Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 17-Jan-2000

Author: RamseyFan
Posting date: Mon, 17-Jan-2000 12:03:33 PM PST

Well, whaddya know -- an update from me that NOT entirely snarky! Why, you ask? Well -- mainly because this is a KEVIN AND EVE-FREE DAY!!!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!!!!!!! Sing with me everyone . . . . "I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it . . . ."

Oooops, sorry, got carried away there. Anyway, onward. The show begins with everyone -- by everyone I mean the Scanlon clan, minus Joe, talking about how Neil is missing. Matt, in his obligatory weekly appearance, comes by and wants to help. Hey, at least he has dialogue this time. Joe comes by, and mumbles something barely coherent about how nobody can find Neil -- he calls the police. (Oh yeah, like THEY'LL be able to find him! Unless Neil's covered in donuts, he doesn't stand a chance with the PCPD.)

Then we see Neil outside in the snow, coughing.

Chris and Julie -- Chris is looking HOT btw, just thought I'd say that -- are talking about bribing a juror. Chris wants to find out which juror is most desperate for money and bribe him or her. At least I think that's what he said -- I was kinda busy drooling, so I could be wrong. ;)

Rachel and Scott, in a silly, insipid, pointless scene wherein Rachel flirts openly with Scott, and Scott repeatedly points out that he's engaged and that he loves Lucy. What the heck is this -- Scott Baldwin used to eat women like Rachel Locke for LUNCH! Once again, the spirit of Hamner the HACK and his poison pen continue to live on . . . . . . . . this man shouldn't be allowed to ever write an episode of BARNEY, let alone a soap opera! Good riddance!

Police are at GH -- they'll look for Neil. (Yeah right, I believe that. Neil could walk through the door right now and they wouldn't find him.) Matt comes in -- he's the messenger boy now, I guess. He reports that someone saw Neil leave the hospital on his own. (THIS is Matt's new storyline???????? Sigmund has had better storylines than this! More dialogue than this, too!)

Neil is still outside, coughing and crying. I just have to say that Coltin is quite a good little actor -- these scenes are very realistic.

Julie and Rachel -- Rachel asks Julie what she and Chris are up to. Julie, proving that she really IS exactly where she belongs, tattles on Chris. OMG, I'm defending Chris defending a serial killer -- what IS this world coming to! Rachel calls Scott, and tells him that Julie told her that Chris is gonna bribe the jury. What is this, the grade school playground?

Back at GH, Joe is barking orders at the Scanlon crew plus Matt on how and where to look for Neil.

Scott finds Chris at GH -- in the best scene of today's show.

"You know, you're a lot dumber than you look." says Scott to Chris. And Chris retorts, in what HAS to be the line of the day, and IMHO the line of the YEAR so far --

"And you apparently cut your own hair."

And after I was done LMAO for then next five, what I gathered from the rest of this conversation was that Scott basically told Chris that if he bribes the jury, he's gonna have a mistrial declared and Chris will be brought up on charges.

Another Scott and Rachel scene -- Rachel's slamming Chris again, and I for one am getting sick of it!

Chris goes to see Julie -- he's not a happy camper. Julie is stunned that Rachel told Scott that she told her that Chris is gonna bribe the jury. What a little Cindy Brady that Rachel is! Chris tells Julie she needs to decide -- who does Julie trust more, Rachel or him. Julie picks Chris. And once again, I am floored that my intense annoyance of Rachel Locke has me cheering the fact that Chris is doing his plotting and scheming for the sole purpose of having a serial killer released onto society.

Mary is yapping to Courtney about some silly think Joe and Frank did when they were kids -- Courtney is about as interested as I am. Matt and Frank come back -- no luck finding Neil. Frank goes over and hugs Courtney. Matt talks to Karen -- says F&C still have no excuse for lying to Joe.

Joe is in the park, and he finds Neil. Neil tells him he's not his father . . . . . .

That's it for today, folks!


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