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Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 5-Apr-2000

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Wed, 05-Apr-2000 5:53:31 PM PST

Since we are obviously rationing nurses (one a day) this is Deneice’s day and there she is – talking to Rachel. Mark approaches Rachel with a mighty cute smile, with hopes that Rachel wins so they can celebrate (hopefully he’ll leave his gorilla suit at home – inside joke ).

Rachel has wonderful news for Allison who has to work at GH until her attitude improves (I have a sudden image of Allison in a walker, slowly making her way through the halls of GH). Prince William is single, Celene Dion is a retiree, and oh – what does Rachel conveniently have? Why it’s fourth row tickets to the Smashing Pumpkins concert. Allison happily takes them from her as Rachel rattles on about putting a good word in with Amanda. Allison is appropriately snappish to Julie.

Julie is wearing a poncho – do you think she knitted it herself? Julie pops in to see Chris. Julie wants Rachel on the board, Chris reveals her competition is Lucy. With a mischievous kiss and a “See ya” Chris is gone. It’s Lee and Scott! Gotta love those Baldwin men. Scott wants to represent Joe at the review; Lee is not convinced that is a good idea. Both advise each other not to be pushy. Scott proves he’s a bit of a hothead (as if we needed proof) as he reacts with anger to having to behave board-appropriately. Lee doesn’t seem overly thrilled about the idea of Lucy on the board. Lee advises Scott to pick his fights carefully, pick those he can win. A classic Scottism – what’s the fun in that???

Rachel wants Chris’s support but Julie is thinking maybe neutral is the way to go. Rachel comes up with the bright idea that Julie (who is supposed to be walking the path of the straight and narrow) be a spy.

Hey – it’s Joe. He’s talking to Scott when Hector – who just got paid (wow – I think GH is the place I want to work – they pay by the day) – and appreciates Scott’s negotiating skills but is less than friendly to Joe the scab. Joe turns down Scott’s representation because dang it all he was right!

Courtney has picked out the perfect Italian suede couch – it’s only 5 grand. What a steal. Frankie turns it down (maybe he’s a bit hasty – suede – could add a whole new dimension to their relationship.) Scott points out that Joe outstubborns him (no easy feat there.) Scott and Joe bond over their mutual views about women (you don’t want to know.)

Chris is being very careful with his patients. Julie is all excited about becoming a spy, Chris is not. Chris thinks it’s time Julie unbonded from Rachel. Joe snaps at Karen. Karen snaps back. Rachel walks in on the snapfest. Rachel has advise for Karen – separate your heart from your head (I get the impression this came easily for our Rach.) Oh big surprise here – Rachel wants Karen to support her board running. Frankie baby is being all paramedic-like. Joe comes by looking for Matt (aren’t we all?)> Frank and Joe discuss Joe’s review vs Frank’s review and Joe’s lack of support at Frank’s time of need. Frank won’t promise to back Joe.

Spoilers for GH tells us this is the last segment for PC. (Did you know GH was Emmy nominated? Hey, so was PC. For wondrous things like the very icky lab coat Eve is wearing right this second.) Karen and Eve bond over their mutual views about men (you still don’t want to know.) Karen wants the peaceful kind of relationship Kevin and Eve have. Eve thinks maybe Karen is attracted to Joe’s intensity. Courtney is back – gee she still needs a final decision on the couch. Frank already gave one – that would be no. Since no isn’t exactly a huge word in Courtney’s vocabulary, she has the solution to make her dream couch a reality. They are gonna sue Joe – and General Hospital for going against their wishes (and saving their son –which is apparently incidental.) Karen is awakened by Eve coming out of the shower. Karen feels that she is the reason every one of her relationships have gone down in flames. Joe comes by and informs Karen she was right (gasp!) and he does want Scott to represent him. Eve thinks you just gotta love men.

Deniece and Rachel indulge in some patient talk. Poor Rachel discovers that Amanda doesn’t approve of anyone bribing her granddaughter to get to her – but boy Allison does as she merrily leaves for her concert. Mark and Rachel make a date. Scott and Rachel discuss her qualifications for the board – Scott is sticking by his personal nominee Lucy. Eve brushes Rachel off. This leaves Rachel Mark – not a bad leftover that. Mark and Rachel discuss aggressive – strategies.


Julie tells Chris she is quitting therapy – today. Lucy happily discusses with Scott Lee’s backing of her, as Scott looks a tad alarmed. Courtney informs Frank they have an open and shut case against the hospital.

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