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Port Charles Update for Thursday, 15-Feb-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Thu, 15-Feb-2001 7:30:00 PM PST

Livvie and Jack are talking under the lights of the valentines day fireworks in the alley behind the recovery room. Jack tells Livvie how much he cares for her. Chris finds Livvie and she leaves, telling Jack she is no longer interested in him.

Ian and Eve are kissing in the alley outside the recovery room, when Arianna comes looking for Ian. She is able to keep Ben from seeing the liplock Ian and Eve are in, but Ben tells Arianna that he will only leave her alone when he finds out that she and Ian are going to have a child, thus believing the marriage is real. Hearing this, Eve leaves the scene and is heartbroken. Kevin agrees to take her home, but only after he "takes care of something" which is roughing up Ian in the alley (now that alley is getting a little TOO much action!).

Lucy presses Kevin to tell her what's going on with he and Eve, and as Kevin gets hot under the collar, the entire recovery room hears that his marriage to Eve is over (everyone seems shocked). Lucy wants to know if its because of her. Kevin doesnt give her the answer she is looking for.

Allison tells Frank she hasn't heard from Jamal, but he went on a job that was supposed to be an "easy payday". Frank is concerned and wishes that Jamal would change his mind, and take him up on his offer for the mechanics job. Jamal backs out of the job at the last minute (just as Frank gets a call that there was a shooting at the warehouse). It appears Jamal backed out before the danger hit (yeah-Jamal)! Jamal shows up at the supposed mechanics shop, and finds out that Allison is the one who put together a shop for him to run. Brains really prevailed!

Chris surprises Livvie with an her own apartment and a roomate in the form of her grandmother. Livvie is grateful and apologizes to Chris for questioning his motives. Livvie tells her grandma that she and Jack are no longer friends. Chris has hired a private nurse to care for Estelle and is having the nurse monitor Livvie's comings and goings, with who and where.

On the next Port Charles... Eve and Lucy face off in the ladies room, and Kevin tells Ian he should leave town for everyone's sake, including Eve's.

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