you’ve been that good?

Neil: I’ve been awesome!

Courtney: Yeah you have – you are, you’re totally awesome. (She is sniffing while hugging him).

Neil: Mom? What’s wrong?

Joe: Neil – there’s something we need to tell you.

Neil: Nothing bad, right?

Joe: Yeah. It is bad. When your Mom was in that accident – the baby she was carrying was hurt.

Neil: You fixed it, right?

Joe: We tried – but you know the baby was so small – there wasn’t a lot we could do.

Courtney: We lost her, sweetie.

Neil: Her?

Courtney: Yeah, she was a girl. I’m sorry she didn’t make it.

Neil: I know guys are supposed to be tough and everything, but I really feel like crying.

Joe: I know son, me too.

Courtney: Oh. (She hugs Neil tightly).

Outside Chez Scanlon – Frank and Mary.

Frank: I wonder how Neil’s taking it? How could he take it? Damn it – it’s not fair – Courtney’s baby was our best hope and I destroyed it!

Mary: Oh Frank - it was a terrible accident! How can you say it was your fault?

Frank: Courtney and I got into a major battle the night of the accident and like a jerk, I walked out on her. She felt bad and she came after me.

Mary: People argue – how could you have known....

Frank: I could have been halfway decent to Courtney. She was pregnant. I should have been thinking about her and the baby, but all I could think about was what I wanted.

Mary: Frank - stop doing this to yourself.

Frank: Why not? Why the hell not? ‘Cause I was selfish, Neil may have lost his only shot to get well. How do I live with that Mom? Tell me! How do I live with the fact that I cost Courtney the baby, and maybe Neil his shot to recover?

Back to the hospital

Eve: Ta-da!

Karen: Hot chocolate! Exactly what I would have prescribed myself.

Eve: It’s a girl thing. Do you remember those late night shifts we used to have as interns?

Karen: Yeah. Oh and the Rocky Road brownies Julie used to make…..

Eve: Right!

Karen: Bringing them into the on-call room.

Eve: Yeah! With the razor blades in ‘em.

Karen: Come on – she wasn’t like that then. She was funny, generous…..

Eve: Great with a sword….. I’m sorry. You really miss her, don’t you?

Karen: Yeah, I really do. And I’m afraid if she’s found guilty she’s gonna spend the rest of her life in jail and never really get the help that she needs.

Eve: Kevin’s afraid of that, too.

Karen: Kevin’s testifying to that today, right?

Eve: Um hmm…

Karen: Well good – maybe he can give the jury some insight into who Julie really is.

Back inside the courtroom – Darren Leopold is cross-examining Victor Collins.

Darren: Professor Collins – your sword has been identified as the weapon that killed John Kanelos. What was the last time you saw it?

Victor: Halloween party, a year ago. I was in my authentic “Kat-su garb” (sorry – I’m not quite as educated as Victor and I’m spelling this phonetically!) which includes that sword. At some point during the evening, the killer helped herself to the lethal part of my costume.

Darren: Herself? So you’re certain it was Julie Devlin who took the sword.

Victor: Well she told her herself.

Darren: Are you aware that the only fingerprints found on the sword belonged to Eve Lambert, Courtney Kanelos, Joe Scanlon, and you?

Victor: Well, surely there is a straightforward answer which might have occurred even to an attorney such as yourself and that is that Julie was obviously wearing gloves.

Darren: Oh, so you saw Julie Devlin wearing gloves at the party?

Victor: Well I, I, don’t know, I mean there were a lot of people there and they were all wearing costumes…

Darren: (interrupting) So you didn’t SEE her wearing gloves? Is that correct?

Victor: Well, I’m not sure that I did….

Darren: You had said that there were a lot of people at the party. Was one of those people Greg Cooper?

Victor: I didn’t see him.

Darren: Well how could you know? If, as you said, everyone was in costume, isn’t it possible Greg Cooper was at the party? And he took the sword and used it to stalk his victim?

(Dara has this “this is a nightmare” look on her face fight about now)

Victor: Well it’s highly unlikely given the…

Darren: Yes or No, Professor Collins?

Victor: I guess it’s possible.

Judge: The witness may step down.

Rachel: (to Darren, who covers the microphone in front of him) I hope you do as good a job neutralizing the Professor’s son. (Darren and Julie smile at each other)

Dara: You’re up next, Kevin.

Kevin: I have a friend checking out Rachel Locke’s history, I think she might be covering something up, is there any way we can get a recess until tomorrow?

