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Port Charles Update for Friday, 2-Feb-2001

Author: flapwoman
Posting date: Sat, 05-May-2001 12:59:21 PM PST

Kevin finds Karen at the Recovery Room and asks her where Eve is. Jack comes in. Kevin hears him leave a message with the bartender for Jamal. He's leaving Port Charles. On his way out, he bumps into Chris and tells him the same thing. Karen tells Kevin that she has an idea where Eve may be, but since they are both her friends, she doesn't want to get in the middle of it. Kevin deduces, because of Karen's reluctance to answer, that Eve is with Ian. Karen says that she honestly doesn't know if Eve is with Ian. Kevin says he's going to stop looking for his wife because she obviously needs her space. Jack tells Chris that he isn't leaving town because of him. Chris did not "beat" him. Chris can't buy someone's love and Jack knows that Livvie will always love him.

Ben drags Eve back into the cabin. He says that he knows she was calling Ian. She says she was calling the hospital to see if Ian was there. Ben hits the redial. When Ian's cell phone rings, Arianna begs him not to answer it. She thinks it's Ben. Eve knocks the phone to the floor as she and Ben struggle. Ian answers his cell and hears Eve crying for help. Ian and Arianna rush out. Ben verbally bullies Eve, but of course she lets him have it right back. When Ian comes through the door, Ben grabs Eve and tells Ian that he'll trade Eve for Arianna. Ian refuses. Ben taunts Eve that Ian chose Arianna over her. Eve begs Ben to ease up on his grip. She can't breathe. She finally gets away. Ian and Ben struggle. Ian keeps slugging Ben. Eve pulls him off Ben. They embrace. When they've decided that Ben will be ok, Eve explains to a confused Ian why she was with Ben. Her face beams like a child as she starts to tell him why she was looking for him. In walks Arianna. She apologizes to Eve for everything. Eve tells her not to worry. They will find a place for Arianna to live. Arianna isn't worried. She tells Eve that she and Ian got married.

Lucy looks at a wine bottle and glass. She has flashbacks of Kevin walking in on her and Jack. Livvie comes to see her and says that she talked to Jack. She tells Lucy "he told me the truth. He told me everything." Lucy drops the glass. Bracing herself for the answer, Lucy asks what Jack told Livvie. Livvie tells how Jack was just using her to get revenge on his brother. She just doesn't understand. She heard him talking to Kevin recently and he said how much he cared about her. Why has he done such a complete turnaround? Something must have happened. Livvie asks Lucy what she thinks. She met Jack..... does she think something happened? Lucy says that maybe things are just the way Jack says they are. Livvie says that she expected a "stand by your man" speech from Lucy. Lucy explains that sometimes, even when someone loves you back, it just doesn't work out. She's going to a spa for a few days and wants Livvie to go with her. Livvie declines. Lucy gives her a key to her house and hopes that Livvie will come to live with her. Her cab arrives. Lucy rushes out. Livvie sees that she left her wallet behind and tries to catch her, but Lucy is gone. Later, Lucy is on a train in a private compartment. After discovering that her wallet is missing, there is a knock at the door. When Lucy sees that it's Livvie with her wallet, she asks her to reconsider going away. Livvie says she is looking forward to being home alone. Lucy is glad that Livvie won't be trying to get back with Jack. When Livvie asks Lucy about her getting together with Kevin, Lucy says she hopes to find a handsome stranger while she's away. Livvie leaves and by mistake, walks into the wrong car. When she sees all the luggage, she tries to get out, but the door is locked. She starts banging on the door and calling for help. She hears someone moving. When she discovers that it is Jack, she assumes that he's following her. He explains that he is stowing away. He's leaving Port Charles. Outside Lucy's compartment, a train conductor tells Kevin that he'll have to share the compartment with someone. Inside, Kevin looks around at all the strange items. When it looks like it's about to dawn on him that Lucy is there, she walks out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, oblivious to Kevin's presence. When she finally sees him, movement of the train throws her into Kevin's lap. (What a surprise!)

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