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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 28-Mar-2000

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Tue, 28-Mar-2000 4:49:28 PM PST

Our episode begins with Chris and Julie sleeping together. Okay, get your mind out of the gutter – I mean sleeping sleeping (not the kind of sleeping that has spread through Port Charles hospital like an epidemic). Chris awakens with a start; he has had a nightmare about Cooper. Julie knows what that is like (and I would add that she has caused a few but then I wouldn’t be toeing the Julie-is-an-innocent-victim party line.) In Chris’s little dream, Cooper was wanting to “pay back” Chris for ditching him in the emergency room. Julie still believes Chris did the right thing. Chris’s beeper goes off and with a kiss he’s off to save the world, or whatever.

Neil can’t breathe. Frank decides it is an asthma attack and gives Neil a breathing treatment (as an asthmatic this is the hospital I want to go to. They must assume all patients have asthma, and they have the medicine already in – no fuss, no bother.) Frank keeps yelling for a doctor, as Neil does not respond to the treatment. Neil passes out. Oh the drama. Joe rushes in – here he is to save the day! Just like Mighty Mouse! – and quickly decides Neil had an allergic reaction. Joe breaks into a medicine cabinet and medicates Neil, urging him to wake up.

Camille is rushed in. Chris knows she didn’t get this badly this quickly and she admits she was in the hospital the day before but no one could find him so she just went home. Chris looks concerned (nice look for him.) Karen is making noise so Julie tells her to turn on the light, she’s up. Karen is toothpasteless so Julie gives her hers (and brave brave Karen is apparently going to use it.) Julie informs Karen she cost her $20 and describes the bet. Karen is sorry, Julie doesn’t know how sorry. Karen feels like a fool. She admits the sex was amazing – nothing wrong with that counters the astute Julie. But afterwards, Karen continues, reality hit. Julie begins – wham, bam – but Karen doesn’t want her to finish it, no thank you mam. Karen is just going to treat it as the mistake it was, after all she’s all adult and everything. Julie claps for her. Karen is the beepee this time and she leaves.

Joe states that Neil’s breathing is returning to normal. Frank adds that his vitals are too. Neil begins to wake and Frank tells Joe to leave, worried that Neil will see Joe acting as a doctor. Joe hangs out in the hallway as Frank tells his son that he is going to be okay. Neil is thirsty and Frank talks to Joe out in the corridor. Instead of talking about what could have made Neil sick, the brothers are more worried about the impact on Joe and his wonderful career. Frank – the saintly one – vows to cover for Joe.

Karen is worried that Joe is stressing about the “encounter” and goes on and on about how much of a big deal it wasn’t. Joe insists – again and again – he is fine with what happened (hey, he got what he wanted LOL). He offers to cover the desk but Karen takes it as a sign he doesn’t want her around. She gets beeped to Neil’s room, non-emergency she tells Joe. Joe doesn’t seem very happy – awwwww. Neil can’t believe Frank called Courtney – she’ll be all freakish like he states. Alan comes in, wanting to know about the broken medical cabinet (of course great big hospital – all sorts of employees – but this proves Alan is the big guy cause he knew exactly where to go.) Frank “admits” it was he. Karen checks Neil out as Frank explains what happened – kind of. Alan, Karen and Frank take the conversation outside the room where Alan tells Frank he isn’t going to come down on him. He is just surprised that non-doctor Frank diagnosed Neil so quickly. Frank modestly states he has seen this before. They decide the culprit for the attack was peanut butter – people with compromised immune systems sometimes develop sudden allergies.

Chris informs Camille she has a bad infection and must be hospitalized, plus he ads with a killer smile; I bet you miss the food here. (Man, my Chris has the best bedside manner of any doctor I have ever seen – I would be begging to be admitted.) Chris loses his smile as soon as he walks out the door; in fact he seems downright ticked. Zach apologizes for not bringing Camille in sooner, but Chris assures him the fault lies elsewhere. Frank thanks Joe for saving Neil, but Joe doesn’t think he can just walk away. After all, he gets all bothered by lies (wimp – just kidding Sara!). Frank points out that it is Joe’s career that is on the line here. Joe hates that lying is so easy for Frank. Alan interrupts their near-fight by congratulating Frank once again and stating during the busy strike, while he is trying to hold the fort together, and in between dealing with his drunker than a skunk son he has managed to write a letter to Frank’s former boss telling him he should reinstate Frank (ain’t Alan the greatest?). Alan tells the delighted Frank that he is a hero. Joe seems to think differently, now if the truth comes out they are both screwed.

Julie is now at the desk, telling a reporter over the phone that she is not happy Cooper is dead. She is ecstatic. Karen is bemused at Julie’s unminceful words. Joe gives labs to Karen, but Karen wants to talk. She knows that Joe saved Neil. She tells Joe he’s an awful liar (that’s the wimp part showing through LOL.) and that Joe owes her the truth. Joe is saved by the Chris who needs help with Camille’s case. Joe offers it but Chris (who has certainly made lots and lots of friends during the strike – hoping he’s not planning on double dating much) snaps at him that his help is not wanted but a sandwich would be nice.

Courtney fusses over Neil, Neil is hungry. Again we go back to the corridor outside Neil’s room where Courtney tells Frank she ran into Alan. She congratulates him with a very nice kiss. Frank likes the recognition. Courtney will never forget that Frank saved their son. Julie informs Chris she is in need of a good morning kiss which Chris gives but his mind is still on Camille. Chris blames Cooper for the Camille situation. Chris tells Julie he took an oath and it wasn’t do no harm unless, of course, I don’t like the guy. (Chris with a conscience – oooooh scary). Chris feels he has lost his detachment. Julie points out that just makes him un-sociopathic (and she should know) and a person with feelings etc etc. Camille deserved Chris’s best and Chris feels he screwed that up. Suddenly our Chris is filled with self-doubt (never thought I’d see that – I may cry). What if he wasn’t cut out for all of this after all?

Frank and Neil bond over baseball talk. Neil will be getting out soon – thanks to Joe Neil says. And then he adds –thanks to you. He tells Frank he totally (as opposed to partially) saved his life. Courtney and Joe ride the elevator together – Courtney getting in jibes about the house and Frank saving Neil’s life and getting his job back and then she struts out of the elevator.

Scenes for tomorrow’s PC

Courtney tells Frank that oh – Joe saved Neil (duh)

Karen informs Scott that this pulling together thing is going to end up with the interns killing each other.

Joe tells Julie that her husband is on duty. Chris snaps an answer back and Joe responds even more snappish – something about Chris arriving on a gurney.

And that’s all she – and I – wrote.

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