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Port Charles Update for Monday, 7-Feb-2000

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Mon, 07-Feb-2000 5:50:44 PM PST

Neil, obviously weaker, asks Joe when the medicine will make him better. Neil falls back asleep as Joe goes to run more tests. Chris stops Joe in the hallway and asks about Neil’s condition. He tells Joe he thinks Neil is a great kid and will do anything he can to help out. Karen and Matt are surrounded by test tubes (yes – you read that right – of course Matt lives at the hospital now so it makes sense that he would be there.) Karen feels like they are hunting for a needle in the haystack (I know where the needle is!). Matt and Karen agree to “trade off” breaks. Karen gets the first one. We are treated to little test tubes full of blood and look – there is Christina’s. Gee, I wonder why they would focus on Christina’s?

Kevin is on the phone in the Lighthouse discussing changing all the locks. Eve overhears. Rachel’s phone is ringing as she enters her office. She takes her sweet time answering, it’s Julie. Rachel informs Julie she had some things she had to take care of. What’s wrong asks Rachel? Kevin, replies Julie (which, of course, makes Julie wrong since my Doc can’t be.) Kevin asks the sorely missed Victor if he can call him back and tells Eve changing locks is just a precaution ‘cause she lost her keys. Eve is all ready to call the police and name Julie a breaker/enterer but Kevin reassures her – moving right along – Eve decides to cover Karen and Joe’s shifts. Oh by the way, she tells Kevin, Chloe Morgan was run over by a car (can’t you see all the elves stomping their feet - a reference got past them) Ashton’s wife asks perplexed Kevin (who – what – where?) Eve just gave him that tidbit of information to put things in perspective.

Julie is now in Rachel’s office. She’s adjusting to freedom, but it would be easier without Kevin. She tells Rachel the sad tale of trying to visit her daughter and being thwarted by the evil Dr. Collins. Rachel again utters her “trust me Julie” mantra (you are getting sleepy). She warns Julie that if people find out about Christina too soon, it could ruin everything. She warns Julie not to let Kevin be a button-pusher. Julie – stop me if you have heard this before – will not let anyone stop her from getting Christina. Well gee, says the good doctor, why is your hubby trying to ruin your chances?

Chris pays a visit to a very unenthused Matt (it’s nice to see them bonding this way.) Maybe you should get back to your wife, suggests Matt, hate for the newly acquitted misses to get upset. Chris thinks it’s a good idea – she’s sexy when fired up. Dangerous, supplies Matt. Chris likes ‘em that way (no comment.) Chris offers shocked Matt his help. Matt wonders why kind of contest is going on. Matt and Karen have it covered. If you change your mind...I’ll call someone else finishes Matt. Joe and Karen discuss Neil and treatment options. Karen comes to the shocking realization that Joe is losing his objectivity. She doesn’t think Joe can deal with the possibility of Neil getting worse and suggests he take his name off Neil’s doctor list. No way, says Joe. Reconsider? Joe accuses Karen of pulling rank. No says Karen – but I will if necessary. Joe then accuses Karen of having no faith in him. Karen again points out she is Chief Resident but this does not impress Dr. Joe who emphatically states he is not taking himself off of Neil’s case – end of discussion (such eloquent debating skills.)

Julie insists that Chris’s heart is in the right place even if he does make the occasional mistake. When Rachel wonders about what Julie and Chris disagree on, Julie brings up the bone marrow issue. Rachel is shocked – shocked I tell you – that Chris would upset Julie by plowing on through with having Christina tested. Julie weakly tries to defend Chris and then worries that a bone marrow match might lead people to Frank and then to her. Rachel throws in a few more digs at Chris.

Chris offers Eve the bleeding heart award and she returns it with the news that Chris offered Matt and Karen his help and Chris wonders about the level of gossip material at GH. Chris swears he isn’t feeling guilty, he just cares about Neil. Chris decides it’s time to go home to his beautiful and innocent wife. Ha, says Eve, if she is innocent I am a virgin (I SO don’t have a comment). Yeah, replies Chris, you have been hanging around Kevin too long. Eve warns Chris to use protection and wonders why he and Julie have come up for air. When Chris makes love, things have to be just right (the woman alive – breathing – unmurderish). Since when asks Eve? She then realizes that Chris and Julie haven’t – as she so eloquently and tactfully puts it – done the nasty. Eve teases and then tells Chris Julie is a lucky girl. Chris considers himself to be a lucky guy. Eve warns Chris against black widow spider types.

Chris enters the apartment with a cheery “I’m home.” Julie has prepared him a martini – which in her opinion tastes like gasoline – and she and Chris awkwardly attempt a conversation. Chris asks about Julie’s session with Rachel and Julie wonders why Chris was so busy at GH she couldn’t find him. He offers to fix a gourmet meal but she would rather talk. Chris admits he worked on Neil’s case. Julie immediately becomes upset accusing Chris of not considering her and her opinions. They agree to drop the subject, but Julie decides it’s time for her to go to bed. Chris offers his room again, but Julie prefers her own. (Ah- married bliss.)

Kevin tells Eve that Neil is having a bad night so he’s going to postpone their session and he’s ready to go. Eve goes to check her messages and Rachel harasses Kevin about harassing Julie. Eve returns with the key – she must have left it in her message box. Mystery solved. Joe asks Neil not to give up. Matt leaves for a bite to eat while Karen picks up the next sample – it belongs to Christina.

And I am outta here.

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