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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 2-May-2000

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Tue, 02-May-2000 1:28:13 PM PST

Kevin and Eve arrive at the Lighthouse. They hope it’s a good time, Lucy insists that it is. Kevin wants to know how is godchild is – and Lucy says fine. How are you then? Asks Kevin. Fine, insists Lucy, clutching on to Christina. So then the K’Eve duo wants to know if there is anything they can do, but Lucy declares there is nothing to do. No one is taking her baby away from her. Julie and Chris spot Scott coming out of the courthouse and it finally dawns on them that both Scott and Lee have connections all over the legal system – including judges (sometimes really cute people aren’t too bright.) Serena comes down the stairs in some really neat pajamas. Eve wonders why she isn’t in school, cause Mom said I didn’t have to go today says Serena. Kevin and Eve share a concerned look and then the very tactful Eve does something that makes me very happy (and a big fan of hers ) and takes Serena upstairs so my Kevin and Lucy can be alone together. Kevin tells Lucy not to do it. Not to run away. Lucy says – Doc (I love the way she still calls him that), it’s not what you think. Kevin insists that no good will come of it.

And the credits roll. Roll credits roll. And then our episode picks up again with Serena showing Eve where she plans to put the bunk beds when Christina gets old enough. Eve tells Serena that if she ever needs to talk, Eve is there to listen. Serena is both mad and sad at the same time. Lucy tells Kevin that she loves this little girl, that she is the only mother Christina has ever known. Lucy knows exactly what all of Christina’s cries mean. She tells Kevin that they belong together (Christina and Lucy – not Kevin and Lucy – well Kevin and Lucy do too but that’s not what Lucy is referring to at this very moment). Kevin knows but Lucy still goes on to say that she and Christina are connected – their hearts and their souls (so Lucy is connected to Scott how? Looks like all the really good connections have been taken.) Lucy cannot and will not let Christina go.

All Kevin meant was he didn’t want Lucy to run. He is Christina’s godfather. He wants the best possible mother for Christina – and he believes that is Lucy. Serena shows Eve the dress she wore to the almost wedding – it will be getting too small soon. Maybe she should just save it for Christina. It just so happens that Eve and Kevin are looking for a flower girl – about nine or ten, blonde hair, experience. Does Serena have any suggestions (yeah Serena do it – and wear that dress. I bet the dress is cursed – left over psychic espionage stuff. One good cursed dress – and no wedding – well I can dream can’t I?) Lucy thinks maybe all of this is her fault. She wanted everything – she was too greedy. Kevin replies that Lucy’s worst day is better than most people’s best (ah – Kevin is SO sweet). It is Lucy’s gift. No, Lucy says, her gift is Christina.

Karen comes storming into Chris and Julie’s apartment, complete with lightning bolts in her eyes. Chris wants to stay and defend poor little Julie against tough bad Karen (does he think she’s popping the same drugs as Incredible Hulk?), but Julie sends him away and he goes like a good little boy. Karen points out that she defended Julie, she befriended her, and the entire time Julie planned to destroy her family. Julie is very grateful to Scott and Lucy for baby-sitting a whole year for free and all, but Christina belongs with her mother. Congratulates snarls Karen, you’ve lost every friend you ever had in PC and now you’ve lost me.

The patient from yesterday – who we are about to discover is Claire – (I am not sure how we discover it but it’s been discovered) wakes up. She demands to know from Joe who gave him the right to keep her alive? Eve comes back downstairs, and then tells Kevin she has to leave (Eve hon’ the check is in the mail. Really.) Eve and Lucy try to be their sincere best – Eve offers help and Lucy thanks her. Lucy tells her Doc that she was going to run away but Scott had a better plan. Kevin starts to interrupt, but Lucy has something she really really needs to tell Kevin. Scott comes in and announces Karen is on her way there, everything is ready, they need to go and oh – Kevin can come too. Kevin is all happy to go with Scott, but where are they going? Lucy looks a bit anxious so Scott blurts out the news – Scott and Lucy are getting married. Kevin looks shocked.

