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Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 31-Jan-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Wed, 31-Jan-2001 9:48:56 PM PST

After arriving at the cabin, Ian assures a frightened Ariana that he will keep her safe. Ariana tries to get Ian to open up and talk about Eve, as the cabin obviously holds special memories for him. However, he declines. Eve is taking Ben to the cabin for Ariana, unaware that Ben is the very person Ariana fears. Ben tells Eve that Ariana was the woman who hit her with the car. He tells her Ariana is a pathological liar and has many problems, and he needs to take her home to get the help she needs. Eve is just anxious to tell Ian she remembered everything. Ben suggests that Eve go in first to calm down Ariana before he comes in.
Kevin, Lucy and Jack are confronted by Livvie who wants to know why Jack was there. Kevin and Lucy try to cover, but Livvie insists on the truth, and finally Jack tells her that he came there to see her to tell her she was right to dump him...he's not good for her. Then he picked up his coat and left a stunned Livvie, who quickly followed. Kevin expresses his anger to Lucy, whom he caught under the sheets with Jack. However, Lucy told Kevin right where to stick it! She told him he told her to get out of his life once and for all and that's what she did. He can't just waltz back and try to run her life. The conversation (argument) ended with Lucy telling Kevin she wanted him out of her life once and for all, and Kevin stormed out. Livvie went down to the waterfront, knowing she would find Jack there, and she did. He told her he used her, and got what he wanted and that was all there was. Livvie is hurt, only half believing him, and told him she hated him, slapped him and left. Jack felt bad for hurting her, but did so in her best interest.

On the next Port Charles...Frank and Karen plan a date, and as Eve knocks on the door of the cabin (bad things happen when Eve comes a knockin!) Ben breaks down the door to find that Ian and Ariana have fled!

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