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Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 29-Nov-2000

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Wed, 29-Nov-2000 10:51:56 PM PST

Alison is having a "little trouble" finding a job and becoming that self-sufficient person (the things love will do for you). Frank wants to hire her as a waitress (she may have to take it). Outside Rachel's room, Kevin asks Eve if she is sure she wants Livvie to live with them and Eve tells him that she made some mistakes with Livvie but that she loves Kevin and this is the right thing to do. She tells Kevin she will do whatever it takes to hang onto their dedication to each other. Eve urges Kevin to tell Livvie they want her to live with them right away. Livvie runs into Chris outside Rachel's room also (lots of action there). Livvie is angry at Chris for telling the police he wanted Rachel blown away. Livvie says she heard him tell them that in the stairwell. Chris says he was just worried about her (yeah, right). Chris says he will be there for her whenever she is read. Chris leaves and Kevin finds Livvie sad and distraught. Livvie reaches out to Kevin and hugs him when he says he would do anything to make the hurt go away. Pictures of Eve and Ian are developing in the dark room again (this is puzzling even me). Jack (aka, Alison's "Chandler") is asking Jamal and Allison questions about Rachel (why???) Jack also wants to know about Livvie but Allison and Jamal dont know alot about her. Amanda Barrington sees Jamal and Allison and tells Allison she is ready to "forgive" her. Amanda has arranged for all the employers at the mall to refuse to hire Allison. Allison is incensed with this (that Amanda has alot of power). Lucy gratefully thanks Eve for helping develop the cure and treating her. They banter a short time, but then Lucy moves in for the kill. Lucy tells Eve that she cares about Kevin, and that Eve's marriage to Kevin could change very quickly if Eve doesn't stop playing footsie with Ian. When Eve accuses Lucy of wanting to cut in, Lucy says she wouldn't because she can see Kevin loves Eve. Eve says she loves Kevin very much and that's why she is having Livvie live with her and Kevin. Lucy disagrees. She thinks Livvie should live with her. She's had enough disruptions in her life and it's best if she is with her. Kevin tells Livvie he wants her to live with him and Eve. Livvie is feeling a little guilt at thinking about a home when Rachel is in the hospital in such a bad state, but Livvie assures Kevin she will let Rachel know how much she loves her. Amanda urges Allison to come home, but much to Amanda's dismay, Allison tells her she and Jamal are living together (oh, the horror!). Amanda says Allison doesn't belong with Jamal, but Allison assures Amanda that she and Jamal love each other, and it's a more honest love than the Barrington's have for Allison. Jack has a runin with Chris, and is disgusted that Chris doesn't even recognize him (hmmmm). Livvie tells Rachel they are going to be moving her soon to a place where she can get better. Lucy is getting discharged (here comes trouble). Livvie decides she would like to stay with Lucy for awhile but thanks Eve for suggesting she live with her and Kevin.
On the next Port Charles, Ian tells Joe he's moving on (say it aint so!), Jack asks Livvie to tell him what she wants, and Kevin asks Eve about her and Ian!

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