Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 28-Dec-1999

Author: MontanaKC
Posting date: Tue, 28-Dec-1999 2:03:49 PM PST

Tuesday, December 28th, 1999

The show begins at the Firehouse with Scott, Lucy, and Christina.

Scott: Hey Christina, you wanna be a flower girl in a big wedding? You think you can crawl down the aisle?

Lucy: (on the phone with Don, her assistant) Don, no, no, no, I know you like red but I want white, white rose petals and I want two little baskets for the little girls to carry you know, and throw the petals as they go, it’ll be so pretty and oh, listen, I don’t know if we need a ring bearer or not, I don’t even know if we have one but I could get one of the pillow thingy’s you know, where you look for… Yes, yes, perfect, perfect. Oh, and I was thinking about a glow in the dark cake. I know it’s a wedding, not a Star Trek Convention Don, work with me here please? Okay, you get the cake; make it big, big and beautiful. All right, thanks for your help, ta! (Hangs up the phone) Cake, cake, cake, cake, cake… (writes on her “to do” list). What are you smiling at?

Scott: You!

Lucy: Okay, what? It’s funny that I have 50 million zillion things to do because we should have thought of this yesterday but we didn’t and now we have to do everything like it was yesterday.

Scott: Nah, its just cause you’re lit up like a Christmas tree over there and it makes me happy to see you happy.

Lucy: Well you know, happy is just one word try joyous and excited and filled with so much anticipation and actually there’s a smidge of sheer terror, but I think ecstatic is probably the right word.

Scott: I like you in ecstatic – I like a lot of ecstatic.

Lucy: Hey, don’t you think this is absolutely perfect? This is the most wonderful, right thing – walking down the aisle for the millennium together.

Scott: Yes it is.

Charlene enters with Serena

Charlene: Yoo hoo! We’re back!

Lucy: Hey!

Serena: Mom, Dad – look what Emily gave me as a party favor!

Lucy: Lemme see that, lemme see a Y2K survival kit?

Scott: Whatever happened to kazoos or you know, pickup sticks?

Serena: When Dylan blew out his birthday candles…

Lucy: Yeah?

Serena: he said he was gonna get 2000 more and blow them out on New Year’s Eve.

Charlene: I hope they have an oxygen tank handy.

Serena: What are we gonna do for New Year’s Eve?

Lucy: Oh, well, you know, just something special…

Scott: Very special.

Lucy: Well you know we’ve been talking about the millennium as kind of a start, a new beginning, and a big celebration. Well we just thought we had to show the world what matters to us most, so you know what we’re gonna do – we’re just gonna show the world how much you mean to us and how much we love each other.

Scott: That’s why on New Year’s Eve, me and her, we’re gonna walk down the aisle!

Serena: Oh man, I can’t wait.

Charlene: As Serena says, that’s awesome, honey!

Lucy: We’re getting married! We’re gonna be married!

Charlene: Group hug!

Lucy: Group hug (she gets Christina out of her playpen) group hug ‘cause we’re getting married, we’re getting married!

The Lighthouse w/ Kevin and Eve

Kevin: We’re running out of time. The prosecution will probably wrap up its arguments this afternoon.

Eve: Which means that we have to hurry up and find a way to discredit Rachel before she takes the stand for the defense.

Kevin: Did you see this? It’s one of the cult defense cases that Lee Baldwin sent over.

Eve: (reading from a case file) The defendant, Jane Phillips received therapy in Florida but her case was tried in Manhattan, where her family resides.

Kevin: That’s connection number one; Rachel Locke treated her patient in Florida. Connection number two; Jane Phillips was carted off to boarding school at age 10.

Eve: What does that have to do with Rachel’s patient?

Kevin: According to the file that Matt got, this patient got involved with the cult because of the detached relationship she had with her own family.

Eve: And you’re thinking that this girl got shipped off to boarding school.

Kevin: Just like Jane Phillips.

Eve: Could they be one and the same, Kevin?

