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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 12-Dec-2000

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Fri, 15-Dec-2000 4:55:26 PM PST

Due to yesterdays preemption-Port Charles had a quick re-cap of what would have been shown Monday.
Lucy finds Kevin in a room of fire. He had been in a drunken state, fell and was knocked unconcious, thereby knocking over a burning candle. He didn't much care, as he was so distraught after finding out Eve had the hots for Dr. Ian! Kevin tells her to leave him to die, and when she says if he dies, she will die with him, he comes to his senses and gets her out. Lucy takes Kevin back to her room at the Port Charles Hotel.
Kevin (still in his drunken state) tells Lucy he cares for her and starts to kiss her. Lucy is confused, as (of course) she loves Kevin but doesn't want him "that way". After arriving at the hotel, Lucy finds Ian's letter to Eve and questions Kevin.

Upon seeing a picture fall out of Jack's jacket, Chris questioned him on why he had it and revealed in front of Livvie that the picture was of him and his little brother. Wala- enter little brother Jack! Livvie pleads with Chris to give Jack a break. Obviously Jack is hurt because Chris didn't recognize him. Chris invites Jack back to his place to catch up. Jack lashes back at Chris by telling him he doesn't know or care about him. Livvie later shares the Chris/Jack(aka Chandler) secret with Allison. Livvie also tells Allison about how she met Jack. Allison tells Livvie to trust her heart and perhaps take a break from both guys to pull herself together. Later- Chris hires someone to "do a job" (we assume it has something to do with Jack).

Ian tells Eve that he came back to the recovery room to find her before he left town to give her a disk with Rachel's research information on it. Eve calls his bluff. Ian tells Eve he wishes she were not with him so she wouldn't be in any danger. Harris tells Ian that Eve was a prostitute, Ian defends her and Eve tells him it was true. Ian and Eve continue to work on a cure for Harris.

On the next Port Charles... Jamal doesn't want Allison to know what he's doing, Gabby talks to Joe about their upcoming romantic weekend getaway, and Livvie catches Kevin making the moves on Lucy.

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