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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 11-Apr-2000

Author: OldFranksFriend
Posting date: Tue, 11-Apr-2000 12:22:25 PM PST

Frank had a very good game of cards! He won big. The other card players invited him to come back and Frank happily said he would and to save a chair for him and for lady luck. The board members argued over how to handle Joe. They all seemed to think him being kicked out was the best anwser. Then Kevin, and IMO he did this only because Rachel was on the other side, came up with a way to punish Joe with out costing him his job. I'm sure had Rachel wanted him to stay Kevin would have wanted him to go. Joe Karen and Scott waited nurvesly out side. Scott and Karen repromanded Joe for blowing up at the board. Joe being the know it all holier then thou creep he is (sorry but tha'ts how I feel) made it clear to them he had done what he felt was right and he wouldn't stop standing up for himself. Alan informs Joe that he will still have a job but will be under Boardmans close observation for the next 6 months. If he makes any kind of mistake he's out the door. Joe wants to celebrate with Karen but she lets him know that as far as she's conserned there is nothing to celebrate. Way to grow that back bone girl! Matt is talking to a nurse in the ER about patients that have been brought in. Both our upset at the number of car reck victems are being brought in and how a simple seat belt could have prevented so much. And that was the public surves anouncement of the day . Frank walks in very happily getting supplies and tells Matt what a great day it is. Matt coments on all the hurt people being brought in and says sarcasticly Oh yeah great day. (God forbid Frank should be happy.) Anyway Frank tells Matt that this is the new and improved Frank Scanlon. He has a great kid, buetiful women, and a job he loves and things are just getting better and better. He happily leaves. Matt looks on suspishusly. Joe is roaming the halls and runs into a nurse named Jill. They talk about a patient then she compliments him on getting his job back. They do a little flirtng and go their seperate ways. We see Julie just hanging up the phone in the hall. I don't know if she way trying to spy on them but she clearly has seen and heard everything. She might of really been on the phone it wasn't clear to me. Anyhow she has a funny look on her face and walks away. Karen is at the nurses station working away Eve comes up and coments how the work load hasn't slowed that much since the strike. (Aw dose poor Eve not have time to do the funky chicken with Kevin?) They talk about Joe getting his job back. Karen is not happy because she feels she was an acompliss to what Joe did. Eve tells her that's rediculous. Karen says she dosn't think she's cut out for this anymore. And Eve gives her a very nice speech about how through the strike she proved herself and that they clearly made the right speech. She says she respects Karen alot. To Eve's credit she is a good friend when she wants to be. And it was a nice seen. Eve gose to see Kevin and tells him she heard he really naled Rachel. Kevin grins and he denies it a bit but then acts like he busted her chops. I must have missed this part because all I remember is everyone stating there cases. I guess Kevin and Eve like to think they nail people I don't know. They talk about Eve finding Lucy in his office looking for info on Rachel. She compairs it to water gate. (Oh yeah Eve I really see the simelairities LOL) Then Kevin says Lucy is determend, to which Eve says determend verses ruthless should be quite a fight. (I guess we needed that pointed out to us ) Rachel is in her office and angerly smashes a mug against the desk. Julie comes in and looks worriedly at Rachel. Juilie coments that Rachel must be having a bad day Rachel laughs and says yeah I guess I should try some of my own advice. Julie suggests punching a pillow. Julie offers to help Rachel with her cut but Rachel says it's fine. They talk a little and Julie informs her that because of Chris she has decided to start theripy again. Rachel is a little to happy if you ask me. It's no wonder Julie is on to her. She clearly thinks she has Julie where she wants her and is succseding in her black mail. She has no idea that Julie and Chris are out to get her. Julie then tells Rachel she's going to help Rachel when the board seet. Rachel is very happy. Julie then tells a clearly bothered Rachel that Lucy followed her yesturday after she left the recovery room. Joe comes into the ER and gose up to Frank who is buzily working. (Frank looks so so good in that jacket ). Joe asks if it's been a buzy day Frank tells him he's not complaining. Joe tells him what his punsihment is. Frank says it's not good enough considering what he did it should have been worse. Joe says he's not going to defend himself anymore. but he knows Frank and Courtney could have made it worse. Frank then says that thankyou kind of got stuck in your throwt huh. what ever we had done you'd have found away to come out on top Golden boy. Frank then walks off. Joe looks hurt (Can't say I'm sorry about that, I agree with Frank he got off way to easy) Eve comes back into Kevn's office. Kevin says he's working Eve says he needs to eat. So she brings in come chineas. kevin gets all excited about the fortchune cookies. (really dumb). Eve then says we don't need those to tell you what's for desert. She climbs on his lap and starts kissing his neck. He tells her he's working but she anounces she's working to and gose back to giving him kisses on the neck. He gose what the heck and they devour each other. (For someone that dosn't like to be called sweetie she sure seems to prefer her old profession.) Karen is at the nurses station Scott comes by. They talk about the hearing. Scott feels bad about coming down on Karen but he was just doing her job. Karen feels like everyone expects her to be so tough. Scott says he just wants her to be his little girl and she dosn't have to be tough. He says his career means nothing if he's a bad father. He hugs her and tells her if she needs anything let him know. (It's a very sweet seen. Scott is a great Dad and this shows it.) After Scott walks away Karen reaches into her pocked and pulls out a pink pill. Her hands is shaking violently. She posps it in and downs some coffie.
The End.

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