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Port Charles Update for Monday, 23-Oct-2000

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Mon, 23-Oct-2000 6:30:06 PM PST

Dr. Boardman, in his best I-have-a-stick-you-know-where mode, accuses Ian of being murderer; calls for security and the police while Eve and Ian mainly just stare all stunned. Back in Lucy’s hotel room Livvie is feeling tired but it’s a good kind of tired that comes from getting all mad. She is very Scarlet O’Hara-ish with her “Tomorrow is another day” attitude, one which Chris appears to greatly approve of. Livvie feels Chris changed her whole life, Chris is just getting started (if she only knew.) Back in the Lighthouse Kevin wants to know the truth and he’ll be ready for it whenever it comes. Well there’s no time like the present and Lucy blurts out that Livvie is indeed his daughter.

Roll credits.

See all the cute little names?

Okay, back at the Lighthouse, Kevin is equal parts stunned and angry. Lucy admits to running the DNA test behind his back. She tells him how she took their hair samples and the test came back conclusive. Kevin, very aghast, tells Lucy that he told her things he shared with no one else, not even Eve, and in return she betrayed both him and Livvie. Lucy doesn’t care that Kevin is mad, she is just glad he knows and that no matter how hard Estelle and Rachel tried to keep Livvie and Kevin apart, the universe had other ideas. Kevin mutters that the universe is about 18 years too late.

Plus there is the small problem that Livvie wants nothing to do with Kevin, Lucy assures Kevin that all will be well when Livvie knows the truth. Kevin yells – I just love the way that guy yells – sigh – ah where was I? – oh “It’s not that simple.” Lucy wants Kevin connected with his daughter and Kevin in a lashing out kind of way tells Lucy she can’t use him to get her happy ending (the one she missed out on with Christina.) Lucy wants KEVIN to have his happy ending because he’s her bestest friend and all that. Kevin has to tell Eve before he can tell anyone else, even Livvie. He tells Lucy that no one deserves to have their life turned upside down – not Livvie and not Eve. Kevin wants Lucy to go, but she has one more thing to tell him. She had to run the DNA test because she couldn’t handle the way everyone was lying to him. Kevin points out that was exactly what Lucy did. Lucy is okay with Kevin being mad at her because she knows it’s really the situation he’s mad at. Kevin really needs to be alone, Lucy leaves.

Back at the crime scene, aka hospital room, Garcia is asking Ian about Bob Green. Ian claims innocence, as does Eve on his behalf. Mark thinks Ian killed Green with a morphine overdose. When Boardman brazenly threatens Eve she reminds him that she has the truth on her side and friends on the board. Eve later meets Ian on a park bench and she informs him that life has certainly been exciting since he came to town. Ian points out the full moon, but it’s really Eve he wants to stare at. Eve decides it’s time to go home.

Chris and Livvie are outside on a car and it’s time to talk about Chris. Always forthcoming Chris admits he does have brothers and sisters (wow that is so much more information than we knew before – could one’s name start with a J?). Kevin is standing outside the Lighthouse brooding (I could have called that one.) Eve joins them there and for a peaceful moment they enjoy the night and the stars and reminisce about how close they were the night of the Nurses’ Ball. Kevin thought then that they were untouchable.

Kevin only wants to be the best husband; Eve wants to be the best wife and friend. She tells Kevin that Bob Green died and that Ian is taking the fall, Kevin pretends sympathy but doesn’t do a good job of it (for Ian). They need quality time they agree, just the two of them. Kevin is all for a fire and some togetherness, but first he has something he needs to tell Eve. Lucy and Ian meet at the park, Lucy recognizes it’s the spot where they first met and where Livvie first entered their lives. It has a strong karmic field says Lucy. Ian will take her word for that. Lucy wonders about doing the right thing and then finding out maybe it wasn’t, Ian does what he feels is right and Lucy needs to go tell Serena a bedtime story and Ian thinks that Lucy probably tells a hell of one and so they part.

Kevin brings up Livvie, which immediately brings up Eve’s shackles. Kevin insists that Livvie is NOTHING like her mother (thank you very much) but Livvie doesn’t think Kevin sees Livvie for the whiny manipulator she is. Eve calls Kevin defensive, she thinks he is judgmental and obsessed to boot. Eve wonders if Kevin has gotten off on playing the white knight to Livvie’s damsel in distress and wonders if Kevin is attracted to Livvie. You know better than that insists Kevin. Eve sadly says that she thought she did. Eve goes to bed, alone. Leaving poor Kevin staring in the darkness. Alone.

Chris and Livvie are lying on the car, staring at the stars, and musing about the strong connection they feel. Chris tries out the connection by kissing Livvie. Livvie is pleased and confused. Chris insists he would never take advantage of Livvie. Livvie feels safe with Chris.

And I have to run – there’s a Lighthouse I need to go visit....


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