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Port Charles Update for Monday, 10-Jan-2000

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Mon, 10-Jan-2000 4:22:32 PM PST

We begin our episode with Frank doing his best to take care of Courtney (everyone say awwwwww) with soup and attention. He however does feel compelled to warn Courtney not to get used to it. Courtney is reading in the paper about Greg Cooper’s testimony. Frank is still amazed that Julie didn’t run when she had the chance. Courtney believes that the reason Julie didn’t run was so that she would look good. Frank isn’t sure but Courtney can’t debate the issue, she has to see an insurance adjuster at the scene of the accident. Immediately the care-ing Frank comes to force and he wants to go with her, but Courtney can handle this on her own.

Karen is telling Joe the exact same thing – she too has to meet the insurance adjuster at the scene of the accident. Joe would go with Karen but he has to pick up Neil and take him to Frank’s. A still-in-the-dark Joe thinks Frank is pretty great with Neil. Judge wants to know if Scott is really offering to be Julie’s attorney and why. Scott owes Julie a favor and he’s returning it (it’s nice to know that if I ever need free legal help I can kidnap a lawyer’s kid, hold it outside in freezing weather and be rewarded by free assistance. You learn so much valuable information from soaps.) The judge asks Julie if she is willing to accept. Julie hesitates momentarily, but then says yes. Dara strongly objects for the record. Judge wants to see the lawyers in her chambers. Lucy wants to know from Scott if he truly believes Julie is innocent. He’s not sure, but he’s just filling in really until Julie finds a new lawyer. Chris wants to know what’s in it for Scott and he’s not really thrilled with Julie’s new legal beagle, but Rachel and Julie are. Chris points out that Scott is close to Kevin (yeah last time I checked they were bosom buddies, in addition to being girlfriend swappers – hey catch!) and Kevin is against Julie going free. Kevin and Eve ask Lucy what Scott is doing. Lucy thinks that maybe Julie is innocent. Eve points out that Charles Manson claimed innocence, that doesn’t mean he was. Eve realizes Scott’s new job is because Julie saved Christina from the snow. Lucy’s feelings are really confused concerning Julie. Lucy doesn’t think Julie would have let her die after bricking her and Eve into a wall (oh yeah – I could tell that by the quick way she escaped from Cooper and ran back and checked on them) Kevin rolls his eyes, which Lucy would expect from some people (meaning Eve) but not Doc. She’s just being intuitive. Kevin agrees that Lucy is aces in intuitivity, but that doesn’t mean Scott should represent Julie. No one has any idea what Julie will do if she is set free (well break Scott and Lucy’s heart for starters.)

Judge will have no of that filling in stuff; Scott is Julie’s lawyer for the duration. And she very generously gives Scott 24-hours to prepare his case. Neil wants a reluctant Joe to check out Frank’s place. The brilliant Frank Scanlon has astutely placed a chair so that the CD player can be controlled by a toe. Joe is happier with the basketball goal he spots. Joe and Frank bicker about who won the childhood games of one-on-one they played. Neil wants a rematch, and eventually Frank and he convince work-bound Joe to stay and play a game.

Courtney is standing in the snow waiting for an adjuster. And since there is an unwritten law that every update Tammy writes has to have a flashback – well golly gee whiz here is one now. Courtney remembers arguing with Frank and then increasingly speedily driving the car in the snow. Hal from Coleman and Steven’s arrives to take her statement. As Courtney begins to describe the conditions, she spots Karen walking up. The press hound Scott and Dara. Dara warns Scott she is going to nail Julie with her closing statement. Chris talks to Kevin and Eve about the new lawyer Julie has. Chris thinks Julie is innocent, Kevin just wants justice served and Chris can agree with that. Rachel tells Lucy that Scott is a good man and that she is proud to call him his friend and that Lucy is one lucky woman. Lucy – and way to go I might add – tells Rachel that luck has nothing to do with it.

Neil runs commentary as Frank and Joe play ball, until he suddenly has to sit down. Joe sits by him, which upsets Neil who insists he is just fine. Joe gets up to resume playing and Neil immediately crashes into sleep. Both Frank and Joe are way concerned. Scott and Julie discuss her taking the stand. Scott warns Julie for her sake she’d better be telling the truth up there and be ready for some tough questions. Hal thanks Karen and Courtney for their time. Courtney wants to know what Karen told him. Courtney thinks Karen can afford to remember anything she wants, nothing bad happened to her. Karen loves Neil too. Neither of us should have been driving says Karen (and how right she is.) Courtney is amazed Karen would blame her. Karen believes that trying to place blame will get them nowhere. Courtney wants to know what was so damn important that Karen just had to be on the road that night. (See that’s how I know Courtney is not a nice person. She like – you know – swears which is you know – like not nice. Not that I don’t like Courtney are her not-nicedness. I do like her – which says something I am sure about me LOL)
Karen wants Courtney to accept that it was just an accident and to concentrate on Neil. A pushed to the limit Karen points out that it was Courtney that lost control of her car, she had to be driving too fast. Courtney is stunned – nay outraged – that Karen would even suggest she was partly to blame. As Karen walks away, Courtney yells that it was Karen’s fault.

Joe plays ball with Neil which causes him (Neil not Joe) to cough. When Frank and Joe become concerned, Neil takes off for the bathroom. Joe is upset that Neil covers up how he feels so that the grownups won’t worry about him. Frank knows that Neil has been doing this especially since Courtney lost the baby. Frank suggests a child counselor. At first Joe isn’t happy about the idea, but realizes Neil needs to talk to someone, he just wishes Neil could talk to him. Frank very nobly tells Joe he is a good father. It’s easy with Neil, Joe replies. At last, sigh the two men, something we can agree on (male bondage moment). Rachel tells Julie to call her if she needs anything. Julie informs Chris that she almost feels sorry for Scott and Lucy – Scott gets her out and then she gets Christina. Chris wise owl that he is tells her she is a windshield. Julie is happy to be a windshield and get everything she wants (which is apparently something windshields do.) So Chris asks as Julie is being taken away – Grateful Dead or Led? Led says Julie. Carnations or Roses – gee Roses says Julie (like that choice is hard.) Beer or Champagne? Champagne is the answer. Pate or Caviar? Faluga says Julie (or something like that – you must remember I am from Arkansas and culture – which apparently this is – hasn’t hit us yet. Give us a hundred or so years.)

Rachel informs Kevin and Eve that the tide is changing. If you are smart, says Kevin, you’ll go to Dara and cut a deal. Rachel is smart, which is why she isn’t doing any such thing. Scott and Lucy come by with piles of trial transcripts. Scott admits he is seeing the trial through to the end. Kevin still can’t believe Scott is defending her. Scoot is going to put her on the stand. Kevin and Eve are even more amazed. Kevin wants to know what the hell made Scott want to help her (Kevin swears but he’s nice – just because – well he is . No one ever said updaters had to be consistent.) Scott says because she saved Christina (I wanted to type that one more time in case you didn’t catch it the first dozen times it was in the update.) Scott will do his best to help her. Noble, responds Kevin, but you might set a murderer free.

And that’s the end.

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