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Port Charles Update for Thursday, 9-Mar-2000

Author: louxpart
Posting date: Fri, 10-Mar-2000 3:59:48 AM PST

Our episode opens with Courtney unpacking Neil's stuff from home. Frank come in and asks where Neil is. He's at story time with his nurse in the lounge. Frank says they had better appreciate the nurses while they can because there is less than a day to come to terms on the contract. Frank tells Courtney that he is checking into places for the three of them to live.

Neil come in while Frank is talking and Courtney changes the subject. Neil says the story was lkame but it was nice being with the other kids. He sees his stuff from home and thanks his mom. He picks up a new game and Frank tells him he bought it for him. Neil gets that look on his face and starts to look for the baseball cards "Joe" got him. Frank looks crushed. Neil is hungry and Frank offers to go get him something and he finally agrees to let Frank go. "Spolied kid".

The scene changes to Julie & Chris in the park. Julie says isn't this nice and Chris says he is freezing his but off. (Snow outside still). Julie says all that matters is she is free. No more bars, no more prison and no doubts. Only one thing could make it perfect. Chris asks What? Julie says if Chris hadn't doubted her.

The Credits roll.

We open in Kevin's hospital room with Kevie and Evie in bed. Lucy and Scott come stomping in. Lucy says Karen called and they just had to come see for themselves. He looks good but needs a shave. Kevie says he is fine and he has been in excellent hands. (Eve's has done a wonderful job but I'm sure I could have done better.) Kevin tells Lucy and Scott that Julie did not try to kill him it was Cooper.

Back to Julie and hunky Chris. Julie is rehashing that Chris believed that she tried to kill Kevin. Chris tries to defend himself by pointing out the overwhelming evidence. He worked like to hell to prove her innocence. Chris asks for credit that he at least tried to clear her. Chris, "Doesn't a guy get credit for coming around". Julie, "Not when that guy is my husband".

Back to Scott and Kevin in the hospital. Scott is quizzing Kevin about Cooper and Kevin tells him that Cooper confessed to him that he was the General Homicide Killer. And as is the final coup de gras he disquised himself as Julie and tried to kill the author.

Lucy starts sympathizing with Julie being put through all she has been and she really didn't do it. She then updates Kevie that Neil is in remission thanks to Christiana donation to him.

Back to Julie & Chris. Julie confronted Chris about doubting her innocence. A lot of dialog follows but in the end they make up and start all the lovey dovey stuff.
Scene switches to the Rocovery Room and Rachael goes in to to pick up her order and Joe tells her it's $11.95. Rachael balks at the cost but pays up. Rachel was displeased after she heard through the grapevine about Julie’s exoneration.
There is banter back and forth between Joe and Rachael and she leaves angry. Frank comes in to the Recovery Room and Joe and he discuss Neil going home and Joe says he wants to paint Neil's room and this is where Frank tells him that the three of them will living together in their own place.

Meanwhile, After a chance meeting in the
park, Julie cleared the air with Scott and
Lucy. Later, Julie told Chris that she would only be nice to them until she got Christina back.

Frank blasted Courtney for not including him in her talk with Neil about their new living situation. Courtney told Frank she couldn't give him Neil's love he had to earn it.

Later, Rachel paid a visit to Kevin and took great pleasure in pointing out that he was wrong about Julie. Kevin tells Rachael that he never said Julie killed anyone but she does need help.

Now on to the nurses strike tomorrow and Julies schemeing to get Christiana back now that she is a free woman. At least these are my personal thoughts.

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