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Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 6-Dec-2000

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Wed, 06-Dec-2000 8:18:11 PM PST

The aftermath of the explosion hits Port Charles. Livvie goes to see Kevin and a heartbroken Kevin shares "Eve memories" with her. Scott came to see Lucy at the Port Charles hotel and Lucy told him about Ian and Eve and the explosion. She also told Scott that Eve may have been "less than perfect". As Scott was expressing his disbelief over Eve's death, Serena overheard, and told Scott and Lucy to take her to see Kevin, but they needed to stop by the firehouse first so she could get something to give to Kevin. When they arrived at Kevin's, Scott and Serena expressed their condolences. Serena gave Kevin a stuffed elephant that Eve had given to Serena when Serena was blind. Eve had told Serena that if she slept with the elephant every night, that Eve would come to her in her dreams. Serena told Kevin to sleep with the elephant and Eve would come to him in his dreams (this one tugged on the heart!). Ian and Eve wake up in a dungeon with headaches and a few questions. Eve pushes Ian to tell her who brought them there and why. Enter- the bad guys. They rough up Ian a little and one man tells Eve she is even prettier than her pictures (explains all the pictures being developed that have occured over the last few weeks!). The guys leave and Eve has even more questions. Ian tells her that the man's name is Harris. He is a multi billionaire. Ian thought he had killed him once. When Ian was in the "Doctors without limits" group, he was in a charming little village that was suddenly hit by a disease. Thirteen children were struck with the disease. Ian worked on an antecdote and once he had the cure, he ordered the supplies and the plane was on it's way to the village with the supplies for the cure. Harris hijacked the shipment and the children died. As he breaks down while telling Eve, she hugs him and Harris and his guys walk in. He had the guys punch Ian a few more times and said he wanted Eve. Ian told Harris he would kill him if he touched her (obviously if Ian is detained in any way, that probably wont happen) but Harris told him that for trying to kill him before, he had to pay for that in human sacrifice. As Gabby and Joe examine their love for each other after the explosion and loss of their friends, Gabby tells Joe she wants to make love to him. Joe tells her he doesn't feel right until he has his last negative AIDS test, but she tells him that there are precautions they can take and that the feelings of their heart are what's important. She finally convinces Joe, who tells her he would like to take her someplace special.
ON THE NEXT PORT CHARLES.....Allison tells Jamal all she wants is for the two of them to be together, Harris tells Ian he spent the night with Eve, and Eve is being tortured by Harris.

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