Kevin: If they are, we could have our insight into Rachel Locke.

Outside the Courtroom with Chris, Julie and Rachel.

Chris: Hey gorgeous! Where you been all my life?

Julie: We have an uphill battle, don’t we?

Rachel: And it’s an uphill battle that we’re going to win, Julie.

Julie: And it’s almost time to start. Where is my mother?

Chris: Well you know Nicole; chances are she’s just running late.

Julie: She’s not gonna show. After hearing my confession she probably assumes that I’m guilty, and good old Mom – she was never one to back a losing cause.

Chris: Then who needs her?

Julie: Us! If my own mother thinks I’m guilty and bails on me, what do you suppose the jury is going to think?

Opening Credits

The 6th floor lobby – we see a poster that has just been put up by Joe Scanlon. It reads, “Welcome the new Millennium with a gift of love. Give to the General Hospital Bone Marrow Drive.”

Karen: Well, I’d better make myself scarce.

Joe: Why?

Karen: Well Frank and Courtney will be here soon with Neil. Courtney still blames me for the accident.

Just then, Frank, Courtney and Neil step off the elevator.

Neil: Dad! Karen! Cool posters!

Joe: Hey!

Courtney: Well this bone marrow blood drive must just be the answer we’ve been looking for.

Neil: You gonna donate, Uncle Frank?

Frank: Oh you bet I am champ. We already know I’m not a match for you but maybe I can help some other kid out there with leukemia. And who knows? Maybe somebody out there on the National Registry will end up being the perfect match for you.

Courtney: Well that’s pretty great, huh?

Joe: You’re lucky to have such a good uncle.

Neil: I sure am.

Joe: Okay your job – 6th floor. Put up at least five flyers, OK?

Neil: Aye aye, sir!

Joe: Oh by the way, Karen and I are pursuing other options in case you know, a donor isn’t found.

Courtney: Trying to get rid of your guilt by redoubling your efforts to help Neil?

Karen: I’d be working my butt off to help Neil if there’d never even been an accident Courtney, and you know that.

Joe: Guys, guys, instead of dwelling on what we can’t change, let’s focus on finding a donor, OK?

Frank: That’s right, so, c’mon Courtney it is time to donate.

Courtney: All right. (They leave)

Scott and Lucy get off the elevator and see Karen and Joe.

Lucy: Oh hey – we’re here! (She rolls up her sleeve) I’m ready; I’m ready to donate blood!

Karen: You know, I knew I could count on you two!

Joe: We set up shop down the hall on the left just walk in, roll up your sleeves; they’re all ready for you.

Scott: Well, we’re not just here to donate blood, actually…

Lucy: (blurts it out) We’re getting married on New Year’s Eve!

Scott: Oh….

Joe: What?

Lucy: We’re getting married!

Joe: Congratulations!

Karen: THIS New Year’s Eve?

Lucy: Yes, yes, yes! Well, I mean, you know it’s not all planned out everything perfectly yet, but it’s gonna be beautiful, I mean it is last minute but it’s gonna be wonderful, and if you have plans for the millennium, too bad, you’re gonna have to change them ‘cause we want you to be with us.

Karen: Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss this for anything. I’m so happy for you! (She hugs Lucy)

Lucy: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Joe: (to Scott) Congratulations! (He shakes his hand)

Scott: We’re having a big spread with a lot of food Joe, you’ll love it!

Joe: I appreciate it.

Karen hugs Scott, and Joe hugs Lucy.

Lucy: Yay!

Joe: That’s great.

Lucy: Oh, and listen, I feel like I’m the luckiest girl in the whole wide world ‘cause not only am I getting an incredible husband, I’m also gonna have three amazing, wonderful daughters. I mean, you know, I didn’t grow up to be a step mom or anything, I always thought that was kinda weird, but anyway that’s what I’m gonna be, and you know if you need advice or you need to come to me for anything, I’m there. I know that you have a Mom, and she’s in Canada and all, but I’m just there if you need me, what I’m trying to say is….

