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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 28-Nov-2000

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Tue, 28-Nov-2000 10:02:25 PM PST

Kevin is furious with Lucy for lying to him on the phone about how serious her condition was as he was on the hunt for Livvie. He told her how much she means to him and that she could have denied him a chance to say goodbye (as usual, Kevin got over it). Joe begins to suspect that Ian has feelings for Eve (psychic Lucy figured this one out long ago). Livvie accuses Eve of wanting her mother to die, but says, "Now that we know I am Kevin's daughter, you will have to deal with me, like it or not!" Eve admits to some mistakes but only cared about Kevin. As this "row" was going on, Ian arrived at the hospital (sure spends alot of time there for not working there...more on that later) and tells Livvie she should be grateful for Eve, it was her that made it possible to find a cure for her grandmother (that Ian is such nice guy). Livvie is shocked to find that Ian administered the cure to Estelle, and softened a bit, thanking both Eve and Ian for saving her grandmother. Gail tells Livvie that her mother may never be the same, and should be moved to a facility. Real father-daughter bonding occurs when Kevin offers to take care of the details for her so Livvie can spend what little time she has left with Rachel. Eve then tells Kevin that Livvie should live with them, to which (of course) Kevin was touched. Ian pays a visit to Lucy and she tells him that she "pulled some strings with the hospital board" and got him reinstated at the hospital and that the clinic will be completely under his control. Lucy hints to him that it will help keep his mind off "other things" (i.e. Eve). He gets the hint. Pictures of Ian and Eve are being developed in the darkroom by a mysterious photographer.
On the next Port Charles...Chris has a run-in with Jack (Alison's "Chandler")

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