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Port Charles Update for Monday, 13-Mar-2000

Author: EmFan03
Posting date: Thu, 23-Mar-2000 8:22:21 AM PST

The show opens with the nurses striking outside the hospital, and Karen running around telling the residents to cancel anything because of the strike. She walks into a staff meeting, where they’re talking about what else? The strike. Gail pretty much sums it up—“This sucks.” Maybe for her, but it’s a great story line for the show.
Rachel sucks up to Alan by offering to handle the media about the strike and Donatella Stewart. Alan tells Chris to have Julie call him about coming back to work. (Yay! Julie’s back!) When Karen asks him about Joe coming back, he says they can’t risk it. She sighs and walks off. Frank is talking to Neil about the strike and how Mary’s gonna be a TV star (not if she gets the same amount of airtime on PC TV as she does on Port Charles!). Courtney and Frank spaz about Neil needing his meds, and Neil makes a remark about Joe making sure he had his meds if he weren’t suspended. Frank gets all determined to be better than Joe (which we know he will never be) and says “I’ll help you.” Joe is watching the strike on TV at the Recovery Room, where they talk about Donatella Stewart. The nurses come in talking about the strike. Back at the hospital, Karen gives out the assignments for Eve, Chris, Matt and herself. No one is happy and Chris remarks to Karen’s pep talk—“Yes, sir, General Patton, sir.” They all laugh and Frank comes over asking if anyone does any work around the hospital. (Only Frank can ruin a cute moment like that.)
Eve finishes medicating Neil, and he and Courtney talk about Neil treating Courtney and Frank badly and Neil is hurt by their lies. (I feel bad for the kid.) Frank goes to Alan for a job as a nurse (so he can eventually become a paramedic again) but Alan tells him that the Scanlon brothers are too risky. Boardman acts like a jerk (like usual) and Eve and Chris talk about Julie coming back to work. Eve is not amused. Karen and Rachel are talking on the phone, and Rachel gives Karen a pep talk that somehow relates to her secret agenda (which I have no idea what it is and it’s driving me crazy). Rachel acts creepy by getting her menacing look. Courtney acts all humble and tries to help Donatella Stewart, who is just such a pain in the butt. “Dona” (as Lucy calls her) wants to talk with the Chief of Staff and Courtney gets Alan and tries to help. The nurses talk about the strike at the Recovery Room, and Joe gets annoying with the strike because as long as it goes on, he can’t get his job back. Frank finally gets Alan to hire him as a nurse, but a man has to almost die and Frank to save him for him to convince him. (Poor guy, just a plot device.)
Chris tells Rachel about Alan wanting to talk to Julie, and then Chris has to help a patient. Rachel sucks up to Alan some more, and Eve tries to sleep on the couch in the on-call room. Alan finally talks to “Dona” and handles her complaints very well. Frank tells Courtney Alan hired him as a nurse and Courtney asks what Mary will think. Matt and Eve complain about the “scut work” and then Chris joins in on the fun in the on-call room. Karen breaks up the complaining and gives them their new assignments. They all leaving unwillingly, except Karen, who stands in the corner looking tired.
Scenes- Eve wants to give Kevin a sponge bath, Frank crosses the picket line, and Alan wants Julie to answer phones, while she wants to be a doctor.

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