Scott: Yeah, what?

Lucy: I consider you part of our family so much. I mean, you know, every bit as much as Serena and Christina.

Back to the Courtroom. Darren Leopold is questioning Detective Garcia.

Darren: Detective Garcia, in addition to hearing the defendant’s confession, did you also witness her behavior during the hostage situation engineered by Greg Cooper?

Dara: Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence. For all we know Julie Devlin-Ramsey engineered this event.

Judge: Sustained.

Darren: I’ll rephrase, your Honor. Did you see the defendant’s reaction when Kevin Collins, Eve Lambert, and Lucy Coe were being held hostage?

Garcia: I did. We managed to get a hidden camera inside the house.

Darren: Who was really in charge of this hostage situation, Detective?

Garcia: Cooper had the gun. He gave the orders.

Darren: And what was Julie’s state of mind?

Dara: Objection – calls for speculation.

Judge: I’ll allow it.

Garcia: As Cooper got more volatile, Julie became more agitated, confused. It was obvious she was scared.

Darren: So the defendant feared for her life as much as the others did.

Garcia: I believe so.

Darren: Thank you Detective Garcia.

Judge: Redirect, Counselor?

Dara: Did Julie Devlin-Ramsey confess to being a murderer?

Garcia: Yes.

(There are some very grim looks in the courtroom from Julie, Rachel and Chris.)

Dara: Prosecution rests.

Julie: The jury won’t even look at me!

Chris: Remember the Christmas promise I made, about getting you acquitted? Well get ready ‘cause it’s our turn, now.

Judge: (speaking while Chris was talking to Julie) Is the defense ready to proceed?

Darren: We are, your honor.

Judge: Call your first witness, Mr. Leopold.

Darren: The defense calls Dr. Rachel Locke.

Kevin: Thank you very much for seeing us Mrs. Phillips. I’m Dr. Kevin Collins and this is my colleague, Dr. Eve Lambert.

Eve: Hi.

Kevin: Your daughter was deprogrammed by Dr. Rachel Locke, at a Florida clinic?

Mrs. Phillips: Yes?

Eve: And then later exonerated for a crime she committed when she was in a cult.

Mrs. Phillips: I’m not interested in discussing my daughter’s situation with perfect strangers.

Kevin: We understand your hesitancy, however, we have a friend who is in a similar situation, and she needs a reference on Dr. Locke before she can secure her services.

Mrs. Phillips: Do you care about this friend?

Kevin: Yes, we do.

Eve: We do.

Mrs. Phillips: Then keep her as far away from Dr. Locke as possible!


6th floor lobby at GH.

Karen: Hey – don’t you have tuxes to alter, ministers to hire, vows to create?

Scott: Yes I do, but I’m trying to find Lee.

Karen: Well I haven’t seen him.

Scott: Ok, thanks.

Karen: Scott, you deserve all this happiness, and thanks for letting me be part of it.

Scott: Well like Lucy said – you’re a big part of this whole mess.

Karen: You know when I finally found out that you were my father, it filled this hole I had in me, this small lonely space. I guess it was different for you, with Bordisso tho’, wasn’t it?

Scott: I wish I’d never found out he was my father.

Karen: Do you really mean that?

Scott: Yeah, other than the fact that I know I’m gonna suffer hair loss, I mean what good came of it?

Karen: I’m not sure. But sometimes the truth is awful at first but once the hurt fades, maybe we’re better off knowing what was real, rather than living in a lie.

Scott: What’s all these Bordisso questions?

Karen: Curious, I guess. And I also have a patient who’s dealing with this issue.

Scott: Every situation is different, you know. It’s up to every individual to know if they want to know the truth, or not.

Lee: You discussing law, or medicine?

Scott: You’re just the guy I’m looking for.

Karen: Well I have to get back to the blood drive (kisses Lee goodbye) I’ll see you later. (To Scott) Goodbye.

Scott: Ok now brace yourself!

