Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 2-Oct-2000

Author: MCMikeNamara
Posting date: Mon, 02-Oct-2000 6:18:06 PM PST

Act 1

Sixth Floor Nurses’ Station
Frank shows up, newspaper in hand, and kids Joe that he had to hear the results of his HIV test from their mother. Frank assures him that he’s just glad he’s okay but that he might not be after he reads this, showing him the copy of the Inquisitor: “GH Resident HIV Positive – Patients at Risk?” (What year is it in Port Charles – 1986? And this is a national tabloid?)

Jamal’s Apartment
Allison arrives at Jamal’s with muffins and coffee and big plans to unpack all his new gifts. Jamal says he already has plans (to help Frank unpack some stuff at the Recovery Room), but Allison says she’ll wait: “You can run, but you can’t hide, Mr. Woods” and plops down on his couch. He goes to the door, “Watch me,” but turns around and gives her a big old kiss. He leaves, there’s a knock on the door, she answers it – it’s her grandmother (still dressed in the dress that looks a lot like a Starfleet uniform).

Mr. Green’s Apartment
After calling the cops – who can’t help because h e hasn’t been missing for 48 hours, Eve tries her breaking and entering skills by picking the lock, but Ian just tries and opens the unlocked door. The apartment has been trashed, and there are bloody handprints on the wall.

Act 2

Jamal’s Apartment
Alison questions her grandmother about her visit, but Amanda questions where all the boxes have come from – Alison assures her it isn’t stolen. Amanda reminds Alison that she could still be charged for aiding a fugitive. But Amanda let’s Alison know that her daddy has come up with a solution: the lawyers will make it go away if Alison lives with them in Europe. She doesn’t dig that idea: “It’s like house arrest with servants.” Amanda knows that Alison would be unhappy there, so she suggests that she can stay in Port Charles – but only if she gives up Jamal. Alison knows that throwing her in jail is an idle threat, so she won’t back down.

Sixth Floor Nurse’s Station
Gabriela pulls Joe away to ask if he’s seen “that trash in the Inquisitor”; they realize that all the residents are wondering who the “mystery doctor” is. Joe is most worried about Neal; from his hospital stays, all the residents are his buddies, and Neal is worried about their health. Gabriela wishes the general population was so kind, and they both know that Jill must be worried sick.

Mr. Green’s Apartment
Eve and Ian call the police, and fear that it wasn’t just a random break-in – someone was looking for something. They worry that Mr. Green walked in on them, and that those are his bloody handprints on the wall. Ian tries to send Eve back to the car in case the thugs are still around, but Eve tries to send him out there instead. As they argue, a woman’s voice says “Okay, hand’s up, and don’t turn around!” They comply.

Act 3

Mr. Green’s Apartment
The woman’s voice asks what’s up. Ian explains and they slowly turn around, realizing the little woman holding a baseball bat isn’t a threat. They explain that they want to give Mr. Green medical treatment. She seems to trust them, but noticing the mess, says she’s not surprised -- he always said the medical people would get him. Then, noticing the bloody handprints, she wishes she had done something when she heard the fighting early in the morning. Eve and Ian let her know that she called the police, and usher her out to rest before giving her statement. Ian starts to search for clues before the police get there and shut them out of the investigation, and he convinces Eve to help.

Recovery Room
Amanda enters the Recovery Room while Frank and Jamal are unloading boxes. Jamal isn’t surprised – he’s been expecting this visit. Frank leaves, and Amanda recounts the entire trauma that has come into Alison’s life since she met Jamal. Jamal knows that the Barringtons will get Alison cleared of all charges (that threat won’t work on him either), but Amanda changes tactics, reminding him of Alison’s unbalanced mental state and threatens to have her committed to get her away from him. She offers to make the decision easier by giving him money, but he says they can’t afford him. (Thank God we’re avoiding that tired old plot.) Amanda again threatens that he stop seeing Alison or they’ll ship her off

The Halls of the Hospital
Joe asks Jill if she’s okay, but Jill is more worried that the paper is right – that Joe has tested positive. (God, didn’t he tell anybody?) As they start to discuss the situation…

Sixth Floor Nurse’s Station
…a snippy woman confronts Alan loudly. Gabriela, Joe, and Jill listen to her berate the diplomatic Dr. Q that during her tummy tuck she could have been exposed to AIDS. She argues the points of article, Alan reminds her sternly that it’s an unfounded rumor, that at GH the patient’s health comes first, etc. He sends her (via an unlucky passerby named Raj) to Dr. Boardman. Gabriela takes an obviously shaken Jill to the nurse’s lounge for coffee. Alan asks Joe how he’s holding up; Joe tells him about the 2nd test (see he didn’t tell anyone!) Alan vows that he’ll support all the doctors and nurses throughout this witch-hunt.

Act 4

Sixth Floor Nurse’s Station

Later in the day, Raj, the unlucky schlep from before, starts talking about the HIV rumor – how it was like working at a leper colony. Gabriela and Jill listen, and Alan and Joe turn the corner. Alan silences him and makes a short speech about how they will act like professionals through this, how they will not turn to idle gossip, and that all questions – including those from the patients and the media – should be directed to him.

Mr. Green’s Apartment
As the police show up outside, Eve finds a medical bracelet of Mr. Green’s in couch cushions. It’s from an unknown hospital and is marked with the dates of blood tests. They give it to the police who send them out the hall. Ian vows to track down the mystery hospital; Eve tells him they’ll do it together.

Jamal’s Apartment
Alison is unpacking stuff when Jamal enters. He’s colder than before – saying again that he’s going to return the stuff, etc. He wants to talk but she can tell she’s getting dumped – but she won’t stand for it. She reminds him of their earlier kiss – how she felt his heart beating. He can’t explain the passion. But she demands to know what has changed. He says he’s wised up. Alison is tired of getting led on again -- “How many times in a row?” She tells him to go to hell. But as she leaves the apartment – she screams. Jamal runs to her side; they look down, and he holds her.

Next Time On Port Charles
Livvie to Lucy at the PC Hotel: Can you look at me knowing I’m Rachel Locke’s daughter and not hate me for what happened too?

Jamal to Alison at the hospital: It’s time we go our separate ways

Eve, to Chris, with the other residents gathered: So what’s so important?
Chris: I want to know who’s stupid enough to make the pages of the National Inquisitor.

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