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Port Charles Update for Monday, 29-Jan-2001

Author: bradleyteach
Posting date: Mon, 29-Jan-2001 5:38:09 PM PST

Ian arrives at the hospital and questions Arianna about what happened to the guard he hired. He asks her if it’s true that Ben is having her deported and she refuses to talk to him about it. Ben arrives and tells Ian it’s too late for him to do anything more to help Arianna. Ian tells Ben to stay away from Arianna and Ben threatens him. Ian insists he will protect Arianna at all costs. Ben and Ian talk outside Arianna’s room. Ian’s insistence that what Arianna’s rape was in no way her fault falls on deaf ears. Nothing Ian can say will change Ben’s mind, and he will carry out what needs to be done no matter what. Each tries to enlighten the other on his idea of honor but clash over their cultural differences. Ian makes the point that we don’t kill to erase our mistakes. When Ian enters Arianna’s room again, she questions what happened to Ben and is looking really nervous and completely defeated – does she fear for herself or for Ian? She is ready to give in and accept her fate but Ian has other ideas.

Meanwhile, Eve, when asked if she will love, honor and cherish Kevin forever, has flashbacks of making promises of love to Ian. Eve breaks away from the ceremony, leaving the guests perplexed. Kevin tends to her with concern but she tells him they must cancel the renewal of the vows, that things between them just haven’t felt right and they’ve been trying to force their relationship. Kevin admits that it’s not just her feeling that way, something between them has changed. Kevin wants to work things out, but Eve needs to be alone. Kevin, looking devastated, wipes her tears and as Eve walks away, he calls her name, but when she turns to him he says “nothing.” With his voice breaking, Kevin informs the guests that the ceremony is being postponed. The party breaks up.

Alison and Livvie end up going out for something to eat. Alison tries hard to convince Livvie to forget about Jack, that he’s a loser and she’s way too good for the likes of him. Livvie, however, can’t turn off her feelings for him that easily.

Alone in his bedroom, Kevin sees himself and Lucy making love when Eve was “dead”, replays finding Eve after the car crash and envisions tending to Eve in the hospital with Lucy in the background; then he recalls the argument with Lucy where she insisted that they belong together. Mac and Victor come to check on Kevin. Mac brings up the subject of Lucy and Kevin tells Mac that Lucy knew he wouldn’t be able to go through with the ceremony and he takes off to find Lucy and apologize.

Jack and Lucy have been busy trying to forget their true loves, with wine, music and heavy flirtation. They finally give in and kiss. Kevin approaches Lucy’s house, tentatively lifts his fist to knock, and instead pushes open the unlocked door. Imagine his surprise when up from the couch sit a scantily clad Lucy (who spent the earlier part of the day insisting that they were each other’s true love) and Jack (his daughter’s boyfriend).

Eve goes to the hospital to find Ian, and bursts into Arianna’s room announcing “I remember how we fell in love!” and stops short with a surprised look. Tomorrow we’ll find out if it’s because the room is empty or because she recognizes Ian’s friend as the woman who ran her over or something completely different. I predict it’s because the room is empty, leaving Eve as I expect she will find herself once this saga ends – ALONE.

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