Lee: I’m beginning to hate those words, Scott!

Scott: No, this is good. This is good. Lucy and I are getting married on New Year’s Eve.

Lee: It’s a bit impetuous now, isn’t it? I mean this rush to the altar isn’t just another way of exorcising Bordisso out of your life, is it?

Scott: No it’s not. This is good – this is good. I’m marrying this great girl on the biggest day of our lives, when we turn into the new century…

Lee: All right, all right! You have my blessing. Congratulations Scott.

Scott: Thank you, but there’s one other thing I need from you.

Lee: Name it.

Scott: You made the walk down the aisle with me once before when I was getting married to Laura. And even though that marriage didn’t work out I’m not gonna hold it against you. I’m asking you again to be my Best Man. ‘Cause I need you so I don’t do anything stupid.

Lee: You’ve come a long way, son.

Scott: Well, what’s your answer?

Lee: I’d be honored.

The firehouse with Lucy and Charlene.

Lucy: Drat Aunt Charlene – every single place I can think of is completely booked up for the millennium.

Charlene: Well then have it after the millennium! Well, for heaven’s sake honey you need to have more time – make it more perfect!

Lucy: Well no, because the millennium for us is perfect it’s so spontaneous, so perfect, so over the top, so Scott & me!

Charlene: So everything that ever got you into trouble….

Lucy: Ah, true, true… but you know, somewhere along the way, everything changed. You know, maybe it was when Dominique asked me to have a baby for her, because all that impulsiveness sorta turned into something incredible, namely Serena.

Charlene: I have to hand it to you honey, parenthood really agrees with you, and Scott.

Lucy: Well, yeah now we’re doubly blessed, we get to raise Christina too, and so I know we may not always pick the right path, you know, and maybe we’ll always stay as crazy and rash as we are, which is true, but the point is we want to do the right thing and we’re gonna do the right thing ‘cause we’re gonna do it together and it’s for keeps and that’s the way we’re gonna raise our family.

Charlene: I admire your spirit honey.

Lucy: I admire yours, and I got my spirit from you. That’s the way you raised me, and I’m so very proud. So now I have something I want to ask you.

Charlene: Whatever it is dear, the answer is yes.

Lucy: Be my matron of honor?

Charlene: Oh! Oh! (Laughs and hugs Lucy)

We’re back in the courtroom – Darren Leopold is questioning Rachel.

Darren: Now we all heard the defendant’s taped confession, but Dr. Locke in your expert opinion, why should the jury believe that she was brainwashed into only thinking that she committed murder?

Rachel: Julie was held captive by Greg Cooper and he subjected her to severe mental torture. And Detective Garcia already testified she feared for her life. We all have a built in survival mechanism. It kicks in whenever we feel that our life might be threatened. Julie survived her abduction by identifying with her abductor – that’s called Stockholm syndrome.

Darren: If you will, clarify what you mean when you say that she identified with Cooper?

Rachel: Well subconsciously, Julie believed the only way she could protect herself was by joining forces with the person who actually threatened her.

Darren: So she would have done anything that Cooper demanded, in order to protect herself?

Rachel: Well, that’s tricky. You see we’re all guided by our own personal need to survive. Even so, we do have an inner compass. Regardless of Cooper’s manipulation, there’s nothing he could have done to force Julie to do something that went against her moral grain.

Dara: Objection – there is no way the witness can know with absolute certainty what the defendant would or wouldn’t do.

Judge: Sustained.

Rachel: (to the Judge) Perhaps I should qualify. (To Darren Leopold) In my expert opinion, Julie Devlin-Ramsey is incapable of murder.

Back to Mrs. Phillips’ home, w/ Kevin and Eve.

Mrs. Phillips: I had thought that Rachel Locke was my daughter’s savior.

Kevin: Well thank you very much for discussing something with us that’s obviously still very painful.

Mrs. Phillips: To this day I can’t believe how taken in I was. What I perceived as devotion to Jane was actually Dr. Locke’s own obsession to free her.

