Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 6-Jun-2000

Author: Suzie
Posting date: Tue, 06-Jun-2000 4:59:07 PM PST

(I initially just posted this on the message board, but Leia suggested I post it here too. What the hey. I got this off of the Recordtv site. Wow. How cool is that? Watching my
soap at the office!

Julie/Chris....Chris being the loving supporting husband. Julie is
all tears, ''Christina is my daughter...they can't do this to me.....''
Chris looks so helpless.

Scott/Lucy/Christina....Scott trying to play that life is all normal.
Says he had to read Serena's story several times to get her to
sleep. Lucy claims that she's having problems getting Christina to
sleep, not the sort of *mother* (emphasizes the word) to let her
cry herself to sleep. Scott decides to go see if there's fish sticks.
After Scott leaves to go the kitchen, Lucy hugs Christina, says to
her, ''I don't care what the judge says...you're mine....you're mine.''

Roll credits.

Karen's dreaming. It's a weird one too. First Gail shows up,
congratulating Karen on where she has gotten. Than Scott and
Serena show up. Serena says how she always wanted to be ''just
like you.'' Scott tells her how she doesn't need him, she insists that
she does. Joe tells her, ''now that you found your true path, you
don't need me to rescue you anymore.'' Alan tells her, ''you turned
out to be everything you thought you'd be.'' The stripper music
starts....can't remember the name of the song, but it is the one
Karen 2 danced to during the hostage thing way back when. (At
least tptb were paying attention....) All the while Karen is looking
confused because they are all acting proud of her.

Emilio (I like him!) and Frank at the hospital. Emilio is telling
Frank that Courtney has called four times. Frank impatiently tells
him he knows. Emilio reminds him that he still has to go home to
her. Emilio says, and you tell me I'm crazy for not settling down,
as he scarfs on a donut. A pretty girl comes in, scolding Emilio
for eating the sugar. Frank makes a comment about the lady.
Whoops, turns out it's Emilio's baby sister. She, Gabriella, is
number one out of the Mercy school of nursing program. Emilio
offers to show her the vending machines that work at GH. They

Enter Jamal. He's ticked. Apparently, Valerie and the baby are
being discharged. Nowhere to go. Frank says he has done all he
could. Jamal ain't buying it. Jamal is trying to find a safe place to
hide Valerie from the boyfriend. Jamal says forget about helping,
I'll take care of it myself. Frank says, yeah right you gonna hide
them in another cold, damp wet warehouse? Jamal throws him a

Chris/Julie still at home....Julie wonders what Christina is doing
right now. Chris offers that she is probably sleeping. Julie
wonders if her teeth are hurting, preventing her from sleeping.
Chris is so sorry. I love this guy. He wants to stop her pain. She
has hurt her hand. He grabs it, she claims she is all right. She says
nothing matters. Chris looks helpless.

Scott comes back in the living room. Says they're out of fish
sticks, so he made a roast beef sandwich. Lucy's getting stuff
ready for Christina's party. Scott offers to help blow up balloons,
Lucy counters with that he's just full of hot air. Scott retorts back,
''oh, so, I'm just a big windbag?!'' Lucy is going on about how they
need streamers, how she wants everything to be just right, you
should see the things Aunt Charlene is making. She is excited
about what she has, the baby upstairs sleeping, and Scott brings
her back to reality. Says he things that can work this thing out with
Frank, without the courts and the legal system. Lucy doesn't want
to talk about it. ''Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to
ruin this?'' Lucy walks off, Scott is frustrated.


Lucy says at least we won that part. (Keeping Christina) Scott
says we won the war. Lucy sees Frank as an enemy, says to Scott
that we used to be on the same side. Scott tells her they are still
on the same side, Frank is only the enemy if we make him the
enemy. Lucy wants to nail the door shut on Frank, says Scott
wants to open it wide. Baby cries. I have to take care of *my*
daughter. Lucy exits.

Julie/Chris...Julie is holding a book...? can't see to clear.
Christina's special birthday present. Julie says life makes you
wonder...what's right, what's wrong, what's fair. Julie says we
can't win. They won't let us. Chris tells her you don't know that.
It's the only thing I do know, she says.

Frank catches up to Jamal, who has run off. Frank tells him not to
be a jerk, at least listen to what he has to say. Frank offers the
place at the recovery room. Jamal says, that place where you
were shot? No way. Frank says they weren't after the money,
someone who used to live there. Jamal looks half-way convinced.

Karen's dream. Tacky neon sign, strip club. Alan is the MC. Says
the angel of mercy has everything that will make you feel better.
Lots of hooting and hollering. Let's give it up for Dr. Kari. He
reaches behind the curtain, tells her not to be shy, show them
what's you're made of. She pops pills. She comes on stage and
starts to dance. Joe's in the audience. Serena is there too, on
Scott's lap. There's Gail. They all are shaking their heads,
disapprovingly. She takes off her doctor coat. Little pink number
underneath. More whistling. (I thought Marie Wilson said she
wouldn't do the strip scenes...?)


Karen is still asleep on the couch in the dream. Now she is sitting
at the bar, watching herself on stage. She looks at her hand,
thinking about taking more pills. Scott runs by, dragging Serena
out of the place. Karen watches them leave. The men in the bar
are loving Karen roll around the stage. Karen at the bar goes to
Alan, who is too busy watching the show. She begs him to help
her. He says no, she's ignored him, it is too late. He admires her
success on stage. He walks off, she says no Alan, and wakes up.

Frank is begging Mary to let Valerie and the baby use the
apartment in back of the recovery room. Mary doesn't like it, but
Frank knows she won't say no, especially with there being a baby
involved. Wise mom says babies seem to be a lot on Frank's mind
these days.

Chris and Julie. Chris is standing behind the couch, his hands in
his pockets, looking helpless. Julie is seated on the couch. She is
folding up the baby blanket, neatening up Christina's things. They
don't say a word to each other. The silence seems to speak

Scott/Lucy...How's Christina, Scott asks. Lucy says she went right
back to sleep, just lost her binky. Lucy wonders why they don't
have binkys for grown-ups. She says she is trying to get by one
hour, one day, at a time. Scott tells her they can't ignore the fact
that there's this big elephant here, and the elephant is Frank. Lucy
is upset because Scott is so concerned with Frank's rights. What
about her rights? Scott tells her it isn't a contest. Lucy says she's
hugged Christina, been there for her. What has Frank done!? Scott
tells her that Frank didn't abandon Christina, he didn't know about
her. ''Even know!?'' Lucy is disgusted. He didn't know this child
existed. Lucy says she is not sharing her baby with anybody, just
because she doesn't have the same genetic code. Why trust you
attorneys and the court system. Boom. That hits Scott. ''All of a
sudden, I'm the enemy,'' he says. Lucy tells him that he doesn't get
it, all she wants to do is support her family and he needs to
support her, unconditionally, in this. That's what families do.
(Man, Lynn is good here!)

Nurse's Ball t-shirt commercial

Scenes from the next PC....
Eve and Joe, Eve asks if Joe has talked to Karen lately, Joe says
no, why, Eve tells him Karen is going into rehab.

Frank and Courtney, he is telling her how do I build a life with
someone who is willing to sell a child.

Rachel telling Chris and Julie, if we work together on this, we
can turn this around. Julie reaches up and slaps Rachel, smack
across the face!


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