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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 16-Jan-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Tue, 16-Jan-2001 8:32:36 PM PST

The ever-present Garcia has shown up at Kevin's to take Lucy downtown for questioning regarding her changing the computer results for Ian and Eve's DNA tests. As Eve hears this she is (understandably) furious. Lucy, of course, tries to talk her way out of it and tells Garcia she will come down "later" but he insists and hauls her off after Lucy reveals that the only person she had told thusfar was Kevin (which makes Eve even MORE furious that Kevin knew). At the station, Garcia tells Lucy he wont talk to her until her lawyer arrives, she says Scott is out of town, and that being the dangerous criminal she is (computer fraud and all) that he should just lock her up and throw away the key. Lucy-be careful what you wish for! Cut to: Lucy looking through the bars of her jail cell! Jack calls Livvie from jail (busy place this night!) and tells her he is being released but wants her to believe him when he says that Chris set him up but there is no way to prove it. So Livvie invites Chris over and tries to seduce him into admitting that he gave Jack the money to keep him away from her. Chris is onto her game (takes a game player to know one I guess!) and he calls her bluff. Jack shows up and Chris leaves. Jack tells Livvie he doesn't want to put her in a bad situation. Livvie just wished she could have helped him. Livvie invites Jack out for a night on the town on her! (Guess Jack spent all his money on her flowers!) Ariana (the girl that hit Eve in the hit and run accident) is hiding out at Ian's place, when her brother finds her and lets himself in (doesn't anyone knock anymore?). Ian arrives home to find Ariana's brother trying to get her to leave with him, and Ian "strongly invites" him to leave. Ariana begs him to go back to the family and tell them he killed her or couldn't find her so that she will be safe. He agrees as her brother to tell the family "something". Outside after he leaves, he phones the "family" and tells them that Ariana is with a guy who is causing all kinds of problems, but vows he will do whatever he has to do.
On the next Port Charles..... Kevin goes to the hotel to check on Lucy, and Livvie tells him Lucy didn't come home all night, and Lucy calls Kevin's to get him to bail her out, and gets Eve instead (guess what she says???)

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