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Port Charles Update for Thursday, 4-Jan-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Fri, 05-Jan-2001 7:24:36 PM PST

With heating problems in a very cold Port Charles, New York afflicting Jamal and Allison's apartment, Allison talks Jamal into staying in a hotel for the night, courtesy of her tip money. As they are outside counting her money before leaving, a drunk mistakes Jamal for Allison's pimp. Allison is appalled, but Jamal tries to give her a reality check and explains that people will continue to think that a guy like him could never be with a girl like her. Allison vows that the outside world will not influence their relationship. Meanwhile at the hospital, Lucy is pained to see Kevin hovering over Eve's bedside and vowing to her that he is grateful she came back to him and he will make it up to her. Lucy shares with Victor her sadness in seeing her "Doc" trying to be loyal to Eve, when perhaps she doesn't deserve his loyalty. Ian is also hovering and refuses to leave until he knows Eve is ok. Kevin asks him to give him time alone with his wife. Lucy grills Ian about his and Eve's time together and whether "more" went on, but Ian refused to answer her questions.
On the next Port Charles, Victor announces in the presence of a nervous Lucy that they are closer than ever to finding out who changed the DNA results in the hospital computer, and Eve sees Kevin and Ian at her bedside.

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