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Port Charles Update for Friday, 12-May-2000

Author: RamseyFan
Posting date: Fri, 12-May-2000 4:05:28 PM PST

Okay, first I just want to say that this is a sad, sad day -- no Dr. Ian, no Frank, no Victor (WHERE is my Victor?????!!!!!!!!!), and barely two minutes of Chris. So this isn't good. But, I shall update you anyway, cause I'm a nice person.

The show opens with Rachel visiting her mom, and they psychotically plot about something.

A Lucy and Kevin scene -- woo-hoo! It's amazing, Kevin doesn't ever behave like a pinhead when he's with Lucy -- unlike when he's with some OTHER nameless people. Lucy is coming out of Claire's room -- she shamefully admits to Kevin that she was in there telling Claire that maybe Scott doesn't have time to take her case.

In Karen's office, Scott confronts her about her drug use, in the BEST, IMHO, scene of the day. This has been a LONG time coming -- kudos to TIIC for finally dealing with this issue. Karen tell Scott that if she is on drugs, it's his fault. He never wanted her, even when he found out about her he just sent her some money and disappeared. She rails into him -- if he didn't want a baby, why did he have unprotected sex? Scott says he was a teenager, you made a mistake every five minutes. Karen tell him, referring to herself, that this mistake can take care of herself.

Kevin is with Lucy, but gets called away. Lucy sees Julie. Julie tells Lucy about Karen being on drugs. Kevin comes back, and yells at Julie.

Chris and Eve are in the on call room. And hell has now officially frozen over -- cause Eve admits to Chris that maybe she was -- gasp! -- WRONG about her snap judgement of Julie in regard to Christina. But, alas, this is short-lived, cause Chris tells Eve about Karen being a druggie, and Eve gets all snippy with him again. I'm curious if Eve will invite Chris to the wedding -- I guess it'll depend if he's her 'friend' (Ha!) that week or not. Sorry for the snarkiness -- I just couldn't help myself.

Another nice Lucy and Kevin scene -- Lucy is upset about the Karen situation, wonders if it's true. Why, oh WHY don't TIIC see what a goldmine they have in this couple?

Karen and Scott again -- Karen wants to know why Scott couldn't love her. Scott pulls her into a hug.

Rachel and Julie -- Julie cancels her appointment. Rachel has a snit -- doesn't like that Julie is pushing her out of her life.

Kevin and Eve scene that miraculously doesn't invole sex or tonsil searches. (But wait, the show's not over yet!) Eve says she saw Karen taking pills but was too wrapped up in her own life to notice. NO! Not Eve, the generous and caring one! She LIVES to help others -- her own self-gratification be damned! (BTW, this is sarcasm, for the snarkiness-impaired.)

Karen and Scott -- Scott says they've missed out on alot. Karen says it's too late. Scott is sorry. Lucy comes in and starts railing into Karen. Scott shoves her out of the room -- says this isn't the time to do this.

UGH --- just shoot me. Kevin and Eve scene. Eve wants -- get this -- for KEVIN to move out of the lighthouse!!!!! And even worse -- she wants him to move in with Victor and Mary! The whole point of this -- so that their honeymoon can be "special". Gosh -- you think maybe Eve will set up the place with a jungle gym set to match their race car bed while he's gone? Kevin wants to throw something at Eve -- oh, please do! He picks up a paperweight -- darn it, he's only teasing. Throw it Kevin, throw it! Eve asks where he got it -- Kevin says it was a gift from Grace. Eve isn't petty about it at all, cause that's the kind of caring gal she is! She climbs onto his lap -- tonsil search -- GAG!!!!

In Rachel's office, she fidgets with the same kind of paperweight as she talks to Julie. Tells Julie she got it from someone special named -- Grace!

Scott blasts Lucy for yelling at Karen -- Lucy blasts him back. Says Christina is his daughter, too. BTW, Chris is listening in on this, and comments to nurse Katie that if things keep up like this around the hospital he'll get rid of cable, LOL! Katie takes an envelope over to Lucy that was just delivered. Lucy opens it -- it's a death threat!

Sneek peek at Monday's show:

Eve and Karen -- Karen admits she's doing drugs.

Scott and Lucy fighting; Serena overhears.

That's all, folks!


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