Eve is now in Claire’s room. Claire just bet Eve has bad news for her. Eve starts to tell her all about the kidney failure and legions on the brain but Claire knows the story – she has cancer which has spread everywhere. Claire also has a DNR and is very upset her wishes weren’t followed. Eve says she came in purse-less and they didn’t know. Claire wants to go home, Eve tells her it is not possible.

Frank (and sadly we only get to hear his voice today – but what a voice!) leaves his third message on Julie’s machine. Julie ignores him as she admires little dresses. The gang is at the courthouse – Kevin thinks it is wonderful S/L are getting married but doesn’t understand the hurry (after all – it’s only been a year – or so). Well if Chris and Julie are solidly married (hmmm – wonder why anyone hasn’t thought to check on the good minister’s credentials? Not that Rachel would lie or anything (snort) but something tells me they are no more married than I am) so Lucy and Scott intend to be (love – ain’t it grand?). Kevin wants to discuss it but Scott says they must get this done (I love Scott’s romantic soul). On the way in Scott is presented with a subpoena. Karen arrives with flowers – the judge mistakes her for the bride (law against that judge).

Kevin gets to hold Christina. It’s wedding time (everyone take out your hankies – too bad we won’t have cake and punch after). Lucy is standing next to Kevin – it’s really it. Kevin tells Lucy that she makes a beautiful bride. He wishes Lucy luck – cause she’ll need it. Lucy smiles, tears in her eyes already, she knows. The judge wants to know who has the rings, and Scott must have a romantic soul after all cause he remembered to bring them to Lucy’s pleasant shock. Lucy tells Scott she isn’t backing out, they are a family. Scott makes the HUGE mistake of telling Lucy she is always rights, and tries to correct it, but it’s too late (talk about starting married life on the wrong foot.) The judge starts the ceremony, but this time Lucy is the impatient one and orders him to cut right to the “good stuff”. Scott is asked if he does, but instead of saying I do, he hesitates. Scott has something important to say.

Oh commercial time – bite those nails!

Scott tells Lucy that he promised her cannons and a big wedding, but that Lucy is everything to him. Everything. He thought he would never find another great love in his life again, but he did. (Okay I admit it, Scott is romantic. Lucy is one lucky gal.) Scott is happy Lucy picked him to spend the rest of her life with, he is the luckiest guy in the world (excuse me while I blow my nose.) Anytime Lucy wants the big celebration; Scott will give it to her.

Lucy is asked if she takes – but no. She needs to make something clear. Lucy doesn’t need a big wedding – knowing Scott loves her and loving Scott makes this the wedding of her dreams. She once thought more was always better, the last few days have taught her what is really important. Everyone in the room (I am guessing excluding the judge – but knowing Lucy who knows?) is her heart and her soul. She says “I do.” Kevin smiles (just thought I’d throw that in.) They exchange rings. The judge pronounces them husband and wife and makes a quick getaway. Karen and Serena congratulate the happy, beaming, couple. Serena wants pizza celebration, Karen has to go back to the hospital (time for another pill.)

And this – this is a wonderful Kevin and Lucy moment. Lucy takes Christina back from Kevin. Kevin tells her to have a great life, Mrs. Baldwin. Lucy can’t believe she’s married. Kevin – and his voice is choked with emotion – tells Lucy that Scott had better be good to her, because if he isn’t – Kevin swears.... Lucy says she knows that Kevin is her – pause – wonderful friend. Kevin tells Lucy to just be happy. Lucy says she will. (And now I need a whole new box of tissues – I still love this uncouple so.)

Scott tells Lucy Christina has been ordered to do a blood test, the war is on. Julie and Chris are ready; Julie can now prove she isn’t crazy (debatable) and that she is Christina’s mother.


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