Dara: Judge will not go for it.

Kevin: This could be crucial, Dara.

Dara: If you can’t get the information from your friend right this minute, you’re gonna have to testify without it. (Kevin looks concerned)


In front of Chez Scanlon with Joe & Mary

Mary: Are you OK?

Joe: I’m fine – but Neil, he was devastated.

Mary: Well he’s a smart kid – he knew this was a gamble.

Joe: Maybe. How do I deal with that look in his eyes that says “Dad help me. I don’t want to die”.

Mary: By letting him know you’ll never give up the fight.

Joe: Mom, I’m afraid one day he’s going to give up.

Mary: Oh no – no, after all he’s been through and he’s never backed down, and you know why? Because he sees your courage and he gets his strength from you!

Joe: Well I’m not going to let me doubts get to him now that’s for sure.

Mary: You won’t – Joe you are the most wonderful father, and its a mystery how you got that way - you certainly weren’t raised by the best role model in the world.

Joe: But I had you Mom, I always had you.

Mary: Oh….

Inside Chez Scanlon – Frank is talking with Neil, while Courtney is lying on the sofa.

Frank: Hey champ – how are you doing?

Neil: I guess you know that Mom lost the baby.

Frank: You must have a lot of feelings about that, huh?

Neil: I guess so. I’m gonna go up and play Jedi Knight on my computer.

Frank: Need an extra light saber?

Neil: No thanks. (He leaves).

Frank tries to sneak a gift under the Christmas tree.

Courtney: Playing Santa?

Frank: Did I wake you?

Courtney: No – ummm.

Frank: I would ask you how you’re doing – but it seems like such a stupid question.

Courtney: I wouldn’t have any really good answer for you either.

Frank: What can I do?

Courtney: You’re doing it. You know, I’m sorry you couldn’t be there when we told Neil.

Frank: I don’t want to see Neil hurt anymore. Or you.

Courtney: Thank you. So, I saw you trying to slip that under that pile under there.

Frank: Oh, you caught me, but you have to wait until Christmas.

Courtney: Oh come on – don’t I deserve an early present?

Frank: You definitely do.

Courtney: Hey (reading the tag) “To Courtney with love, from K. Kringle”. What, you’re friends with this Kringle guy, huh?

Frank: Yes, we hang out sometimes.

Courtney: OK (opens the gift and sees a snowman with a tree frame around a picture of Neil playing baseball with Frank. (She gets teary-eyed).

Frank: Hey – come on that was supposed to make you happy.

Courtney: It does. (Frank holds her hand in his and kisses it). Thank you.

Back to the courthouse.

Kevin: (To his cell phone) Come on Matt, call! You have to have found out something by now!

Victor: Monk you can still make some very effective points about Dr. Locke.

Kevin: Which would be a lot stronger if I something more than my instincts to back them up!

Inside, Rachel is talking to Julie & Chris.

Rachel: Don’t look so worried

Julie: Well, I’m afraid of what Kevin will say.

Rachel: His testimony is irrelevant to your case, Julie. Besides, Darren is gonna make sure his appearance on the stand is very brief.

Julie: Well I hope you’re right.

Rachel: Have I been wrong? Hmm? I’m gonna take this break to call the hospital and check in. (She leaves).

Chris: (to Julie) Well despite what the good doctor says, I think you ought to be worried, but not about Kevin, about Rachel herself.

Julie: How can you think that?

Chris: She’s after something bigger than your freedom.

Julie: Chris outside of you and Christina, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I trust her completely!

Outside in the hallway – Kevin finally hears from Matt.

Kevin: Tell me some good news, Matt.

Matt: Afraid not – Ellen’s not here.

Kevin: What do you mean she’s not there? We faxed her picture to the clinic they said she was there and that her name was Barbara Greene. What is going on?

Matt: Well I’m not sure. I mean I showed the photo of Ellen to the people at the clinic, they said that she looks like this Barbara Greene.

Kevin: Have you tried to talk to Barbara Greene yourself?

Matt: She’s gone.

Kevin: What?

Matt: I, I don’t know. I mean she quit her job a few weeks ago. She left no forwarding address or phone number.

Kevin: Great! Another mystery!

Matt: I’m sorry Kevin; I know how much you were hoping I’d find Ellen down here.

Kevin: I know you were, too. I’m sorry Matt I have to go, it’s my turn to testify – but don’t stop looking.

Dara: Ready to do some damage, Doctor?

And the show is OVER.

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