Kevin: Well if it’s any consolation, you’ve given us the ammunition we need to stop Rachel from hurting anyone else.


Back to the blood drive at GH

Courtney: This bone marrow drive could turn up a donor match for Neil.

Frank: Even if it doesn’t, Joe is not going to give up trying to find a cure.

Neil enters with Matt, Joe and Karen.

Courtney: Hey!

Neil: Pump you dry yet?

Frank: Yeah, down a pint and proud of it!

Matt: Hey you guys need any help with the drive?

Joe: Yes we do. You can put up some posters around town.

Matt: Okay.

Joe: Before we’re through, every single person in Port Charles will know what’s going on here, right?

Neil: You’re the best, Dad!

(Karen notices the vial of Frank’s blood lying on a tray. Matt also notices Karen noticing!)

Frank: So! Are we going to hang around here all day, or are we going to post flyers?

Courtney: Hey, I vote for posting flyers!

Neil: Me, too!

Joe: Okay, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!
Matt: See you later.

Joe: See ya! (Joe leaves with Neil, Frank & Courtney)

Matt: Joe is pretty crazy about his son, huh?

Karen: Joe couldn’t stand to lose Neil.

Matt: Let’s hope it never happens. (Matt gets paged) All right – I gotta go. You call me if you need anybody, OK?

Karen: Thanks Matt. (Matt leaves)

Karen picks up the vial of Frank’s blood and calls the lab.

Karen: This is Dr. Wexler. I’m sending down a sample of blood. I need an HLA antigen test. Yes, as quickly as possible.

Back to the Firehouse

Scott: So, we’ve got no place to get married, huh?

Lucy: I have called every single place I could think of - nothing! Everything is booked for the millennium, so, now what do we do?

Scott: I got an idea.

Lucy: Ok.

Scott: Hey, hey Alvin! Scott Baldwin! (Lucy looks puzzled and mouths out “Alvin?”) I’m fine, fine, how are you? That’s good. You know that lodge outside of town they were renovating? Well is it done? It is? Ok, listen I wanna book it for New Year’s Eve. Alvin, I don’t care what it costs – just book it! All right, lemme call you later. All right bye. (He hangs up and claps his hands together!) Done!

Lucy: A lodge?

Scott: Yeah the VFW outside of town.

Lucy: The VFW you mean as in ammunition and guns and pictures of battlefield scenes?

Scott: Yeah it’ll be great – we’ll get the cannons and put them right next to the altar, when we say “I do” BOOM! They go off! New Year’s Eve – the whole thing! It’ll be nice.

Lucy: You really meant it didn’t you, when you said you promised me the sun and the moon and the stars, you meant it.

Scott: Yes I meant it. We’re gonna have one hell of a wedding. Ok. (He almost kisses her) Wait a second, I gotta call Alvin back. (Lucy laughs)

The Courtroom – Dara Jensen is cross-examining Rachel Locke.

Dara: Dr. Kevin Collins suggested that it would be irresponsible to attribute Julie’s behavior entirely to Stockholm syndrome. He testified that her problems run much deeper than that.

Rachel: Dr. Kevin Collins’ credibility has already been challenged in this court.

(Someone enters the courtroom with a note for the Assistant D.A.)

Dara: One moment, your Honor, please. (She reads the note, while Rachel, Julie and Chris exchange concerned looks) Your honor, there’s new information that has just come to light and it could make my cross of Dr. Locke more illuminating. I need time to examine it.

Darren: Your honor, this is a stall.

Judge: I’ll allow you to continue with the witness when we resume tomorrow. Court is adjourned.

Julie: (to Rachel) What is going on?

Bailiff: (to Julie) Time to go. (He handcuffs her) Come on. (They leave)

Chris: What the hell does the Assistant DA have on you that is so illuminating?

Rachel: I have no idea. But it’s not going to affect Julie’s case. No one – nothing will do that.

And the show is OVER.

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