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Port Charles Update for Friday, 29-Sep-2000

Author: FranksFriend
Posting date: Fri, 29-Sep-2000 6:08:08 PM PST

Okay folks! It's Friday the 29 and here is our PC update! And one and two and away we go! :-)

We open with Joe going to the recovery room he is clearly nurves. Mary and Victor look at him worriedly as he enters. Mary runs over wanting to know if he's okay and if he has the test results back. He dosn't have them yet. Mary offers to make him some pancakes Joe hesitates then asks for Blueberry ones. (It's a sweet Mother Son moment) Joe plops down next to Ian who we learn has been there all not working on finding away to help Mr. Green. Victor is pouring him some more coffie and tells them about some undercover expereances where he had to pull all nighters. Ian wants to know how Joe is holding up. Joe is somewhere between hopefull and sheer panic. (Side note new Joe is doing great) Ian calls Eve with an idea on how to help Mr. Green with some different drugs along with herbal remidies and something I didn't quite fallow. Hey if you want a medical report get a doctor this is just an update LOL. Okay onward! Ian and Joe leave for the hospital Mary and Victor looks on after Joe worriedly. (Side note Victor is doing a great job being the conserned step father.) Frank and Neil come in. There is no school today. Neil wants some of Mary's famouse pancakes. She takes Neil into the kitchen. Victor tells Frank he just missed Joe. Frank says he saw him at the house and is doing okay considering. Victor wonders if Neil knows Frank says no unless Courtney tells. Victor says he wouldn't be surprised and starts to say something else about her but Courtney walks in. Courtney and Frank snap at each other. (Frank should get a rabbies shot if he is going to hang around that dog.) Courtney tries to make conversation with Neil as he eats his breakfast but he just glairs at her. She tries to tease him into smiling and he gets really mad. He informs her he is spending the day with Frank and then hanging out with Serena. He then gets up and gose over to the phooze ball game. Frank sits down next to Courtney. She thinks he has caused this Frank says it's not his fault, and she should be thankful that he's talking to her. Courtney wants him to be doing more then talking to her and dosn't like Neil spending so much time with Joe. Frank says he's not having that conversation with her again and that if she dosn't back off she'll loose Neil all together. Courtney says she'll leave for now. She says by to Neil but Neil dosn't even turn around just waves his hand. Courtney leaves very up set. Joe is at the six floor nurses station. He wants to know where Gabrealla is. She's in the ER but will be back. The tests have arrived and Denease hands them to Joe. Joe gose over by himself (I don't know why he wants to be alone to read this. I mean at that point we have know Idea and either dose Joe of what it will say. I"d want my family or at least a friend there JMHO) He tears it open and reads for a minute then sighs with relief and smiles he's negitive. Then tells Denease to tell Gabrealla that he's taking a short break. He runs off nearly coliding with Ian. Joe his heading into the recovery room when Gabrealla aparently done in the ER comes racing after him. She runs up and asks Well? Joe looks at her and smiles they excitedly hug and Joe twerls her around. Gabrealla expclaims that she new he'd be okay. Joe sighs with relief and lets Gabrealla hold him. (Nice to see a man leaning on a women for a change on a soap). Mary and Victor are watching from the window and are over joyed at seeing that he's negitive. Frank is at the hospital looking for Joe Denease tells him that Joe is on a break. Neil comes over looking quite upset. Frank wants to know what is wrong. Neil explains he bought this paper cause Eric Karose is in it. Frank teasingly says did he not mention you or something. Neil hands him the paper. It says HIV Positive Doctor At General Hospital Patients at Risk. Frank has a very upset look in his face.

Okay else where today on PC :-)
Kevin is sleeping on the couch crying out Grace's name. Eve comes running and tries to wake him up. Kevin wakes up screaming and thinking Eve is Grace yells Damm you and shakes her. (Damm you is right he needs Lucy ) Eve looks rather frightend. They talk about Livvie and how Eve dosn't want Kevin treating her. Kevin won't stop. Eve wants to go on a vacation Kevin wants to stay and work. There is to much to be done to leave. Things aren't settled. Livvie shows up Eve is upset and dosn't want her to stay Kevin gives Eve a rather exsasperated look and she leaves for work. Livvie wants to be hipnotized so she can remember things from when her aunt died. She's sure she knows more then she's remembering. Kevin worns her it won't be easy and it could get scary. Livvie wants to do it and is reasured when Kevin tells her it's helped him a time or to. Kevin hipnotizes her she remembers laughing, singing and snuggiling with her mom. She then remembers playing with her Mom's ring. When she describes it Kevin gets a rather upset and disturbed look on his face he brings her out of the hipnoses. He says he thinks that's enough for her today that he dosn't want to push it. Then ends the session. Livvie loved remembering that time of her life and can't waite for the next session. She leaves Kevin gose to a box he has on a shelf and takes out a ring that looks like the ring we saw in Livvie's flash back. (Okay, what the heck is Kevin doing with the ring in the first place, and how can he be so sure it's the same one. Oh well.)

Okay elsewhere in PC Eve is going to help Ian with his plan of helping Mr. Green with herbs and chines meds along with stuff used to boost the amune system. Boardman stops them and yells at them saying there plan is vudoo. Once he leaves Eve looks at Ian and realizes he's still going to do it. Ian smirks was the ever any doubt. Eve says she's helping. They make sure no one is around and go to give Mr. Green the medicine but when they arrive at his room he's gone.

Well that's it in a nut shell I hope you liked it :-)

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