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Port Charles Update for Monday, 12-Jun-2000

Author: dasheahan
Posting date: Tue, 13-Jun-2000 5:48:47 AM PST

A policeman comes upon Frank out cold in the park, he thinks Franks sleeping but Frank gets up and says he was hit in the head and starts yelling that someon took Christina.

Julie is holding Christina at the castle telling her that they need to get away from all the mean witches. She tells her how much she loves her and that they need to say goodbye to their handsome prince (Chris). Julie starts crying saying that they would have made a great family but they need to leave without him. She tells Christina they need to say goodbye to the castle where she was born and Port Charles.

Lucy and Scott show up at the park and get frantic when Frank says he got hit and Christina is missing. Lucy freaks saying "it wasn't some guy - it was JULIE!"

Chris shows up at the castle looking for Juile. He finds a note to him and Julie's wedding band. The note was a goodbye note wishing him the best and how much she loves him and is letting him free.

Two guys are wheeled into the ER after getting in a fight. Joe, Eve, and Gabrielle are working together helping them. Frank's partner comes in and tells them about what happened to Frank and Christina. Eve runs to call Kevin to tell him what was going on when Kevin shows up to tell her that he was on his way to the park to give Garcia information on Julie. Eve's patient is yelling for her to get back to him - she gives him a shot.

Scott, Lucy, and Frank are frantic. Lucy yells at Scott for defending Frank. Scott says it's not Frank's fault he was ambushed. Lucy says Frank should never have been alone with Christina. Frank yells at her that he would never hurt or let anyone hurt Christina. Another cop comes and says taht no one is home at the Ramsey's but a neighbor saw Julie leaving earlier with a suitcase.

Kevin gets a call from Chris that something has happened with Julie. Kevin informs Chris that Christina is missing and Kevin heads to the castle.

Garcia informs Scott, Lucy, and Frank that Kevin is headed to the castle "Fairytale Village" because Chris told Kevin that Julie had been there within the hour.

Julie in Christina in the car, Julie telling her a fairytale about a little girl being saved by her mom and going somewhere safe.

Kevin shows up at the castle. Chris gives Kevin the letter and says she's probably been planning on leaving since the day in court last week. He tells Kevin that Julie once spoke about driving to Canada and disappearing. Lucy, Scott, and Frank show up at the castle. Chris informs them this is where Christina was born and know Lucy should know how Julie felt about never holding Christina again. Garcia gets a call that one of the police helicopters spotted Julie's car.

Back at the ER the two patients are throwing digs at each other. Joe pops his patient's shoulder back into place while Eve is stitchingup her patient when a nurse comes in saying the news just mentioned the kidnapping. Joe says he thinks Julie knows exactly what she's doing (said wisely).

Julie tells Christina not to be scared of the helicopters, she has a plan and everything will be fine.

Chris, Frank and Garcia in one car and Scott, Lucy, and Kevin in another following Julie while the helicopter is above her. Lucy is yelling at Scott about everything that has happened. Garcia gets a call over the radio that they Julie's car disappeared.

Gabrielle tells Eve that she went to PCU for nursing school and they chit chat. Joe tells the two guys to chill and stop yelling at each other. Joe tells Garbrielle to give his patient a tetnis shot while Joe and Eve leave. The patient grabs Gabrielle's arm with the needle and calls her a bitch.

Kevin gets the same call about Julie's car disappearing and then they get a call that they found her again but she's turning around - starting to swerve - losing control, heading to the shoulder of the road near the ravine - she's going over. Just then they all jump out of their cars to see the car explode.........


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